Game is total shit

>game is total shit
>gets a sequel while your favorite game doesn't

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe you have shit taste?

dumb ratposter


even worse

>favorite game doesn't get a sequel for years
>shitty company buys the IP
>completely different group of people work at the studio now

rip blizzard
rip black isle

>game you love but wasn't super popular gets a sequel

Got monkey paw'd by the PS4 but fuck yeah Gravity Rush 2.

>cod every year
>indie garbage every year
>meanwhile we have to wait 15 years for shenmue and devil may cry sequel

>OP posts a thread
>Is a dumb hamsterposter

>devil may cry

To be fair that series got like 4 games in 7 years. That's not exactly suffering.

But FLCL is getting a sequel

Now I love me some FLCL, I truly do. But does it really need a sequel? I mean, what else can you do with it?

>reddit spacing
>bumping off-topic thread
you have to

They're trying to grab the nostalgia fag audience who caught it on Adult Swim.

Fuck Toonami is even funding it, it might as well be a western cartoon.

I don't even know what reddit spacing is.

>game that's super popular but isn't your cup of tea gets a sequel
>that obscure game that only you and a few other people like doesn't

>Favourtie IP is unused / In limbo / Development hell.

it's using too many "," and "?"

That's just how I type. It's always been that way. Besides, I did ask 2 questions in sequence.

>it's using too many "," and "?"
That's not what reddit spacing is you meming fuck

this is reddit spacing

learn your shitposting memes faggot


This all seems rather contrived.

thank you for destroying the joke you fucking hipster

Boy oh boy I can't wait for season two of this awesome anime so shitposters like you can have more shitposting material! WOOHOO!

at least it's better than Overwatch waifus or flavor of the month marketing

You think Umaru has a shot at a second season?

>game is total shit
>gets a sequel
>the sequel is GOAT

I feel like this would happen if Remember Me got a sequel.

>favorite game
>gets a sequel announced
>totally changes everything about it
>uses an engine for a completely different kind of game
>retards still lap it up

i want to get off mr bones wild timeline

Banjofags know your pain.

u r whore with no standards.along with ur sheep friends make industry decline by buying unimaginative pasta sequels now suk my balls n go back to ur farcry


>You think Umaru has a shot at a second season?

I dunno man you tell me


Yeah so many GW1 fans i talk to say this, they had a winning formulae and decided to star wars prequel it


In my defense that article appears to be less than a day old. Still, holy shit.

The anime was huge. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone.

>anime is loved and adored by everyone who has good taste
>gets a season 2
Feels amazing

Was it? I just knew it as a FOTM thing around here and Sup Forums. Wasn't paying attention to its actual popularity.

Whoa Japari Friends got a S2?

>it's a level where your equipment gets stolen

>this happens in a survival horror game

umaru on the front page!

Stop posting this hamster or I'll post the doujin where her brother confuse her with his onahole.

>Japari Friend
Fuck off.

Toonami also partially funded Space Dandy and Big O S2, but I don't think people call those Western cartoons

Post the sauce you dirty little slut

And Space Dandy was one of the most creatively diverse and fun anime of the past 5 years.

>Series you only think is okay gets games explaining stuff that doesn't need to be
>One of your favorite series will never get a game explaining it's greatest mystery.

season 3 never

I wish Sony would make another War of the Monsters game.

What is video-games for 500?

>metal arms 2 never ever

why blizzard why

Ape Escape got 2. Knack will die after 2 hopefully.

So I guess I can;t complain.

Why is Onii-chan crying?

what's this ?

>The shitty company who bought the IP to one of your favourite series doesn't even know it exists
>It will never ever get any attention or new games ever
>You can't even do anything with it because that shitty company owns it



holy shit what
how long ago was season 2 announced? How much hype did I miss?

Don't worry Hamster, it was only announced yesterday

oh good

I want to fuck this hamster.

RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my game isn't getting a sequel reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

dumb guinea pig poster