Brand new galaxy

>brand new galaxy
>incomprehensible alien lifeforms
>talk like humans
>walk like humans
>sound like humans
>carry guns like humans
>culture exactly like humans'
>look like humans

I could forgive everything else bad about this game, all of it, if the writing wasn't so god fucking awful atrocious. What fucking hacks.

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B-b-but Bioware said they'd fix it!

>talk like humans
They attempted to say translators were a thing but that lasted fucking 10 seconds then you could understand everything.

maybe they ARE humans

>Translators been there the whole series
>Super advanced AI that can translate and interact with ancient prot- I mean "Remnant" tech
>Can't figure out a language

If that's your only problem with the game you must be having a blast.

I know you haven't played the game faggot, cos not even humans walk like humans in it.

No they didn't.


didnt they patch the game heavily on the 4th?

did it fix the glaring animation and mechanic problems at the very least?
i understand that the story and character development is fucked but is it any better than it was?
i dont plan on getting it but i am curious if they are putting in some if any effort

My absolutely biggest gripe is the lack of role-playing elements. Conversation choices don't matter, your squadmates are just meh, I'm not emotionally invested in any of them.

Yeah I guess. I played a little today and the eyes and shit are better but it's bioware, the animation is still pretty shitty but improved a little.


I want to fuck peebee

why so people buy new games? you can't possibly have finished all the good games that already exist. do you just want to pretend you're part of some gamestop culture or something?

Oh no, that's far from my only problem with the story, just a gripe I'm picking at random.

about what i expected i guess
maybe when its on sale for $10 i might get it
from what ive heard and seen the combat is its only saving grace

Saying 'cus bioware' doesn't really cut it. The animations in the original series were more than acceptable.

The issue was that a fairly new studio with mostly fresh staff hired for ME:A, Bioware Montreal, was given the responsibility of doing the animations.

why does she wear the eye paint
its one of the things that turns me off about her

I can relate. Memeing aside, she's not that bad

After all

It isn't the same people. There's no reason to expect the same results. The people working for the company make the animations, not the company itself. These are always the stupidest conversations here, where this obvious shit needs to be explained.

That was so fucking weird.

>meet aliens
>me no gusta
>2 seconds later

I was like "what.
And that line about a translator made me go "what".

That's exactly my point mate. You can't say "lol it's cos it's bioware" because an entirely new, separate studio was responsible for them. Edmonton nor the other ones had any role.

Please, reread.

This honestly made me real salty. I was actually interested in what might need to be done since while you were landing you couldn't understand jack shit. Then the second you touch down your translator is kicking in everything in perfect English. Literally a single cutscene later. I actually reloaded my save because I thought I had accidentally skipped something, but nope, just fucking incompetence.

I literally would have been fine if there was a sidequest to gather translation assistance from Kadara or something, slowly improving aptitude.

Dialog options seem super weak to me. It kinda reminds me of the fallout series where youd select a dialog option and your charecter just spouts some shit that has nothing to do with the option you selected.

can't have aliens that aren't like humans

>Not conquering the new alien race and forcing them to wear clothes
Honestly now.

The game wasn't dark enough tonally which is why it fails so hard.

I would fuck that Thurian girl if she wasn't wearing this stupid "glasses" thingy.

So just get her to take them off brainiac.

But I can't.

>think just maybe Bioware will bounce back and make another game as good as ME2
>it's shit upon launch
I don't know why I bother getting my hopes up for video games anymore

Was there even a scene that mentioned translators?

It was literally land and they start speaking English, also for some reason they refer to Kett / Revenant by the exact same names we do, and apparently everyone on their planet can instantly understand english too.

Also it just feels super rushed with how you gain their trust, I go to their planet and spent literally 10 minutes there and that's all it takes to earn their trust.

There's a bunch of things about the plot that kind of don't make sense, like why the tempest can have a mini version of the engine the ark is using but the Normandy and SR2 couldn't when they was also supposed to be cutting edge tech, and mass effect relays really wouldn't be all that important anymore, and the whole wiping them out so reapers can't do whatever they wanted doesn't seem like a big consequence anymore.

>He doesn't know how to take off the visor

>have the perfect setup for a dragon age origins style race-based prologue
>humans, turians, salarians, asari, and krogan all had ark ships
>each ship lost in a different part of the cluster
>each respective pathfinder would start on a different prologue planet before reaching the citadel 2
>once you're there the story normalizes to being the same for each race

Why couldn't they just do this? Bioware has the fucking blueprint for it already and it worked well enough in like 2009 or whenever Origins came out.

Jesus fucking christ, if I could play as a goddamn Turian I would've bought this game regardless of the other flaws.

>Was there even a scene that mentioned translators?
No, it got the same hand wave the original ME games did as far as alien languages. Except in ME:A we don't even get benefit of doubt in that there were a few decades since the first contact war.

You can say it's SAM that's translating all of the alien dialogue for the Pathfinder via neural connections if you really want to autism it up. That doesn't say shit about how they acquired the new alien languages in literally the amount of time it took for them to land on the planet though. Also doesn't help explain why the original ME games work, unless Shepard (and everyone else) is just wearing a translator earpiece everywhere they go.


Scratch that, I forgot about sub-dermal implants for translation. So the biggest problem is just the amount of time it took for them to acquire the language.

>We can't write for shit outside of our perspective


Please post more Vetra

>can't play as a white person

Also what is this fucking obsession with reliability? You're in fucking space doing ancient alien bullshit, which part of fucking a lizard-bird chick am I supposed to relate to? I play games to do shit I can't do in real life.

It is just lazy and uninspired.
People for some reason have hard time imagining inteligent life in other form than humanoid.


>You can say it's SAM that's translating all of the alien dialogue for the Pathfinder via neural connections
I could have bought this if there was some point where SAM had said he'll translate on the go for the Pathfinder and to just wait till a bit till a translator software/whatever is setup for everyone else, but Bioware just made it way too quick of a transition of this being a new galaxy to just same old aliens we know.
For being in a new galaxy they really could have made it felt more different or unknown, kinda just felt like you're visiting any other planet in the Milky Way that had been explored already, especially with how within 10 minutes of arriving on the planet everyone knows what the Pathfinder is and the whole Andromeda initiative.

Shit writing/writers, as you said.

the whole game suffers from writers who just went +1 on every original trilogy plot element
they handwave the genophage away
they handwave AI development ban away
they handwave synthetics conflict away
they completely misunderstood how asari reproduce, in game and even one developer talked about asari as if they absorb genes from their mates
can't wait for "we quarians underwent gene therapy in the ark, our immune system are now pretty ok" and "we drells underwent gene therapy in the ark, our water aids is now gone"

Unironically it would be too much work. Logistically impossible with time restraints and budgets. If the game was made in the 90s and had text instead of dialogue, still pictures instead of animations - it could be done. Even KotOR style dialogue could potentially work. Your protagonist cannot be voiced.

To be fair they have had contact with the Initiative before the Pathfinder lands on the planet. The Nexus outcasts and such.

Don't forget completely making Mass Effect Relays irreverent and one of the major consequences of the choices in ME3 completely null because apparently we've had all the tech we needed to light speed travel without them completely fine.

>they handwave the genophage away
Not completely true. There's still some chatter about it in-game, and they're still working to actually cure it. They just supposedly increased the fertility percentage a little bit.

Still bullshit though, I agree.

You're only traveling around a single cluster in ME:A, that's why they can do it without relays.

>Unironically it would be too much work.

to be fair, we're only in the Heleus CLUSTER. Mass Relays in ME1-3 were to travel between clusters spread out throughout the entire galaxy.

The map in Andromeda is just the Heleus Cluster, not the entire Andromeda Galaxy. Basically think of the Local Cluster dot on the Galaxy Map in ME1-3, that's Andromeda's map.

You can bet Andromeda 2 will focus on other clusters in the Andromeda Galaxy

Isn't the Tempest using the same type engine the Ark is, I thought that was their reasoning at the start of the game

It is, but the engine is just to make it so that the Tempest doesn't have to discharge every once in a while, and some other things.
In ME:A it's just the one single Heleus cluster that you're exploring. There's just a lot of shit there. You could just fly around clusters in the old ME games too without a relay, most of them just weren't as large as Heleus was made to be.

Actually that's kinda the point.
Krogans naturally make thousands of babies as an evolution survival strategy, that's why the genophage was needed, to prevent them from overrunning everyone else.
This gene therapy bullshit basically made the fertility rate good enough so that the krogan can multiply, but not enough that it becomes problematic again. Literally became a non-issue with a "cryotherapy" handwave

The presentation of that game was pathetic given the standards of it's release year. It also has a very focused scope and story. Whereas Andromeda is more open ended and features more freedom of movement that would require additional animating. Now consider having a race/gender that isn't human and having to account for dialogue for several races. It would mean having potentially half a dozen conversations for the same scene based on those modifiers. Motion cap each protagonist. They really copped out in non-essential npc dialogue by just locking the camera and limiting interactions/movement of the scene. You would have to model several versions of armor for each race.

>The presentation of that game was pathetic given the standards of it's release year
The game really just feels rushed, there's so many small quality of life type issues that it seems like a few months of QA/Playtesting would have fixed and made things a lot more enjoyable overall.

>Literally became a non-issue with a "cryotherapy" handwave
It's not really a non-issue, they still have a shit ton of stillbirths. The genophage without being modified allowed them to reproduce enough to not run rampant, with even the small percentage cure it's real questionable territory.

If anything the research they should be doing would be how to lower their fucking birthrate in general without causing stillborns.

>would require additional animating.
They already didn't do this
>Now consider having a race/gender that isn't human
They very clearly standardized animations across all races and genders, that's why it looks like shit 90% of the time
>to account for dialogue for several races
You mean account for voice filters? Inquisition was shit but I could at least play as a non-human, and even if the two voice options per gender were standardized across every race, the mere option went a long way.
>It would mean having potentially half a dozen conversations for the same scene based on those modifiers.
They did this in the first 3 games with the background shit, and being a military brat or a mining colony survivor only came up like 4 times per game. They also did this in Inquisition.
>Motion cap each protagonist.
They didn't mocap shit regardless.

You are not even understanding half of what I am saying.

The context of any conversation would change based on race and gender. How people react to you would change. You would need voice actors for each race/gender. You need NPCs to record specific lines several times over. I'm on my phone and it is late. You are wrong and cherry picking, doing mental gymnastics. It would cost a ridiculous amount of time and money to allow for a meaningful difference between playable races in a story driven game. To ensure equal attention and quality.

Bioware released ME2 and Origins the same year. They merged with Mythic and started developing TOR that year.

The premise sounded flawed from the first leaks years ago and like something they pulled out of their ass to avoid having to address the ending of 3. The Mass Effect universe is fundamentally fucked. There is no storytelling potential left to be had with it.

Shepard's story was implied to be a folk story at the end of 3. A fictional hero's tale set in the ME universe. There is your work around. Also predating humanity could also work.

I mean it's no less realistic than aliens acting like humans in our galaxy as well.

>The context of any conversation would change based on race and gender
Based on this game's design, they most certainly wouldn't
>You would need voice actors for each race/gender
No you wouldn't. The difference between a human woman and an asari voice is nothing, the difference between human voices and salarian and turian voices is literally filters added in post. Krogans might be a problem.
>You need NPCs to record specific lines several times over
Not really, outside of the race-specific prologue, and then you're just "Pathfinder"
>It would cost a ridiculous amount of time and money to allow for a meaningful difference between playable races in a story driven game.
There wouldn't be meaningful differences aside from how your character looks. Did you miss the part where I said "I would have bought this if I could play as a Turian, even with all its flaws" ? Obviously even if it was just choosing between Human, Asari, and Turian, the game would still be shit with all the same flaws applied to that hypothetical content.

My statement was a purely irrational aesthetic desire to play as a Turian instead of human. If they ever make a decent mod to allow for that while keeping the same voice over with all the human-based dialogue, I would pirate the game and play it that way.

I'm not saying or implying that the game would suddenly be competent if they had that option baked in, and neither should you.

I find it ridiculous that, as lazy as they were with everything else, they didn't put some half-assed selectable race option since they had a perfect story reason for it.

>No body cared who I was until I put on the mask

Should I pirate this shit?
I'm morbidly curios and can laugh at the shit animation.
Or something else? Recommendations? It has to be PC

You won't really notice the animations during gameplay most of the time. What you will notice is the abominable questing system, and gimped combat system compared to the original three games though.

I could have forgiven all of that if it weren´t for all the sjw propaganda in the game

like every important character / leader that you meet in the game is a "strong wyman"

>Caring about Mass Effect writing after 2

if you like waiting for ever during loading times to see a buggy game with a terrible story then sure knock yourself out

Im enjoying it actually. Its pretty fun. I honestly think a lot of the bad word is due to how shit of a job they did with advertising it. Its not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
It also seems like the girl characters model is a hell of a lot worse than the dudes. I havent had nearly as many awful animation bits as the shit ive seen from her. Id say its worth a pirate.
Ill give you the quest system, but whats worse about the combat? Im enjoying it a lot more than 2, which most people consider the best point in terms of combat.

>Three active skills at a time
>Better than ME2

Mass effect is science fantasy.
Star Trek is science fantasy
Star wars is science fantasy
People pay most money to see science fantasy, so science fantasy they get.

But you can use all 3 skills one after another without having to wait for a GCD.

You might aswell only have 1 skill in ME2.

t. masturbates to technical manuals and posts scathing reviews of movies that aren't 100% scientifically accurate

SAM accesses the local internet and learns the language like that

Star trek is not science fantasy.

It has unrealistic aspects like a bunch of humanoid aliens (which actually has an in-universe explanation, however dumb) but that's not enough to make it science fantasy and I don't think you know what the difference is at this point.


Mass Effect is Space Opera
Star Trek is Science Fiction
Star Wars is straight Fantasy

"Science Fantasy" is literally just fantasy that's too pussy to call itself fantasy.

>Star Wars is straight Fantasy
Ya know, science has attempted to replicate what was seen in the movie with success

>>culture exactly like humans'

This is the biggest problem. All aliens are just Canadians in space. There's more differences in culture in real life.

>It would be ALIEN of them to not wear clothes and not look humanoid like.

>giant walking tumors with tentacle legs in the previous 3 games
>well we'd better not make these guys TOO alien

This better be fake you fuck.

>stupid glasses
Vetra is the damn reason why I'm playing this dumb game. and because there is a crack

Can somebody tell me, why can't colonist just build mass relays in andromeda?

a single line for something like this and it would have been fine.

Andromeda branches from the mid-point of ME2. People only figured out how to build/repair relays way past ME3 since it's fucking ancient alien tech