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They should really patch this entire area out of the game.
I literally had zero problems with this area. Why is it disliked?
You might be a sadist
On a related note, you would probably like getting pegged in the ass
DS2>>>>>>>>This Shit
It's literally unfinished because of time restraints.
The level itself is poorly designed, the enemies are copypastes, the boss is shit, and OP related.
There's nothing redeeming about it. The lava is obnoxious, dinosaur enemies are stupid, the area itself is ugly, and all of this for what? To fight Bed of Chaos?
Is this a Simpsons reference?? BEcause there's no goggles in dark souls and if it isn't then the lava isntreally that bright to hurt your eyes
bad thread
>patch fix for lava glow eyestrain
>gets softblocked
thanks, fromsoftware
compare this to something like Farron's Keep in DaS3. or any area in DaS3.
at least DaS2 had scope, if not scale.
First time I got to Lost Izalith I thought my PS3 was glitching
like seriously
Anons just being contrarians as usual. It was fine and looked fine. Only problem with that area is Bed of Chaos.
Can't you pretty much skip the entire lava and dragon ass portion or am I remembering things wrong?
You could, but to do that you have to waste time consuming 30 humanity individually and then giving each to a covenant
It's still a pain in the ass, just more boring than obnoxious
You can speedrun to the boss room in 2 minutes with technically 0 skill required.
I always leave BoC last and then get done with it as fast as possible because the place looks like shitty aztec ruins with nonsensical enemies
this lava makes me sleepy asf
1) kill centipede
2) run to the boss room
not that hard
It's not irredeemable, just obviously rushed. Gotta admit though, seeing it for the first time was a fucking trip, neon bright lava world with a huge sprawling vine place and these weird surreal dragon asses standing around? What a place.
>Didn't fight pre patch dragon asses with a mile long aggro range
Lucky you
>It's not irredeemable
Bed of Chaos ALONE makes it an irredeemable shithole. Who the fuck says to themselves, "Oh boy! Can't wait to play through Lost Izalith!"?
I'll tell you; a FUCKING MASOCHIST
Lost Izalith and the BoC are pretty easy to beat in comparison with other areas. It just sucks in many ways
Reminder that BoC is the ONLY boss Fromsoft has ever publicly apologized for.
Same. I genuinely enjoyed the second part of it, the old temple ruin setting was great, I just wish it was longer. Although, Bed of Chaos is a fucking awful boss.
Bed of Chaos was rushed just like the rest of the area. There were unused animations and shit for it.
what do you expect from PC toddlers
>It was fine and looked fine.
It was unfinished and it looked like complete garbage.
>Only problem with that area is Bed of Chaos.
And Ceaseless
And Centipede
And the eye rape
And the quintillion Capra/Taurus demons
Actually, every area after ringing the bells is complete garbage (except Anor Londo). DaS has ONE good thing going for it, it's good world design during the 1/3 of the game, this game is a joke.
It's the best post-Lordvessel area to invade. Very short run from the bonfire to get a spawn at the boss fog, easy tells for where the host is, and if you bring a greatbow the lava lake is one big shooting gallery. You can counter ganks with the daughter of chaos, the titanite demon frequently wins fights before you even get there, and the poison swamp area is excellent for plunging attacks. Solaire and Siegmeyer are both in the area so you can fuck with hosts even further if they're dumb enough to not look where they're attacking.
From has had years to patch in a bonfire before BoC yet even after they publically apologised for how shit it is they didn't do shit to fix any of it. There is no excuse for them leaving it as it is when they had dlc and a prepare to die edition rerelease to fix it.
They had years to patch out the reliance on DSFix and yet they didn't, either.
>It's the best post-Lordvessel area to invade
but that's duke's archives+crystal caves