Webm thread?
Webm thread.
Webm thread?
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That gave me a Dragon's Dogma vibe.
You need to add more filters and maybe lower the resolution abit more.
Cheaters used to be smart enough to turn their shit off when they were being spectated
What game is this? Felt like AC syndicate.
Wait I thought the latest slacktivist meme was white people can't have dreads/braids. Why is Kotaku not in a snit over this?
>only 1 bar
Poor fucking warriors
where's my Shadow Warrior 2 reloading animations?
>lever on the wrong side
killzone shadow fall
man, this game is fucking gorgeous
These are the best
>teleports behind you
>survival horror
>Last Year alpha footage
i really like horizon's concept of animal-machines
is it worth to buy a ps4 just for it?
It's a really good game. You could also play Bloodborne if you get a PS4.
Id say it is 70% of the way there for being worth the console price aswell.
But it needs to fine tune some things and bring something new. Maybe Horizon 2 will be worth the console price.
But i mean the PS4 is worth it in general i think.
Fuck no, don't listen to the sony shills, they'll talk this game up like it's the best thing to grace this earth
Probably one of the worst exclusives on the ps4 imo senpai
>i really like horizon's concept of animal-machines
>is it worth to buy a ps4 just for it?
what is it with people who post HZD Webm's thinking that adding black bars make it look good, it's not a fucking movie
They are made from gifs you retard.
Stop projecting cuck.
you should call people a retard more. it really emphasizes your point.
>stubborn in his ways
>Go to an anonymous uncensored chinese cartoon forum of racists
>complain someone spoke to you in an unsanitary way
looks like vanilla wow un'goro
ingame it's just like some floating pixels. amazing.
>goto anonymous board
>complain about being called out for being a shithead
You're so buttblasted.
>we'll never see Azeroth in beutiful next-gen graphics
Closest we'll ever get is the movie.
Is it the ps4 pro version?
>Suicide Harley killed Jester Harley
why did worst harley have to become the most popular one
All blackbar webm are gif rips from a neogaf poster Sunghi, and are based on OG ps4 gameplay.
You mean because it has 18 inches of black letterbox and is visually disgusting?
>He burned my patch
What the fuck Danse?
Worst exclusive is knack. Horizon is up there for exclusives
total damage 708. wtf is this, newbie mode?
Didn't watch
why do you exist then?
>somebody saved my webm
so this is what it feels like
damn, that's not how i remembered this game
Now that is cool.
I'd love some new Disgaea webms to post.
I love me some Disgaea, but having pumped a lot of hours into it, it's obvious how low level this shit is.
I hate this faggot so much.
Legitimately couldn't tell if that was real life or not.
Anyone got a name?
idk, looks like real life to me.
it's pre rendered, not a game
love me some gascoigne
I love seeing people unable to handle him. it's kind of baffling
We need more hyper-aggressive enemies in vidya