>open world RPG with a crafting system
Open world RPG with a crafting system
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inb4 some fat fuck tries to convince everyone that's a good pizza
>the crafting it just hitting a button in a menu
>no skill levels or chance of success
>non crafted gear outclasses it
>crafting is only way to advance
That's one tasty lookin za'
I'm a fat fuck and that's a good pizza
not that user but it does LOOK like a pretty tasty pizza.
the moment as slice is taken you instantly see how its a terrible pizza but just as it is untouched and fresh from the oven like that it does look pretty tasy.
Whoa thicc
>Game make tries a stealth section without willing to implement any stealth mechanic
Looking at you Castlevania LOS 2
>People still spend money on early access open world exploration crafting system simulators
Crafting and item durability are the cancers of RPGs
what the fuck
>procedurally generated
>open world
>survival game
>with crafting
>and zombies
>in early access
Why does a lot of the extra content in video games feel like a chore nowadays?
t. 400 pound amerilard
I like crafting in Underrail.
Crafted items are better than any found gear but it's not too complicated or require huge amount of stuff specific stuff to make, finding high quality parts can be bit of a nuisance.
american """"""""cheese""""""" (plastic)
>weapon system that has weapons that break too easily
>supposed to encourage multiple playstyles
>they give you a hundred of each weapon, so there's no point in switching your playstyle up
It looked like a mediocre pizza, but I'd still eat it. I'd probably go to one of the many other pizzerias in business around here in the future, however.
t. Amerilard
>saving a thumbnail
>pompous le cynical xD britbong with a stick up his ass hates pizza
Why am I not surprised. Enjoy your muslim cock, inbreds.
Wrong, it's a vegan substitute to cheese.
This is american cheese
i would eat a slice of that pizza just out of curiosity
because all budget and dev time goes to graphics and open world instead of actual gameplay, so they implement these low effort/high padding systems
alternatively, you grew up and realized your time is precious to waste with grinding collectibles shit
Goddamn that pizza looks nice
Damn, you can just visualise the clouds of Cheeto dust exploding from this blubberballs keyboard as he slams his sausage fingers down in a desperate attempt to defend his """""food""""" lmao.
The dough was fucking raw. If anything, it shows that retarded Amerifats can't cook to save their lives.
Crafting can be good as long you can customize shit, getting the materials for the crafting is fun and there is a long list of shit you can do, with items that work with each other.
But in RPGs this just mean "kill a gazillion of ant-donkeys until a rare hide pops up".
Oh shut it you petulant baboon. Americans can cook just fine. Hell's Kitchen exists in every relevant country as well.
If the US culinary tradition has a problem, is because of their mass reliance on processed food and their psychotic obsession with bleaching everything, not their inability to cook, which they do just fine.
From pies to fish chowder passing through chilli con carne and BBQ
So why is it raw
Don't forget fucking drowning everything in cheese
Because the chef is a fuckwit. That's not exclusive to americans. In the French Hell's kitchen you see pretty terrible things like this, yet we're known for being snooty but good cooks.
>Because the American chef can't cook
>Sup Forums spergs out about crafting or cooking
>it's literally just some basic shit that was in old CRPGs
It's only a problem if it tries to be like Minecraft.
>Implying drowning everything in cheese is a bad thing
It's a pizza that had a plastic wrapper around it, then the wrapper was removed, leaving the imprints there.
>>open world RPG with a crafting system
The worst thing is that the gameplay that a "crafting" mechanic creates doesn't even have anything to do with crafting. You craft by pressing a single button. The only meaningful gameplay that a crafting system adds is a scavenger hunt for materials and the recipe that you memorized. It's not a "crafting" mechanic, it's a item collection mechanic.
Someone has to set the standard that crafting actually involves crafting, not just looking all over for random junk. Dark Messiah managed to do something. It's making a sword using a casting process, but at least it is something.
What's wrong with it?
jesus christ
That looks vile. Whoever came up with that needs a good swift kick to the nuts.
but why tho?
You cant really tell from the picture but the dough was undercooked and looked raw. It looked pretty bad when he grabbed a slice.
I'm American and what is this
Why the fuck does /ck/ memes infect every board? /ck/ is a pretty slow board
Like a grilled cheese is fucking art or something, Jesus
It's one of the simplest things you can possibly make
I'm pretty sure thats cheap cheese
Can confirm, I just started getting into Underrail and the crafting system in that game hits a nice medium.
That looks like literal vomit fried and rolled up with chicken nuggets on top who thinks of this shit?
>mfw idk how to make a grilled cheese and always just use a toaster
I can't into kitchen
what the fuck is that
I don't understand what they're trying to accomplish
>grilled """""""""""""""cheese""""""""""""""""""
Butter two breads, put in pan, put cheese on one bread, put the other bread on top
It's the easiest shit ever
It's bizarre
I saw Sup Forums thread about breakfast yesterday that devolved into ja/ck/ posting
>Crafting system is in depth
>Everything in the games economy comes from crafting
>There are known crafters who specialize in a certain item and their name is on it as a seal of quality
because it literally is just busywork/menial shit
what was that thing that he flicked off the knife?
fucking americans
stop it
nothing but you're fat as fuck
>it got moved to Sup Forums instead of fucking /ck/
What the fuck mods.
I know yuropoors like to flaunt their cheese and bread like it's God's greatest gift to mankind, but we know how to make them here too
Niggers eat Wonder bread and Velveeta, the rest of us know what good cheese is
What is wrong with these peoples taste buds? Do they have a small brain tumor makeing this type of recipe look good to them?
Too bad the rest of the game is crap
It's bigmac icecream made on a cold plate
But if I butter both am I supposed be flipping it halfway or some shit so both butter sides touch the pan at some point? and idk what heat setting to set the stove too, how much time do I wait?
I literally can't into kitchen. I've made it past 23 without ever touching one beyond microwaves and toasters.
Please don't
5'10" 130 lbs
That explains less than nothing. I now know less than I did 5 minutes ago
Why would you put a Big Mac in icecream
I just googled that. I'm interested.
Cold congealed smashed big mac with a chicken nugget on top, it sounds as gross as it looked.
What the actual fuck
No. Those are the imprints made my cellophane plastic wrap. Look at the wrinkles. That's how plastic wrap wrinkles.
That is actually the point of the movie.
>Favreau also drew a comparison between his career as a director and Carl's career as a chef in the film
The whole film is a metaphor for his disagreements and falling out with Marvel over the direction to take Iron Man 2.
The butter sides are the sides that should touch the pan. Medium heat is generally fine for basic stuff like grilled cheese or eggs, just set the knob to halfway and don't worry about heat too much. Grilled cheese only takes a minute or two, when the bread is darkish brown and the cheese in the middle is gooey then it's done
It's not that tough, man, just try it
I'm still pretty sure thats cheap cheese because i have the same shitty cheese in the kitchen and it behaves exactly like molten plastic when you heat it up
Who is this guy again?
>he doesn't want the delicious Big Mac without burning his mouth
It's dinner... for desert!
this physically hurts me
Its old and dead. It never got the server architecture right so the enemies lagged, the PVP was a laggy shitty mess, the enemies had shit AI. It eventually went FTP on STEAM I think a year or two back. I doubt there is anyone online anymore. I never saw updates or expansions. But it had large open environments, cool vehicle mounts that look an asload of crafting to make, cool weapons that were all crafted, all armor and items, equipment.
Essentially you had to craft or you had to grind to buy the crafted items.
It had a lot of potential but it got bought out by one of those large cash shop FTP companies and then it was pure shit. Too much saturation in the market, and not enough money to fund the game.
i'm feeling advanced disgust.
Oh, it's from a movie? I barely follow Hollywood so I never recognize stuff like that
It still comes off incredibly fartsniffy though, it's just a fucking grilled cheese, it doesn't need porn angles and gentle caressing
>learning crafting recipes requires spending research points
>learning how to bake a loaf of bread costs as much as learning how to forge armor out of dragon-hide
I'll give it a try ty
This gets a high rating on food websites. How?
What the Chicken McFuck is going on here
I dont doubt that it's cheap cheese but that's not why it looks like that. Here's what you do.
>take a pizza
>cook it
>put plastic wrap over it and press the plastic into the cheese so it's mushed against the plastic
>put pizza in fridge
>take pizza out after it's cold and remove plastic wrap
It will look EXACTLY like this.