So besides Breath of the Wild... what are you Switch owners currently playing on your new system?

So besides Breath of the Wild... what are you Switch owners currently playing on your new system?

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Nothing. The next big exclusive is Splatoon 2 for me. There's MK8D coming up but for people like me who already got it on Wii U not really worth it unless you're super gay for battle mode
>b b but all the small indies and multiplats in between
dont fuck with me, I didnt spend $300 to play binding of isaac again


I've just been replaying FFT on PS1


Good taste user

Binding of Isaac and Disgaea 5

Trying to get bored of Zelda and finishing Persona 5 before I buy Fast RMX, those NeoGeo classics and Shovel Knight since I pirated that on PC and want to support the devs in some way.


Bomberman,when I finish Zelda I'll get onto Blaster Master

I'm super gay for battle mode and I'll probably get Disgaea 5 but other than that I'll be playing nothing until Splatoon 2. This definitely is not a system people should have bought at launch but I have money to spare so fuck it.

I have a backlog of over 80 games in PS4, PS3, Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, 3DS, Vita and PC.
I already spent over 90 hours on BoTW, I ain't touching that thing till Summer except for maybe some SnipperClips with my gf

nothing desu but Breath of the Wild is huge and I still haven't finished after a month

currently waiting for Disgaea 5, it should hold me over until Mario and Splatoon

>breath of the wild is huge
>I still haven't finished the game after a month

>a wii u port is suddenly "the next big exclusive" after another wii u port

lmao nintenbabbies are so delusional

I have Zelda and Issac, but i never playes Issac before and gave it a try. Its ok. Doesnt keep me entertained long. Looking foward to Splatoon2 as well.


Pic related.
The game is brutal after area 3 or 4 on each run but damn is it addicting.


As retarded as it is I just want to play a few game boy colour games on it. Has there been any official word on the virtual console?



I am Setsuna, puyo puyo, and Othello.
Really looking forward to the Wonderboy remake.

If you don't know the answer then don't waste precious internet space with a stupid reply

>precious internet space

I've been playing Grandia on ps1

The ps1 was so good

All they've said is they're adding online multiplayer to virtual console.
No date on anything, but Nintendo seems to like to annuonce virtual console stuff in directs.

What's the game like?
Been eyeing it but always weary of western developed games

I'm really liking the all the brass in the soundtrack. There's so much to do that I can't decide on what to do next, I had the same situation with Zelda, it's a good problem to have.
>mfw you can switch main characters that you walk around the base as
>mfw the unlimited character color editor

English release needs to hurry the fuck up.
I bought it on Ps4 .Forever ago but never played it cause I fucking hate consoles. I only play PC and handhelds so this is my chance.

I started playing my 64 again. I's rainy, cold and comfy. 64 games are especially nice during this time.

You can play it in english now, Switch Ver. has full english support, and the Switch is region free so imported it. My friend got it from the JP Eshop though.
It's really fun, they made a lot of improvements over 4 at least, I skipped D2.

>WiiU port

I am Setsuna

I wish I had known this whilst I was in Japan.

Picked up a Switch and Breath of the Wild in Japan in a tax free store and knew I'd get english for it.
Fuck if I knew it had English I'd pick this up.

Dunno of DQ Heroes 1/2 has English though.

It's a tactical, lane based, rougelite.
The game has you constantly thinking about how to best deal with what it throws at you as you need to manage many enemies at once. Each of your heroes do one, two, or three hits, and you always want to reduce enemy stamina to exactly zero with your hits so they'll get stunned and the next hit will permemantly reduce their stamina and get sent to the end of the lane.
There's also a lot of mechanics to take into consideration such as knocking an enemy back to attack something behind it, the way different elements work with each other (e.g. using a wind spell on a wet enemy will freeze it), or backstabbing enemies by switching the hero that just attacked into a lane with enemies on the way back.

The rougelite features come from the maps, spells, items, and enemies you come across being random, and there is an enormous amount to spells, items, and enemies. However, you must unlock almost all of it by beating endbosses or gathering enough souls on failed attempts. Also, nothing persist between runs.

Overall, the gameplay is very snappy and has a lot of depth. The difficulty of the game gets very high after a while, but I haven't felt its been unfair. Every time I've lost I've thought I could have done something better and learn more about the game's mechanics.

The only negatives I really have about the game is that the menus very lacking. You can't see what each hero starts with in the character selection screen for example even though it's always the same for each character. The enemy defeated menu is also rather lacking. It disorganized and just shows you the head of each enemy and a few stats. The enemies could really use a name and it'd be more helpful to see the full enemy rather than just their head.

DQH 1/2 doesn't have English.

Same desu. Late April is going to be a blast for me.


It essentially is

I forgot to mention that all the end of area bosses have their own unique gimmick or strategy to be defeated. They are by no mean pushovers and you can often expect a drawn out fight with close calls.

Binding of Isaac and waiting for Ultra Street Fighter 2.

>sequel with new weapons, specials, maps, modes, gear, and more

>a port

nigga u gey?

>new maps
>new weapons
>new hair
>new equipment ability system
>new single player story mode
>new hub area
>set a few years after the first Splatoon

Yeah 100% port nintenbabbies BTFO

>Looks the exact same
>Has pretty much the same gameplay


Wew lad you a grade a retard lmao

Do some damn research you nerd.

As for related to thread, I have Snipperclips and Shovel Knight. Yes you can laugh at me.

Snipperclips at times...

It's essentially a port. Just because they change some of the cosmetics, add some additional content and optimise it so the gameplay works on another system doesn't make it a new game

Oh, this gives me a perfect opportunity to use a typical buzzquote against you.

>It's okay when call of duty does it

>buy Snipperclips
>can't get anyone to play it

>90% of sequels are now ports

FAST rmx and Snipperclips.

>Ultra Street Fighter 2.

Why are you paying full price for HD Remix and 2 palette swap characters?

Fast RMX, Blaster Master Zero and Snipperclips.

What is master blaster

prerelease copy :-)

A mix between a Metroidvania in a tank and top down on-foot mini dungeons.

A NES remake.

Shovel Knight, Fast RMX and Snipperclips

Played the Splatoon 2 test fire but it was shit

Will be getting Mr Shifty this week, then MK8D (never owned a Wii U), then probably Ultra SF2 in May because I love SF2

After that will grab Hollow Knight, Rime and Yooka when they release

Blaster Master Zero

VOEZ and Isaac


felt the same way about Splatoon 2.

The motion controls felt awful on the Pro Controller


Playing this makes time fly. Battles take so much attention and because of pausing are deceptively long.

I'm on run 9 now.

Do you guys expect the next Call of Duty or Street Fighter to have massive changes in gameplay and mechanics/a different genre?
>That one user listed all the new content the game has
>"N-no, still a port"
Literally look up the definition of a port. MK8 Deluxe is a port because it has all the same maps and all the same content from the Wii U version but a new battle mode and three new characters. When Splatoon 2 has no old maps, the weapons classes returning from the last game but with completely different setups and pretty much everything (from the way you super jump to the UI) is new are you seriously going to call it a port?

Only funny part of this picture is that it's showing what came out of 3 years of the PS4

Nintenbro spotted.

BotW alone is as long as all the games on the left combined

But am I wrong though

Mr. Shifty looks interesting, but I'm concerned the shifting mechanic might make it a bit too easy. I was looking as some beta footage earlier and it seemed some enemies take a pretty long time to aim at you before actually firing. It also seemed easy to keep playing hide and seek with enemies because of how quickly the shift meter recharges. In addition, it seems enemies can kill each other due to the AI being kind of dumb. On the other hand, there were some enemies that seemed quicker on the draw later on and others that could destroy cover easily, the gameplay still looks fun despite the AI not being that great, there seemed to be neat gimmicks, and the environments are surprisingly interactive although mostly through destruction.

How's the music variety in VOEZ?

I've put hundreds of hours into yakuza, bloodborne, nioh and nier alone, just how big do you think zelda is?
gagillions of hours of entertainment with those shallow mechanics?

I hope you didn't buy a switch and the game instead of just pirating the WiiU version like a sensible person.

>hundreds of hours into yakuza, bloodborne, nioh and nier alone
Got 200 hours in zelda and counting

>Got 200 hours in zelda and counting
The reason for that is literally explained in the picture you quoted. Enjoy putting 200 more since you have literally nothing else coming out for the next 5 months.


Keep deluding yourself, user

>shallow mechanics

How to tell when someone never played the game

It looks like a port.

Switch has more better content on the horizon than PS4, those games are the peak of the PS4, and the Switch is just getting started.

I'm not the one who played 200 hours of the same mundane and repetitive game because my console has litrally NOTHING ELSE.

What are you going to do for the next 5 months without any new decent upcoming game?

Play indie shit that is available for free on PC?

Such as? A bunch of Wii U ports repackaged for 60 bucks?

>How's the music variety in VOEZ?

Pop,Vocaloid,Piano,different electronic styles

Well you certainly arent naming any ps4 games to backup your statement. Whys that?


MK8 is coming out this month and Platoon in the summer. Personally i also have a bunch of shit i grabbed off the eShop as well like Metal Slug so I'm not hurting for games :)


>implying I bought a switch
>implying I don't have a PC
Face the facts, sony fanboy, BotW is simply the best game I've played in the past decade.

Is it heavily skewed towards any of those?

What games? I'm curious I see Mario, another open world game with no AA and PS3 graphics and Xenoblade 2. Switch is too weak for AA/AAA third party support so it will be a indie shovelware machine that gets 2 or 3 Nintendo IPs per year. In 2 years it will be the 3DS alternative.

>two full price wii u ports with paid online in 5 months


You think people who own a Switch only own a Switch?

People who brought it now know exactly what they are in for, just like people who brought a PS4 early, the only difference here is if you brought a Switch you at least have something worth playing day one, it took the PS4 a year and a half to get 1 game, and it has just peaked 3 years in.

This year.

Xenoblade 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Bit Trip 3
Story of Seasons
Dragon Quest 11
Fire Emblem Warriors
Project Octopath Traveler, maybe

And most of that is this year, and only what we know, there will be games announced at E3, there are always games announced at E3.

AC, FE, FEWarriors, Mario, Xenoblade, ProjectOctopath, Splatoon, MK, RetrosProject (Metroid?), Pikmin, ZeldaDLC, Virtual Console library, ect.

The Switch has a pretty promising list of upcoming games. I can't really think of any impressing upcoming games for to PS4 (until E3 of course.)

Sure, I'll listen to about four hours of music instead of you just telling me in a single sentence based on your experience with it.

PS4 has Uncharted 4.5
Not The Last of Us more Zombies edition
Not The Last of Us Greek God edition
and that's it I think for the remainder of the year, and not one of those games looks even slightly decent.

good thing nobody bought a wii u :)

I am more excited for botw's hard mode than the DLC.

Oh yeah, and Dragon Quest 11, best graphics edition, but considering Snake Pass, I'm wondering how much by.

Fucking masochist.

I have seen people talk about virtual console but I have yet to see it. Switch has no Netflix, Youtube, internet browser and other apps. Hell I can't even connect my bluetooth headphones.

And you are not interested in Spiderman, Days Gone, Crash, God Of War, Death Stranding, Yakuza Kiwami + 6, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Last Of Us 2?

haha me too. I hope its something challenging and not just damage sponges

Death Stranding isn't coming out this year, The rest are shit, if you want a platforming based 3d platformer just play Super Mario 3d World, you can emulate it on PC, it's an objectively better game and has multiplayer.

Spiderman may be good, Insomniac tend to be good.

I thought Kiwami was already out, oh well.

indie shit everyone else played 5 years ago

Oh boy beginning enemies will one shot even harder until you get hearts and armor upgrades again.