Alone a saturday night?

Alone a saturday night?
No friends?
No girlfriends or girlfriend dumped you?
Girl rejected you?
You got fired?

Things are sour, things are dry.
One word:

Don't worry, nothing as good as 3 glasses of Whisky and all troubles are gone.

I drink for you all Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Drink on brother.

I got a bottle of fireball thinking that I remembered liking the taste. It's like a bottle of flu medicine and I can't keep it down. I wish I had some beer.

At work for 5 more hours. Have one for me

Let Swery65 be your guide to Japan's night life.

It's 9 am you fucking alcoholic!

I'm having chilled vodkah shots chased with sprite because Alcoholism is real.

Wine is better.

mix it with eggnog, trust me

Nigga, it's fucking Sunday morning.

I may be a complete fucking autistic NEET, but at least I'm not an alcoholic.
Go drink yourselves into comas, losers.

I don't have eggnog

I don't think he'll be leaving his domicile, user.
Thanks for the tip though!

All I have to drink is goon and cheap beer. I wish I had whiskey.

It's pretty good with dr pepper

Vodka tastes better warm. All liquor does. Only underage fags freeze thier shit.

Gladly, go autism yourself into a life of eternal virginity

Can't keep it down otherwise, its not top brand stuff.

That's fucking shit bait and you're a terrible person for posting it.

I got off work a while ago.

>can't stand the taste of alchohol, so I've never been drunk
I even tried getting a beer recently to see if I'd feel buzzed or whatever . Got through most of the can before just saying fuck this and poured the rest out

got myself a bottle of jesse james bourbon and some dragons dogma to play.

drink on fellow Sup Forumstard

Wrong, liquor is usually better freezing cold

>drinking alcohol ever

This is even worse than still living at home after the age of 18?!

Fuck off yuronigger I can drink whenever I want !

I spent all night getting drunk. Then I talked for an hour about how I need to break up with the girl i've been trying to break up with for a year. Now i'm going to drink some more.

At least there's always Sup Forums.

You will become one once you have life coming to remove you from neethood

No, it really isn't. Why do you think bars have spirits on optics stored at room temperature?


you fags are no better than fucking stoners and I can't wait for Lord Trump to instill global shariah on you fucking degenershits.

scotch is the only way I can drown my sorrows, uh I mean yeah I was playing tf2 and rimworld. Vidya right?!!

Trying to get rid of the habit of drinking home alone, sorry

Yeah because prohibition worked so well last time

Weed is illegal. Alcohol isnt. Check and mate.

how do you cope user?

this is pure 100% bullshit
when I was NEET I was drinking everyday.
then I got arrested, forced to sober up or face prison time and believe it or not, sobering up allowed me to get a job, move out of mommy's basement and even get a girlfriend.
dump out that fucking glass already.

>Jack Daniels

I rather drink dish cleaning liquid tbqh

What if I want to drink whiskey with friends instead of the nasty rum they like so much?

I wish, don't even have shekels to buy alcohol. WHat the faster way to kill yourself, Sup Forums?

Started running. We'll see if it works out though

I prefer gin.


>Amerifats in charge of grain-based alcohol

Are you fucking retarded, thats 100% wrong

Go drink a room temperature vodka and a ice cold one and the ice cold one will be infinitely better.

God damn underage shitposter

I prefer to main yoshimitsu myself.

If you had to do actual physical work to support yourself you'd have a very different opinion on the matter. There's a reason alcohol was/is considered the working man's medicine.

but wubwubwuwbwub bro,

Stop drinking piss beer lad

It's Sunday you autistic horsefucking retard

Start off with sweet premixed spirits and work your way up to manly stuff like beer and whisky.


>living in meme timezones

Weed is a gateway drug for degenerates with irreversible damage no matter how much or little you smoke.

Alcohol isnt in moderation.

>Getting arrested and facing prison time
>While as a NEET
Yeah not everybody's a fucking sociopath like you.

even non-physical, I work at a call center, I need a drink twice a week to get the edge off.

best of luck to you mate

Tom Colins is nice.

Whisky is what people who want to pretend they are sophisticated but are actually shallow drink.

pass the whiskey

>smoke weed erry day
>start drinking every day
Someone please just kill me

>I am incapable of enjoying a few pleasures of life without descending into degeneracy.
>Everyone else is as weak-willed as I am.
Fuck off.

>stopped drinking at home
>switched from regular cola to diet
>went from overweight to normal BMI in a year without exercise or any other diet changes

I miss rum & coke, though.


Keep doing what you're doing

Jack Daniels is over priced trash. Evan Williams if you want something smooth and affordable.

I have no issues spending money on quality, but Jack is just not worth 40$ a bottle.

>getting in a fight with my dad makes me a sociopath

oh wait I forgot, Sup Forums's full of cum guzzling sissies who never grew up with a father

What the fuck did you get arrested for.

I was a heroin addict for a year and didn't even get arrested.

This happened to me, drinking is a much more expensive habit. Even when you try the low brand stuff.

Alri rasheed

>cut out sugar, alcohol and all junk food
>started working out
>on my way to ottermode
Awesome, now I can shitpost on Sup Forums and get angry at fat guys on the internet but feel superior because I have abs.


Not sure I should have realized how well this went together as a nightcap.

Gin is pretentious faggots
Whisky is homo too, especially those bourbon purists. Rye whisky though? That's how you know someone truly hates their self and therefore understands your own pain.

>faggot who needs to drink every weekend in order to "cope" with his bullshit made up self-diagnosed disorders
>not weak-willed

no u shitsmear

Call center jobs can be conservatively considered soul-ripping torture. It's a good thing you only need a drink twice a week; I'd probably be on opiates after a while.

Get a shitty job with no one that you can relate to because they're all white trash/niggers and all they fucking talk about is sports ball and "pro" wrestling, all the while only having a couple of friends left that you haven't become estranged with, and then judge me about my drinking habits.

>>getting in a fight with my dad makes me a sociopath
If you're facing prison time over it, yeah it kind of fucking does lmao.

Yeah it's crazy what giving up "useless calories" can do. Moderation is key in everything

If you get a good weed dealer drinking really is more expensive.

It was Four Peaks Kilt Lifter which is supposed to be good.

You reminded me that mixing a shots worth of Honey Jack with Coke was actually kinda tasty. I might just try that sometime.

You calling rum nasty? You best check yourself fucker.

Who /rum/ here?

Call me a plebe but I still haven't found anything that tastes better than Captain Morgan.

Alcohol tastes like shit I honestly hate drinking.

Tequila is the worst of all liquors.

If you're looking for people who hate themselves just look for the straight vodka drinkers

What are the non meme brands of drinks?

I don't want to drink the normie brands

>he doesn't driink straight everclear

If you need alcohol to numb your problems you need to off yourself

Yes yes, we were all underage like you are once upon a time too.

Now get

How can I kill myself in a peaceful way?

Is hanging myself gonna work?

I always black out on Captain Morgan. When I was 16 I ended up in the hospital because of that shit.

Not an argument

Cry than rub one off than get back to life

just drink gasoline like the worthless chug you are wandering bear

Fuck off nigger. Go watch F1 or something.

Heroin overdose


Drink whatever the hell you think tastes good you fucking hipster.

>he doesnt drink straight bleach

I grew up with a father figure who was actually my father.
I consider him one of the most inspirational and supportive people in my life.
I have never once even considered being physically violent towards him.
Because I am not a sociopath like yourself.

Try bacardi 8yr,

So, you're drinking so much that you get into fist fights with said father figure, possibly facing jail over it, while ALSO being a goddamn NEET, and the single mother anons are somehow bigger losers?

Your dad either completely fucked up in his job, so you have no room to talk, or you're lying for attention.

Either way, please kill yourself.

People who need alcohol in order to properly function, socalise or have fun are failed human beings.

This is fact.

You're not supposed to drink it straight like a pleb that's why you mix your drinks, find what you like. It's all about experimenting

Texas and Mexico have some amazing tequilas.