How do you guys cope after pic related?

How do you guys cope after pic related?
I feel like video gaming reached its peak quality with this and now I will only ever feel disappointment whenever I play anything else. Why even bother with video games?

Other urls found in this thread:

get substance and subsistence versions and don't play anything else

and twin snakes

MGS3 is the peak of PS2 babies insufferable retardation, nothing else

It being consistently sited as one of the "favorite games" of this board only shows exactly why this reddit.2 is dogshit and nothing else

Even at the time it was raped by its competition, but muh anime "story" right? Go fuck yourself kid

wow you're dumb as shit kiddo

pretty epic

What's your favourite game user?

Pfft nothing personnel, kidd

Kotor 2
Max Payne

go back to memeddit or try playing an actual stealth game. There is literally nothing that your babbys first bush crawler does better than its competition, whether it be stealth, story or shooting

I don't agree with all of that but you are correct. MGS3 is the weakest of the PS1/2 Metal Gears.
How do you feel sad for a female soldier who just wanted to fight for what she believes in. How do you enjoy failing your mission to obtain the film containing the Philosopher's Legacy (which was later retconned because why not).
MGS3 is lame. It just introduced magic in the series, later to be called parasites.

I cannot understand what you memeloving fucks like in this game, it contains literally EVERYTHING wrong with modern gaming.

MGS1 is a complete masterpiece, GZ is stellar, every other MGS is complete garbage. I cannot understand how someone can like this game unless it's the first game they played in their lives.

I'll give you KOTOR and Max Payne but Bloodborne is a pretty shit choice for favourite game of all time. It's a decent game but it doesn't deserve that kind of title.
I honestly thought you were going to say something retarded like Smash.

Thank you for speaking the truth that very few understand.

I just can't get the praise over the game responsible for killing and shitting on the franchise from then until this day.

Dawg I love MGS3 as well. I played it during my formative high school years and I romanticize it far more than anyone should.

Even I recognize that 2017 has been fucking baller so far.

Resident Evil 7, Horizon Zero Dawn, Breath of the Wild, Persona 5. A new Mario by the end of the year.

We've a current gen console that can play all the latest games available for $250.

We've got a console that finally fulfills on the dream of being able to play the same exact games on the go and at home.

This holiday season, we'll have a $500 box that renders some games at fucking 4K.

Can't afford a game? There will be a steam sale or an IRL black friday sale in a few months.

Dead broke and can't afford ANY games? Go to Twitch.Tv and type in the game you want to see played, and choose from a number of personalities playing that game.

Like old games? Retro gaming is fucking huge right now. You can't flip over a rock without finding some dweeb talking about NES games on YouTube with a shelf full of old games in the background.

Modern gaming is a little too hardcore for you? Pull out your cellphone and play any one of thousands of casual games.

Modern gaming is too casual for you? Fucking go all out. Spend $2,000 to build an incredible PC and get triple digit frames per second. If you're good enough, maybe you can compete at the highest levels of gaming and earn a six or seven figure salary.

Gaming right now is incredible. Get on board the train man. Plenty of room.

Metal Gear Solid was a masterpiece but the controls were shit and it took away from it for me a little.
As soon as they went 3D graphics they should have used the controllable camera style.

MGS3 had pretty bad gameplay, all things considering.

There are many games that I feel are on par with it in overal quality, such as Yakuza series and Automata.

Botw has it beat

-better survival and hunting mechanics
-better stealth
-better story
-one huge world vs little tiny segmented sections
-better camo/armor

Bloodborne is the only game from the last 20 years barring maybe dark or demons themselves that should deserve that kind of title. It is the only game I truly know inside out and for a good reason. The game is so revolutionary that I had to rework my entire work in progress book into the context of Bloodborne existing since it was released after my own work began. It is a modern masterpiece and one of the classics, or great ones

>MGS1 is a complete masterpiece, GZ is stellar,


played mgs 2 and 3 one after the other last year and I definitely preferred 2. MGS3 has its moments but overall it's not that great.

Fuck off with your Nintendo shit this is a thread for people with taste.

subsistence is fully 3d

I feel like 2 improved on a lot of things gameplay wise that were lacking in 1.
However the story went off the fucking rails at the end. Also Raiden was a little too edgy for my taste.

oh it's one of these threads eh?

Go back to memeddit, maybe there youll get upboats by throwing around memecal buzzwords

well I think it's interesting what they were going for, and it's definitely what makes kojima unique. If he didn't get that far, it wouldn't have had the same impact so it's good imo. The only thing I regret from a story perspective is that they made Raiden a child soldier and his relationship with solidus. I would have preferred for him to stay a rookie with no background and no real life experiences outside of virtual training, I thought it was a pretty interesting analogy for the player.


Nigga shut the hell up! You better be joking or a girl.

>you'll get upvotes while throwing around buzzwords

>m-muh souls g-games!!!!

Such a rebel :^) Special snowflake, not lik other grills, rite?

unironically these

>dumb spy movie aesthetic
>"dude the boss is so badass lmao, fucken epic"
>menu-hopping camoflage and healing systems WHY WHY WHY WHY
>dude remember foxhound? here they are a third fucking time, this time with even more anime super powers
>big boss at the peak of his autism

the only good parts were the ending, and ocelot.

>not liking metal gear set in a cheesy 70s spy movie aesthetic
I really don't understand the kids of today

I liked 2 the best. I felt like it was just on the cusp of rediculousness with it's vampire and anti-bullet technology. But in 3 when you have big boss's scar literally slithering around her body before turning into a snake, and fury exploding into a firey skull that chases naked snake, and all the other goofy bullshit, it's just too hard to take anything seriously, especially when it try's to demand an emotional moment at the end.

fuck the fury

the "almost futuristic but not quite" aesthetics on MGS1 and 2 were much cooler

yeah but 3 > 5 because it doesn't have hyper futuristic dragon mechs and actually feels like it's set in the 70s

true, the technological timeline of mgs is all kinds of stupid

It's not even "cheesy spy movie" tier characters. At least in cheesy spy movies they'll stay relatively grounded in reality, not "this guy shoots lightning like the emperor from starwars" "why?" "Because it's cool lol"

Why don't you fuck off and talk about something you like then, you sad lonely virgin.

>w-w-wa-waah get out of m-my hugbawx

yeah I mean it definitely goes full retards at parts, such is metal gear. 2 is the only game in the series I consider incredible.

>he didn't play it when he was in middle school

In the most well-loved James Bond movie, the main villain kills a woman by coating her in gold.

The top henchman is a midget who throws a razorblade hat at his opponents.

The film ends with a rather obese man being sucked out the tiny window of an airplane.

I'm not gonna pay 400 eurobux for one fucking game

also everything seems to suggest that nintendo has undercooked this version of the hardware (again), so I'm gonna wait for an updated release which I think is likely because the switch actually has potential to be great, unlike the wiiu

Being on Sup Forums when this game came out was a fucking treat. I miss those days.

2 is better.
3 is for children to get into Metal Gear, and that's great, but 2 is a masterpiece.

you're right, all of those are on the same caliber as shooting magic lightning from your hands, exploding in to a homing fire skull, and having telepathic control over bees. How could I have been so blind?

excellent taste user

fuck mgsbabbies, they truly are the scum of the earth.

how are you not smiling rn thinking about an elite soldier having telepathic control of bees?

except those are things that can actually happen

please post a game that's better on the piss poo

You dont.

This post is the epitome of neo Sup Forums.

Neo Sup Forums hates all games and all gaming. No game is safe from the neo Sup Forums contrarian hate machine. Even universally agreed upon classic great games are pure garbage in the eyes of neo Sup Forums. Literally no game is actually good on neo Sup Forums.

>i'm assblasted because someone doesn't like my favourite game

now you know how it feels

Not that guy but MGS3 is terribly overrated

Controls suck, 25fps going from MGS2's glorious 60 was hard to swallow, menu navigation sucks.
Story is interesting and graphically its very appealing but that's it.

Replaying it is a fucking chore.

it's simple, mgs was a GAME first and a story later. So it didn't matter that the writing was hammy and the cutscenes were a little too much near the end because it was a GAME.

It's too bad Kojima failed to realize this as his cancerous fanbase kept fapping to his horrible writing, basically hijacking his talented team by making interactive movies with bits of game strewn between.

I'm glad konami finally let go of the hack. Can you imagine a Western dev literally naming a 400 man studio after himself? ''Randy Pitchford gaming'.

Case in point: Kojimadrones keep talking about Kojima as if he himsefl is responsible for the innovative features, when it's clear the guy is a director (and a bad one at that).

>continueing to prove that user's point

good job, faggots

That's the point, it's goofy as fuck. Does it have a "cool factor"? yeah maybe, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. The game constantly throws shit like that at you then tries to end by forcing some sort of deep emotional gut-punch, and it falls flat as fuck because not 4 minutes ago in the game you just watched a scar slither around a woman's body before turning into a snake and slithering off into the grass.

Either be serious or be fucking campy.

>I post valid objective flaws of the game
>I'm a faggot


> busywork with my menuscreens: the game

Yeah no, I'd rank it worst only after mgs 4.

This, it's terribly overrated and 2 is perfection, it's a shame that it's too cerebral for your average action game player

Shut up Kojima is a god among men

Then our god is a cruel one.

> endless exposition, explaining every action word for word in a literal fashion
> cerebral

Oh okay user. Let me know when you read your first book that isn't a Dan Brown.

Perfect example of your run of the mill neo Sup Forums post. They are able to take landmark games and just run a train of criticisms on it as if they are some all powerful industry critic shitting all over something their little brother made in RPG maker, when in reality it's some anonymous nobody shitting all over one of the most beloved titles in a popular and renowned franchise.

None of what you posted is objective. Not even the fps. Literally kill yourself.

M8, I hope you're joking.

> all valid criticisms against my fanboyish outlook are now neo/v/

Pretty ironic.

Yes, that's why everyone gets the ambiguous tone throughout.

It's not even the best selling MGS game you desperate fuck.

user.. Ambiguous doesn't mean ambiguous when it's literally spelled out in front of you. Why are all mgs babbies so bad at basic themes and writing? Is it because you turned your minds to mush with Kojimashits C-tier moviescripts?


alright keep being delusional

>if media rates my favorite game perfect it means YOU are not allowed to comment on it
>objective things aren't objective because its MY favorite game and YOU don't get to shit over it
>so what if PS2 was MY first console

So when does the game spell out for you a definite answer to if any of it is real or not? Please quote, your pseudo intellectual posturing is sad, stop posting entry level literary ramblings.

I don't get it. MGS1 was a better game in every regard

Good job spotting the millennial user

It's also telling that people that had a ps2 as first gaming device often use the word 'neo-v', as if to separate their pokemon playing asses from the even younger crowd, kek.

this game was the only mgs title i ever enjoyed. the art direction and the gameplay were stellar for its time. you could see the effort and resources they put in this game. yet still, nothing that hasnt been surpassed by other games since. mgs3 set the bar but there are games that raised this benchmark.

> I'm too dumb to even remember a callback to a previous post I've read 1 minute earlier, nor am I aware with basic stillistic forms such as hyperbole

user you're just defecating over yourself at this point.

You can take your anti-arguments and fuck yourself with it

When someone says that MGS3 doesn't have shit framerate, especially compared to MGS2, you just know you are talking to a wall

except the wall might just be slightly more intelligent

also if you dont acknowledge PS2 as the beginning of the end of actual video games and the birthplace of CINEMATIC experiences you are just ignorant

ehhh user I vividly remember mgs3 having a supercrap framerate sometimes even into the 20s in the jungled areas. MGS2 wasn't a very good game, but it was a technical marvel with a rock solid 50-60 if I'm not mistaken.

Not a single argument, please quote when the game outright states if any of it is for real or not, if you can't then the entire narrative is ambiguous.
Keep trying though, it's always fun to see fags like you crash and burn and turn to tangential bullshit to keep replying.

Oh what when in mgs 1 your card-trick is literally told from A to B?

Or actually any thing where the player isn't given a direct objective like get to poin B? No user, in fact I can't even remember the ONE time in the plethora of diatribes about fucking godzilla to noodles in codec calls that the game didn't explain EVERY SINGLE THING IN TOTAL DETAIL to me.

Tha'ts just really shit writing, and you're shit for not acknowledging it.

Literally the same technological prowness as MGS2 (including Alt/VR Missions) but with an "epic and relatable" story that normalfags and Sup Forumstards alike could flock to.
The beginning of the end for Metal Gear, although the memes that came out of 3 and later installments were top tier

Again, since you seem to be retarded:
Please quote any line of dialogue in MGS2 that gives a definite answer to if any of it is truly happening or not, since everything in the game is stated and there's no ambiguity.
You actually started talking about 1, you're desperate.

Oh yeah user let me just point you to this FIVE AND A HALF HOUR LONG CLIP OF ALL THE CUTSCENES, which means there's probably another 5,5 hours of codec calls which leaves the total on about 11 hours of horribly written bullshit.

I like how dark souls or TLOU just built a good map which would tell you the story without having to use words. Now that's directing!

Or to quote a certain someone who isn't a hack ''Brevity is the soul of wit'

That's what he's saying, dumbo

> implying 2 wasn't way way way worse in the story department than 1.

So you have NOTHING but kept doing this pathetic posturing and then went for more tangential bullshit mentioning other games? Great job showing me a line of dialogue that gave a definite answer to if MGS2 was for real or not, since it was ALL EXPLICIT AND OUTRIGHT STATED it shouldn't be a problem, should it? But you couldn't and you didn't, because you're not as knowledgeable or smart as you fancy yourself to be.
Great job user.
It wasn't, it was the perfect companion to 1.

Lol really? You really don't understand what I mean? The entirety of MGS2 you are being told what is what. How the fuck is that ambiguous? Even the 'mysterious reveal' of the colonel is telegraphed in HOURS of gameplay time and codec calls. It's made extremely explicit and clear what's going on. If you really want me to spoonfeed you examples you are basically asking me to watch those horrible cutscenes for a 2nd time in my life.

And that's too much to ask from any self-aware individual with a modicum of taste.

But here, go enjoy your 'kino' millennial

1: pleasant story, clear directive and conclusion, bit hammy writing but forgivable, sadly a bit long-winded nice twist at the end.

2: horribly convoluted story with pretentious callbacks to 1. Pretending to be deep but being shallow as a puddle. Needing about 5 to 10 times the length in time where gamer is not doing anything to get point across

Yeah, totally not the cinematic experience we all feared would become the norm.

thx for shilling kojimadrones.

Please quote when they answer the question, you didn't even get the fucking game, how can you be so condescending about something you don't understand? The entire Plant chapter is designed from the palette to seem like a simulation, and at the end Snake tells Raiden, who's been wondering the entire game if it is really happening ("it's like a nightmare that you can't wake up from"), that it doesn't actually matter if it is or not before turning into a fucking parrot, so the tone is ambiguous throughout, you really thought that Campbell being an AI was the big reveal? You must be so smart since you saw that coming.

The game is what it is, if anything this post is pretentious.

> It's not horribly trash writing, you just didn't get it!

Yes user, I've read the great works and I didn't get the plot of mgs 2. I've seen kojimadrones spout some bullshit before to defend their king, but this is really pushing it.

>it's not that I don't get it, it's that there's nothing to get
Vamp being immortal and showing up at the end
Fortune's ability to have bullets dodge her explained as technology but then she does it without the technology
It's implied that Rose could have been an AI all along but then shows up at the end
The floor in Arsenal Gear shines on contact like a VR scenario
Fission Maile
It's all there to reinforce the ambiguous tone of the game
You really didn't get it.

> confusing adding a bunch of shit with good writing

enjoy lost too I guess?

Nice tangential bullshit, I accept your concession.
Play it again, forgot to mention Liquid Ocelot, the multiple parallels with MGS without the satisfying resolution, the speech at the end, all of it coming from an author refusing to do the same game but bigger and with better graphics.
That you can't see how deliberate the authorial vision in MGS2 is says a lot about if you should be talking about art or good writing.

oh you said tangential.

How is that ambiguous? Ambigious means you should ponder some info. This is all super-straight forward and I got all that and more because it's not hard to get.
It's almost.. as if written for a mentally challenged millennial..

I like how you keep reverting to the 'Y-Y-You just didnt get it!' narrative. I did get it, I'm just saying it's not ambigious and poorly written.

Then did it happen or not?

point of the story (which is also LITERALLY spelled out near the end) is that it doesn't happen if it happened or not.

Also I stopped caring about the 'realizms' when I was fighting an edgy russian vampire that couldn't die.

>Favorite game
>REE!! Don't like games I don't like
Yeah, no dude that's a very retarded argument. Bloodborne is a pretty phenomenal game IMO, one guy not liking it doesn't mean people will change their favorites. GOATs don't have to be every game before 2012 u know.

So if it doesn't matter and the game refuses to give it a definite answer it is ambiguous, ambiguous is not something that "makes you ponder" or activates your almonds, look up the definition of ambiguous.

> still confusing ambiguous writing with just adding a bunch of shit

Yeah, you definitely would like lost, or deus ex 1. Same shit to you. PINNACCLE OF WRITING THEY ADDED A BUNCH OF PRETENTIOUS HORSESHIT!

Let me know when you read your first literature, hm?