It's shit
It's shit
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Why is this on 3DS instead of Switch, again?
worked out pretty well for awakening and fates
shit sells evidently
You don't understand how bad they fucked up.
Casuals won't even finish this game. They managed to fuck up even harder than the original.
not an agument
How do I cancel this shit
Care to tell us in what ways the game failed?
I'm enjoying it simply because of how different it is
Explain how it's shit.
are the maps good?
what's wrong if they cater to the original players of the series? If it bombs and they close shop for good, then at least they went out with dignity.
>Casuals won't even finish this game
>even though it has casual mode
yeah okay then
Yeah we won't understand if you don't tell us you inbred hick
>all these fags in denial
>You awakening/birthright had bad maps? You haven't seen shit yet
>game is tedious as fuck. Game feels more like a chore than fun
>RPG shit is half assed
>terrible class balance
>final boss is an absolute slog
>monster fights flatout suck
>none of the shit that the awakeningfags like at all. This isn't a bad thing, but that shitty fanbase will trash the game even harder
They didn't learn shit from gaiden.
It's the maps, right?
Anyone get to the end yet?
I want to know how they tried to justify TWO falchions this time around.
Before, they were just like "yeah, whatever" but now, it's modern nintendo, so I'm sure they're going to hamfist -some- retarded PLOT in there.
Units shit?
maps shit?
dungeon exploration shit?
story shit? LUL can't be that
Explain why in detail
did they fix the maps
>>none of the shit that the awakeningfags like at all. This isn't a bad thing, but that shitty fanbase will trash the game even harder
It's confirmed not to have the dating sim elements then?
Give me the reasons to cancel my preorder
and not some stupid
"i cant marry my waifu or ship them"
No way, fag.
I don't know how the fuck they thought those maps were okay to keep. It'd be different if they added LODS AND LODS A SOLJAHS to fill the gaps Langrisser style but they didn't.
Ignoring the amiibo units there's only one canon Falchion in this game and its alm only
Game is flawed but alright. You're meming too hard.
Like hell I wouldn't.
Yeah, I know that, doofus.
I'm talking about why the fuck does it exist, if Marth still has HIS Falchion jammed up Sheeda's ass?
They had to make some sort of dumbass justification, right? Unless they actually -bring- Marth's Falchion over this time, in which case, that sorta makes sense, but how could he use it then?
This was a good fap
So is it bad like Shadow Dragon was bad because they stick too close to the original?
I mean, Falchion was always just a sword made from Naga's fang. No reason she couldn't pull out another tooth.
I'm more interested in how they handled Gradivus being in the game this time. Did they have the Whitewings bring it over or something?
>Falchion was always just a sword made from Naga's fang. No reason she couldn't pull out another tooth.
Yeah, back then maybe, but now we have all this retarded ass HURR DA BLOODLINE ONLY DA CHOSEN bullshit thanks to awakening as well as the DS remakes of 1 and 3.
>how they handled Gradivus being in the game this time. Did they have the Whitewings bring it over or something?
I thought that's what happened in Gaiden.
Or was that just mercurius?
Gradivus is the only Regalia that appears in Gaiden, and it's just found in a random chest for some reason.
The war of shadows has ended by the time Alm receives the falchion.
>paying for 3DS games
>in 2017
top kek
So how do they justify Alm using it? Is it because Mila gets slammed into it?
because 3ds has playerbase
direct link:
>There's two Falchions. One for each of Naga's fangs. Naga gave Duma the first Falchion when he was exiled for some reason.
It hurts to realize threads like these are going to get more frequent as time goes on and weak-minded anons are going to believe it, even though Echoes was 11/10 and better than the other 3DS emblems by miles
Yeah the maps are uninspired copypastes, barring a few exceptions, but what most don't realize is that it WORKS to have it that way when combined with Gaiden's system of stats and overall mechanics
The only bad thing I'd say about it is that it's offensively short, because the only padding they added for postgame was a couple maps and a 10-floor dungeon which, while pretty nutso hard compared to the rest of the game, isn't actually very much content once you're finished with it
>Goes on to list flaws with the game
You're retarded and I'm glad that this shit will flop and you'll have to deal with weeb emblem for the rest of the series life..
Because a new FE is coming to it.
Whatever fag, I'm going to pirate it and play it like I always planned to.
>Nintendo adds waifus and makes it easier for newcomers
>Nintendo takes a step back and removes that to pander ot autistic oldfags
Hope nintendo fucking throws this entire series in the goddamn toilet since you autistic cockmonglers are never happy
It's looking very good for a remake. It looks extremely faithful to the original, for better or worse, which is the right attitude to have imo.
I personally think SD sold like shit because it looked awful, didn't have much advertising, and had little to no conversations to build character's personalities. None of those problems are present here, the game looks and sounds beautiful.
Game's going to sell fine, and I'm getting a chance to finish the last game I haven't beat in the series. Win-win
They can just reuse the Awakening engine.
How's the difficulty in this one? Would hard mode in this be roughly equivalent to hard mode on conquest?
Far better FE, with waifu system, is coming to Switch
Alm's Falchion just shares a name with Marth's. It's not the same blade. Alm's Falchion has Mila's power inside. Marth's is made from a tooth of Naga. I think the Tyrfring is more similar to Marth's Falchion than Alm's Falchion.
Once you play, you really get sick of her art. The cut in for crits are terrible, the art is really too subdued, it makes everything look bland and boring, like there's no personality (with a few exceptions, i.e. the Valbar gang).
The original is the least playable out of all the old games without remakes.
I want a Genealogy remake more than anyone, but this is still good since FE2 is 10x more dated than FE4
these fags want a genealogy remake but it woulda been on the 3ds since nobody owned a wiiu and putting holy wars maps on the 3ds would have been a slap in the face.
That shit needs a real console remake.
>they literally used the default portrait for crits
Who in the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Yeah when have they ever done that before
I agree the timing for the cut-ins in Echoes look off though
Atleast in Awakening they're always facing the enemy. Some of them just look at the player, so you can see their soulless eyes.
time paradox
not even close
even on hard, the only "difficulty" you'll ever encounter before chapter 6 is from witches who randomly warp to and attack a unit with low HP or other such random bullshit
and even then it's not especially hard to deal with because the game gives you what's essentially savestates anyway
that said, the postgame content is a lot harder, but still not really because Gaiden was one of the most breakable games in the series and this carries over to the remake
can't disagree with this one
it's not like it detracts from gameplay or anything, but it feels really lazy
almost as lazy as Alm's cape clipping through his sheath and torch in dungeons once he's promoted
That's not the default. It's the attack stance portrait in awakening. The literally used the default.
>For the older fans - remake of the worst FE game, they even kept half the problems from the old games like the tedious waves of enemies, huge, empty maps plus they nerfed the OP stuff so it's even more tedious
>For the Awakening/ Fates crowd - no MU, most of the supports are horribly dull, fixed pairings
It NEEDS a large playerbase in order to not bomb.
It's a holding place project until their next actual new game. I don't think Nintendo cares if it bombs.
I heard that both are made by Naga's fangs, Naga gave Duma a Falchion for some reason years ago and it ended up with Alm.
But this game has tons of ships. THIS GAME HAS AN ENTIRE CHAPTER OF SHIPS.
Good thing this game has waifus AND ships.
They really should take a page from Disgaea's book and do custom cutins for crits/team attacks.
So are there actually good maps or are most mostly flat with some bushes, trees, ect here and there?
>team attacks
Speaking of which, is the Triangle Attack in this game?
Yes, it gets a special animation
It's shown off a bit at the end of this video
OP, you sound like a fucking Awakeningfag who was expecting another shipping game. Fuck off.
Echoes still has the flawed maps, but everything else has still been updated to modern standards and Echoes still does loads of things better than the previous game like presentation, animations, story, and having actual fucking worldbuilding. Honestly it feels the most like an actual FE since FE12.
Mostly flat with some bushes, trees, etc here and there.
Behold, Gaiden in all it's glory.
>this remake of an old Fire Emblem game feels like a Fire Emblem game
What? That looked atrocious.
Gaiden was always Awakening 0.5. Stop trying to pretend to be a grandpa
Yeah exactly, is that supposed to be a counter argument? That was my point, this is a game with the series core tone, unlike Awakening and Fates.
Who's pretending? I've played Gaiden before Echoes was even a thought in IS's mind. And I'm looking forward to Echoes as a straight upgrade to that NES game. I'm fully aware of its flaws but it also has perks that Awakening doesn't have.
I'm referring to the cut in art, desu.
Wait, I thought this released the 20th of April?
Gaiden had significantly less worldbuilding, presentation and story than Shadow Dragon and the Sword of Light, and had horrible balance and a broken stat system. The only thing it did better was battle animations.
It was literally the Awakening of it's time.
"Perks that Awakening doesn't have"
Beyond Kozaki's awful art style, the only difference are the RPG elements.
It got leaked like 2 weeks early in Japan
We're talking about Echoes, not Gaiden m8.
>Actual fucking world building and story
"The war god has a war country and the peace god has a peaceful degenerate country, one invades the other!"
The first FE game had more world building and a better story, and was greatly expanded upon in Mystery. Even Awakening had a more fleshed out world.
>remake of the shittiest fire emblem
Reminder that you can't fix turd
Ah, my mistake. Echoes looks fucking great, I have a huge boner for worldbuilding and lore.
People have been complaining that it's just as tedious as Gaiden though, little worried about that.
Again, stop trying to move the goalpost by talking about Gaiden and not Echoes.
>Even Awakening had a more fleshed out world
No, it really didn't. It said absolutely little to nothing about the current state of its world and whatever little lore it actually had was only piggybacking on the fact that it took place in the FE1/FE3 timeline.
Have you played Echoes yet? I've beat it, lad. You can get it in Japanese. There's a side plot with a character called Bercut who's an embarrassing rival that shows up to lose battles to you, but it's otherwise pretty much the same story / "worldbuilding" wise.
They're making 3DS games off of a mobile game?
The QoL polish definitely helps make it more playable.
The maps are still jank but it works with Gaiden's systems.
Mila's Turn Wheel is actually a welcome mechanic since you don't really want to be restarting on those maps when shit goes wrong and I think the devs knew that.
what did he mean by this?
Alright, so what's really the verdict here, bullshit aside.
Is it flawed in the way that it didn't fix Gaiden's problems, or is it flawed because its a fails as a remake.
I haven't seen shit about this game seen the announcement trailer.
It's flawed because it doesn't improve on Gaiden's awful map design. Everything else is improved while remaining faithful
Most current opinions on the game stem from some efficiency oldfag on reddit who played the game once on hardmode.
According to him, the game doesn't fix any of the problems the original Gaiden had, nerfs many critical abilities that made the original gaiden sanely beatable like warp, Falco Knights, and triangle attack, said that the dungeons aren't designed well since you can only save at certain points, and said that chapter 6 is terrible because of the former and enemies being too bulky. He said the skills were bad because they couldn't double enemies and you end up having to rely too much on critical rate to ORKO enemies (he didn't grind at all to beat the game). He never played normal mode.
He didn't comment on the dialogue since he couldn't read it, but said the art, music, and battle animations were great.
Ultimately he said the game was worse than revelations (which reddit has a huge hate boner over and considers it the worst FE game).
From what other people are saying, SoV is essentially more of an RPG than your typical FE game, has all the same gameplay problems as the original gaiden and more, but has gotten positive reception to the presentation and music. The characters don't seem to be either good or bad.
This. After marathoning a bunch of different FE games this one feels like a breath of fresh air.
>still no 3ds emulator to play fire emblem, layton and phoenix wright games
>/vee/ says Awakening is shit
>It's great
I think I better pick this one up. Thanks for the tip, retard!
Unrelated but does anyone have a guide for all the Fire Emblem games and where to start with? Started with Ankoku, but that shit is easy so far. Wish Thracia 776 was properly translated.
Play fates birthright
You can start with either FE7, FE11(the 3d battles are boring as fuck), FE awakening then play the others. Or play chronological order from 1-fates.