Does the combat get any better?

Does the combat get any better?

Literally spamming for weakness critcs has taken me far.

If thats how the rest of the game is then i don't know why the turnbased cult here shit on arpgs

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Have you never been a Purse owner before? Why did you buy the game then?

Once you get further in there are plenty of enemies that don't have weaknesses and will skullfuck you unless you can hit them with ailments.

It's almost as if different people can enjoy different things.

Play on hard faggit

*blocks your path*

>I don't know how to guard

Are you really that surprised that turnbasedfags were full of shit? Drop that garbage and pick up Berseria.

>action RPG
>Most of the time in the webm is spent watching, not playing

>proceeds to post webm of the worst Tales Of game in terms of combat

Later you have to learn to use technical attacks and ailments because enemies don't really have weaknesses that you can exploit.
Also one of the only jrpgs that hasn't fallen to the action combat meme and actually respects its roots.

>Later you have to learn to use technical attacks and ailments because enemies don't really have weaknesses that you can exploit.

Yeah i came through couple enemies like that but i still manage to brute force it with the same attacks even without them being weak to it or anything

Then confirmed that you are playing on normal at max

Shitter on normal detected, the boss is easy, it's the random encounters that will fuck you up.
>reach last floor
>a square room must be a safe room
>suddenly archangel from nowhere, wipe my party in one turn

Hard mode and dlc mode are literally just damage modifiers and reduce money and boost HP, nothing actually boosting the AI's intelligence in combat.

I don't play meme hard modes in these games just like Nier did.

Nigga how can a random encounter happen in a game where you visibly see enemies

They dont reduce anything money/exp wise, they boost damage so you cant just spam attack to win and dont care about defense/surviving.


They're not "random", but you don't visibly see them, they appear in front of you, they guard chests and shit.

Ohhh are they the ones you can see if you use the "witcher" senser shit? Last time i saw some red cicrle shit and then an enemy spawned

strategy changes significantly when you can't all-out attack in the first turn and end every fight

If there was a mode that let you skip all the dungeon-crawling I'd so fucking use it.

>They dont reduce anything money/exp wise
Literally says here which is why i didn't bother

Either way i don't play hard modes that aren't actually hard and only increase how tedious it gets.


Not if your sttong enough to still wipe them out.

Modes like this are pointless if you're overpowered since the AI is still gonna be stupid

Then it's a lie.
Hard mode don't reduce anything in terms of exp, only this dlc difficutly settings does that.

And stop posting these smug anime faces you fucking tool

yeah, i would like that. then I'd just have the good lifesim parts of the game an none of the mediocre dungeoncrawling parts.
If the gameplay was good I'd want to play it, but it just isn't. It just gets in the way.

Even if thats a "lie" doesn't really change anything from the mode actually does. Enemies in combat don't get any smarter or additional moves so gives you no incentive to play on unlike something nightmare mode on Ys Oath In Felghana

>blocks your path

Why are the time windows between the combo hits so long? That series of hits shouldn't have been chained, especially in the beginning. Maybe the older games were tougher on it, I don't know.

Persona was always the definition of casual otaku pandering romance crap. If you want good turn based gameplay you play Shin Megami Tensei, not Persona.

Unfortunately modern SMT is succumbing to waifu pandering

Atleast in Apocalypse you can just kill them all

*summons Shiki-Ouji*

Little appeal to beating up on a training dummy.

just play on the easiest setting

I hate how the game makes you split up the palaces over multiple days unlike p3/p4 where you could rush it in one, but sometimes dungeon crawling feels like a nice breather after a few weeks of s. links and grinding stats.

>seeing people on here putting palaces off until the last few days

why don't you guys just rush it in the first 4 days for two to three weeks of anxiety free visual novel comfiness? Were you the same guys that put off assignments/projects/studying until the day before it was due when you guys were kids?

>spamming for weakness critcs has taken me far.
Actually it doesn't, that would cost too much SPs.

pretentious normalchunnis

>tfw I'm 70 hours in Berseria and still nowhere near to the ending, and I also bought P5 and played it 20 hours in 3 days and now I don't know which one to play

Help me.

By the way Eizen a best, great combo you got there m8.

>I hate how the game makes you split up the palaces over multiple days unlike p3/p4 where you could rush it in one,
this is seriously the worst
>oh you want to see the end of this storyline after hours of dungeoncrawling
>fuck you how about you just wait 20 more minutes without anything interesting happening

>Actually it doesn't, that would cost too much SPs.

The ring accessory makes it redundant

The only difficulty of persona games is SP management faggot

But don't worry P6 onwards will features hybrid combat, we going action very soon