Really enjoying playing through it again. I wish more shooters were like this. Sequel maybe?
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You didn't pay for the remaster, right?
I remember your teamates not shooting or really doing anything in this game. Is that true?
I did
Nah, they engage the enemy. Not sure how effective they are.
Wow lad...
wow they actually took down the original off of steam so that they can charge for this shit
gearbox can't go bankrupt soon enough
Kill yourself Randy
How many copies will this re-release sell?
Go back to twitter randy
>original looks often better
Way to go, PCF and Queerbox.
Based Polish devs.
Go play Painkiller when you're at it.
Go away Randy
>remember liking Bulletstorm but the PC port was ass
>40 fucking euros
>less graphical options than the original
>shitty Duke Nukem DLC
Why does Gearbox turn everything they touch into shit?
So did they really just throw a shitty filter over everything and call it remastered?
What's changed? Is it a good remaster?
Why the FUCK do the original textures look way sharper?
What happened to the skybox?
Pretty much.
The Duke Nukem stuff is also terribly implemented , with the script awkwardly switching between Douk complaining that he's in the wrong game, him suddenly strangely caring for random characters and tons lines not even changed from the original.
Everyone also keeps calling him Grayson and the lip-synching is based on the original dialog so it's completely off half of the time.
Wasn't BADASS enough.
No idea.
not giving a huge discount to people already having the game is a dick move, especially when the original was released during the golden age of piracy
Oh good. Give Gearbox MORE money. You fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why games like Aliens: Colonial Marines exist. Please develop some standards.
>remaster a game
>it becomes worse
They have to make up all the lost money from Battleborn's development somehow...
Thats the weird graphics option that turns it into a brown mess you can turn it off but for some reason its not under the graphics options but under game setting or what ever
You are a cancer, Randy.
I thought Bulletstorm was made by the same slavs that made Painkiller.
>50 dollary doos for a ""remaster"" (another 5 if you want duke nukem to shout memes)
>people like OP actually give in and pay for it
This game was amazing when it camed out. good gameplay, and crative uses of word "dick".
Shame that there will never be sequel. And im not gonna eaven touch the remaster.
The remaster is published by Gearbox who just want a quick buck to avoid bankruptcy. Don't give them money, they don't deserve. Specially not for this "remaster".
>remove gfwl
>add in Denuvo