Are there any games where the MC starts the game somewhat out of shape...

Are there any games where the MC starts the game somewhat out of shape, but gradually becomes more /fit/ as you level up/progress through the game?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fable 1 & 2

GTA San Andreas
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Punch Club

>actually ripping a joke off of MST3K

skyrim with mods

No but see, it has cute muscle girls, so it's better.


who dis

You can kind of role play it in Dragons Dogma but it's not really a feature.

>Fable 2
>Spend entire game using melee weapons
>No matter how supposedly skinny I get, my massive physique makes me look obese


>tfw musclegirls are never this cute in reality
I really hate the third dimension sometimes.

There are a few that are cute though

Not of that size. Getting that huge destroys female features.

Let me go to my pc and I'll list a few that you might like which are pretty big

>Julia Vins (pretty famous)
>Fabi Superpoderosa (her legs are fucking huge)
>Jessica Sestrem
>Kallioph Matraka (i guess you might find her below average/ugly depending on your taste? I think she's cute)
That's all I can think of right now

Cindy Phillips was cute and huge.

Is this game fun?


Please tell me the artist does porn.



He doesn't

God damn it.
I want lewds of this muscle qt.

>Felicia Day is head writer


Don't bully the muscle

I could watch her eat all day.



She's also cute
But I think she has a manly voice due to the roids. I think there's a video of her talking on a jap talk show or something

Do any of you guys have the guy going ahegao with the words "videogames" under it? or any similar reaction pic

Wrong Chunners.

>the high protein + high everything diet

She must be farting continously and it must smell like death


Since it's gonna 404 soon
Do you guys think she's cute? Just curious on some other musclefags' opinions on her

thats one ugly motherfucker

Not really.
And that nose ring doesn't really help.

Come now she's not that horrible, just average

musclethick is the best thick desu

These look like swole manlets, not like amazonian goddesses. Stop posting them, girls this size should have an athletic figure to be attractive

I agree

here's a few fun facts
Most women aren't tall
Most women aren't muscular
And real amazons don't exist in real life

>And real amazons don't exist in real life
Stop hurting me

Not only is your preference in women shit, but you're also wrong.

This desu.

Like this, yes?

Post your great taste and irl amazons then, or don't post at all

Imagine being so gay that you look at women and see men.



My dick is so confused right now

3DPD is disgusting.

2D is fine too.

Embrace it user.

It's just unnatractive, regardless whether this mountain of muscles has a penis or a vagina. Bulking is something for people that have the body for that, not short stacks who want to roleplay as dwarves.



Pokkuti does some good shit sometimes but it really bothers me how all of his faces look the same, and too child-like

There isn't that much difference between the two genders dude. Just remember that you like vaginas and you'll be fine.

>tfw no qt orc gf


This thread is absolutely fucking disgusting.

Reminder that "muscles are for men" is a meme spred by normies and by that same logic it's not gay to fuck a dude if he has no muscle and wide hips

Amen brothers

>it's not gay to fuck a dude if he has no muscle and wide hips

It's not.

that's kinda hot

How about a muscleloli then?

Why are you here then?

>only sometimes

please leave

>tfw no warrior who fights tooth and nail to protect your life, your dignity and your smile. You'll never tend to her wounds while telling her that she's too careless and should be more prudent

>you will never have a gogo gf

Because I hate myself.

I want to buy her ice cream but I'm afraid she would tell me she only eats chicken and brown rice.


It looks like a woman's face shopped onto a dude.

damn Suzy looks great here.

>tfw no hueg daughteru

>Not wanting a gf who could beat up any potential rapist when she's by herself
I'm really tired of cucks desu

Don't these people take that powder stuff that make them look stronger than they really are.

That actually looks like a woman, the rest of the thread is filled with abominations.

Go away trapfucker. This is a musclegirl thread.

>having shit taste

>being a literal faggot

>maro deleted his pixiv


complain about /d/-tier fetishes when you yourself have a /d/-tier fetish


>fucks women
>somehow gay

bi at best user ;^)



Idk, I'm not really into the whole weak useless women meme from the last century.

Muscles give ability, and beyond taking care of themselves and being able to help with heavier tasks, physical competition would actually be fun.

Then fuck off normies
nice retard logic


>2D is fine too.
it's all that is fine, the thread has been ruined by all the 3DPD.

>Muscles give ability, and beyond taking care of themselves and being able to help with heavier tasks, physical competition would actually be fun.
I think the reason why I like muscle on a girl (other than I like how it looks) is because it gives me the idea of a strong woman that knows how to get shit done and doesn't take any bullshit. Unfortunately there don't seem to be many of these type of women irl, let alone beautiful ones

>bioware designs a muscle girl

That's just like your opinion, man.


>the boxing glove guy

i'll never see what he finds so attractive about them.

not muscle but I like it


>powder stuff
You mean protein powder

Willing to be they're all behind his Paytreon

Someone post more gogo