Is this the new Tortanic?

Is this the new Tortanic?

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It's not like it's a huge thing, it's more of a niche genre, it only has the brand going for it, and whether that's a huge brand is debatable as well. A lot of people have been displeased/cautious of it for a long time. Even if it were to flop really bad at this point I'd hardly call it a Tortanic.

That would imply people are hyped and not cautious.

You mean a game Sup Forums endlessly berates as a failure due to a weak launch, despite the fact it ends up being hugely profitable?????

Or is this le tortanic maymay???

>hugely profitable
Biodrone detected

lol, nope. TOR probably had a much bigger budget, marketing and hype, not to mention that Star Wars are far more popular than W40K. If it's a failure, it won't be a huge one

"tortanic" was actually profitable

After gutting the initial monetization model entirely and remaking it as f2p.

>hugely profitable

Then why does EA never release subscription numbers and all advertisement for the game has completely vanished years ago?

>we got our lore from 1d4chan

this game is beyond fucked

>People want a real RTS like the original that was popular and well-liked
>Pretend like they're making an RTS
>Ends up being some RTS/Moba hybrid abortion.

People wanted another KotOR RPG like the originals that were popular and well-liked
>End up making an RPG/MMO hybrid abortion.

They are similar in some ways.

>we got our lore from 1d4chan

What do you mean? That would make an infinitely better game than anything made until now.
Warhamer 40k's lore is a massive pile of stinking shit. That's why /tg/ made 1d4chan. You either laugh at it or it really has no value at all.

>Listening to post 2009 idiot /tg/.
Whhy would you do this to yourself? /tg/ died a long fucking time ago.

I hope no one agrees with this cuck's opinion

"Hello everyone!

I will try to overlook the game as I have tested it yesterday.

TL>DR> for those who dont want to read:



+Army painter

+Gorgeus army battles

+Gorgeus animations

+Warhammer 40k

+MOBA style RTS gameplay


play speed is TOO SLOW

In army painter figures are too small to see

No players ATM looking for a match takes ages...

Full text:

I love, that it brings the old DOW 1 gameplay style with point captures, listening posts and so on, I really dig that and I have been waiting so long to bring that nostalgia back!

I really like the new addition of MOBA (shield generator, tower, power core) style game to multiplayer, but in my opinion it shouldnt only be this mode, i would really like to see the old good RTS destroy the base , or as it was in DOW 1 listening point domination and so on.

THE BIGGEST CON that I see in this game is that it is TOO SLOW , like come on, we cant choose the speed that we want the game to be played, yesterday when i tried to play as quick as possible the game took 45 mins. I am sorry , but it is boring to watch building of tanks and troops so long and not being able to focus on the fighting where it takes so little time in this game at this moment, something needs to be done about this, either give us a choice to start games at faster pace (i mean overall game speed increasing , not about giving us more starting resources) or reduce the build time of troops, sincerely, i came here not only to build, but to fight!

Thats all folks, I would be really glad to hear your thoughts about this!"

1d4chan is horrible, but people forget that Warhammer 40k is so over the fucking top that it ends up being a parody of other dark sci fi series.


How many modes are there? Just 1?

I see I struck a note, user.
You're an honest, on-the-spectrum autist, aren't you? Get fucked by a nigger and choke on his dick, you Sup Forumsirgin retard.
I bet you haven't even read Yotsuba you autism-bucks consumer.

40k lore is the biggest shlock there is. I've read MLPfanfiction with better writing and stories than the filth you pay governement money for on Shit Library.

> daemonculaba
> dark eldar
> exterminatus meme
> humanity is literally doomed
> corpse emperor
> the grey knights/sororitas incident

I don't see what you mean desu, 40k lore seems perfectly reasonable and grounded to me.

I don't think people like Warhammer 40k for the writing.

They like it for the over the top nature of it.

you are a fucking liar, this games is a fucking mess all centered around fucking heroes and dont let me talk about the new FANTASTIC cover system or the new ambush zone ala League of legends, they messed up pretty bad

I really can't say much about the game, but have watched a gameplay video of it. That said, i actually also like how the rts moba hybrid looks like and the slow game speed keeps it away from being another SC 2 where you need 90+ apm to be at least somewhat competent which in return allows new players to enjoy it more.

So did they already confirm other races as $5-10 DLC or is that still only an unconfirmed 100% chance?

>everything that's not good is le ebin tortanic

I want children to leave.

>"struck a note"
>acts like a triggered bitch

meme more, faggot

>meme more, faggot

The perspective on that picture is so fucked

>this games is a fucking mess all centered around fucking heroes
Wanna know how I know you didn't even played the beta?

>centered around fucking heroes
you mean like 40k?
>it's bad because it was a feature in a genre I dislike
What makes 'stealth bush' bad, on its own?

they confirmed they wanted full expansion packs for factions, but were considering cosmetic DLCs ala DoW2

>40k heroes are small and most armies aren't on life-support and codependent on a hq unit
>DoW3 are tall as fuck warcraft characters, armies depend on a hq unit surviving or they die

>40k heroes are small
Phoenix Lord kills hive fleet.jpg
>armies depend on a hq unit surviving or they die
That's not true.

It's not widely anticipated so no you autistic fuck
No one gives a shit on your retarded game faggot

>40k heroes are small and most armies aren't on life-support and codependent on a hq unit

Have you ever seen 40k?
Just about any army is defined by the big dude leading it. It's never scout squads successfully taking out the enemy HQ, it's always this or that ultra-mega badass re-enacting Musou games and then dueling the enemy's ultra-mega-badass-to-the-max dude.

blah blah


>watch gameplay
>looks like warcraft 3 meets 40k.

Wish we can customize our heroes a bit more desu. I don't want to see gabriel's face all the time.

they are going to add more. This game needs VP capture.

You're missing the Scions, the Inquisition, the Skitarii and the Navy.

t. asshole who never played 40k

enjoy your epic big target hero unit getting sniped by an assassin

well... whats the job?

Really comes down to the objective.

Hows the faction balance looking?

too early to tell.
Orks are the most complex faction due to scrap mechanics
Eldar seem to be micro intensive since they drop like flies once their shields are down

Space marines have the best support units and vehicles.

>great first game opens up the franchise for new people
>"good" second game bringing the whole thing back to tabletop roots alienating all the new people
what will the third game do wrong?

use the term MOBA in marketing
The game has heroes and CoH2 type bulletins to change how units function. Their Marketing department fucked up by using the term MOBA.

hero units mattering more than your fucking army

they literally don't. Macha gets krumped easily and you can kite gabe and gorgutz if you can micro.

I watched the yogscast play it. It looks nice it feels like DoW 1 so it's gonna be good.

>Heroes can hide in bushes

you know, they can hide in the ruins of buildings as well.

You are completely full of shit.

HQ's and characters always do a lot less compared to the rest of the army because they're literally a single fucking unit - meanwhile the rest of your units are going around doing what you need for VP's.

I've never played against a list where the HQ was the lynchpin of the entire force, or seen a list tailored to support a single character.

t. 7th edition babbies

For one, this is how 40k was for a big part of its life.
This is how the lore always portrays it.

you TTbros ready for Age of the Emprah?

>GW splits the mechanicus and skitarii books for maximum jewishness
>now people think they're completely separate factions

People fell for the meme.

Artstyle and animations look like shit.
Gameplay is hero focused MOBAshit.
3 most boring and generic factions on release.
Sequel to the most loved Warhammer franchise so if its a disappointment its going to be blunder of the year.

Gonna be shittt

>Gameplay is hero focused MOBAshit.

It's just a mix of Warcraft 3 (unanimously loved by Sup Forums) and Dawn of War 1.

no one here cares anymore.

I just wanna know if APCs like the Rhino, Falcon or the Trukk can reinforce units.

Go ahead and post a list then, mate, whichever edition you want. Show me the army that has a single character going around winning the game while the troops do fuck all.

Not the same guy, but what about Old Edition Necrons? They used to be Vampire Cunts in Space, before Ward turned them into Tomb Kings in Space.

They can.

>troops do fuck all in dawn of war 3.

well, time to buy then.
IG gonna be so good.

>but what about Old Edition Necrons

What about them? Oldcrons were just destroyer spam.

You weren't going around tabling your opponent with your lord.

>that one guy who just jumps into the middle of a discussion without reading any of the preceding posts

That guy is a faggot.

the guy literally said that troops do nothing in DoW3 and that the army is based around the heroes It is literally wrong. That is how the conversation started.

What about Tau?

Then why the fuck are you responding to me?

The guy is trying to use the tabletop to justify the game state (whatever that may be). Except his knowledge of the game is flat out wrong and that's what I was pointing out.

I changed my opinion about the game after playing the beta, it's fun as fuck and combines best features of DoW1 and 2, the whole "Moba influences" thing was overblown as fuck.

well, have fun user.

>You weren't going around tabling your opponent with your lord.


Anyways, from the eariler posts above I can summarize that 40K fans don't like 40K? Not the writing, aesthetics, and not even the armies. So why buy into it? Is this some sort of reverse cucking?

>you are chilling in your base with your space marine bros when suddenly you hear this playing in the distance

I spam whirlwinds and bury them alive.

whats wrong with 1d4chan?

do you also not like wikipedia? rofl where u get ur source from cnn?

>whats wrong with 1d4chan?

Bad source for lore.

More like Battleborn/Halo Wars 2

it's just edgy kids joking around

Relic enjoyed goofing around with dawn of war and taking the piss out of the 40k universe in all their games

Dawn of war 2 was relic taking the bloody magpie jokes too far and giving you Fulgrim's hammer.

they don't cite any source of all their fanfic bullshit, you tardo lmao

>whats wrong with 1d4chan?
They talk bad about 40k and GW, which triggers fa/tg/uys

The writing of the game is extremely shit. Abysmally shit. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

The plot is that after initial fighting with each other, the Orks, marines, and Eldar will unite to defeat the "Ultimate Evil" lurking in the planet. This is so painfully generic. We did that in Warcraft 3. Fuck you guys. Fuck you.

they take the piss out of 40k's lore.
Then GW does the same and everyone looses their shit.

We did that in dawn of war 1 with the eldar and space marines

now tie a noose and hang yourself.


Thanks for confirming that you know fuck all about the game. The C'tan were fucking shit in their old codex (which is not to say they're any good now).

Nobody ran with the nightbringer or deceiver when that took up points you could spend on destroyers.

On Sup Forums every single new release is the new Tortanic

This is no different than massing 12 battlecruisers and yamato everything

Not really. It's the samefags from /tg/. No only the retarded ones with zero maturity and reading comprehension. They spread lies about the canon which makes it difficult to discuss the setting stories.

For example, they spread the rumor that Trazyn blew up Cadia. It took months for people to get things straight. We couldn't have a proper discussion about the Fall of Cadia because 1d4chaners were poisoning the well with their lies.

Yeah, but you get actual assholes who take it serious

See: Reddit and Arch Warhammer

new meta

m8 1d4chan just collects goofy /tg/ rumors.
>paying attention to current 40k lore.

Arch warhammer is a subhuman and I hope he gets raped by refugees.

40k is supposed to be a somewhat darkly humorous setting, same with WHB. I fucking hated that snownigger's Total warhammer coverage.

Honestly, it might not be THAT bad, as in gameplay/enjoyment, but it's not the game I wanted. Not at all.

>m8 1d4chan just collects goofy /tg/ rumors.

And pass it off and actual fluff making problems for anyone trying to discuss the lore.

>>>paying attention to current 40k lore.
>You shouldn't care about your hobby and passion because I hate it

Fuck you. I hope your loved ones die in a car crash and you get cancer.

>Fuck you. I hope your loved ones die in a car crash and you get cancer.
yeah, it's not like GW takes a shit over all your lore every time a new edition comes out. You faggots are all cucked by GW to such an extent that people making fun of you are the villains.

I hope GW turns 40k into AoS 2.0 so that all you faggots wail and despair.

You mean remove bloated rules and then don't reset the setting?

Sign me in!

>remove everything
>make new setting with multiverses like capeshit.

Every edition since Rogue Trader has assholes like you who shit on people for enjoying things they don't like. People like deserve to die painfully.

>groggy gets triggered

Empirefags sure are butthurt

>making fun of retarded plot points makes you an asshole.

ow the edge

>GW repeatedly said they won't do anything to 40K only move the setting one minute towards minute.

Please go.

>WHFB moves on to superior medium with no interference by GW.

>40k is stuck with their Ynnari elfdar.

I am doing fine senpai, enjoy your new Age of Emperor: Robot saves the day.

>GW will shit over their own lore so that the setting which is one minute from midnight stays there but everything is destroyed.
>"Take that fantasykuks, we are getting our own lore".

> No Rhinos
> No Rhazorbacks
> No Vindicators
> No Landraiders with variants like the Crusader
> Elites are limited so I cant have a Chaplain, Chapter Master, Librarian, Terminators, and Imperial Knight in the same fucking game.
> Everyrhing is handhold turtle city
>No need to ever fucking scout
> No fucking macro play with resource management
> Base building is meaningless
> Retarded fucking animations for "clarities" sake
> No fucking cover system (inb4 muh bubble)
Its just a shit re- imagining of the series that tries to cater to a free to play audience that would never pay 60 dollars for a game like this while shittimg on faithful fans and lore fags with their shit interpretation of the universe. Honestly fuck Relic I hope they go the way of Westwood Studios or Sierra after this debacle rofl.

>Robot saves the day

>gillie man saving anything

Lets see how that faggot handles the first hive fleet to come his way.