What game forum did you come from before discovering Sup Forums?

What game forum did you come from before discovering Sup Forums?

Do you still participate in any game forums or did Sup Forums completely cut you off them?

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>tfw been here for too long that i don't even know how did i come here

That place fucking sucks now

GameTrailers. F

No that was the only forum I actually posted on. I browse(d) a lot though. Sup Forums is starting to become a little unbearable due to the progression of time (can't have serious discussions about older games you grew up playing and such). And I refuse to go to reddit since I can't stand the concept of downvoting/upvoting posts.

I only came to Sup Forums because I heard this was where Rickrolling came from. Yeah...

reddit and GameFaqs

neogaf, reddit, tumblr


I mostly went to game-specific forums but GameFAQs was the only general one.

9gag, ifunny

Reddit xD!

EDIT: Thanks for the gold gentlestranger!


come shitpost and chat with other anons!

Facepunch. Only used Sup Forums since I came here.

iddqd. ru - it's still alive, but I don't know anyone there. It was pretty comfy, I used to meet some guys IRL.
l2world forums (Lineage II private server) - now dead.




While ago. Kind of a retarded place. Forums anyway. Not much discussion about videogames.

From GameFAQs, around the time the first season of Rozen Maiden was airing.


8ch, had to check out the birthplace of GG and got stuck defeating the sjw shill problem you guys have

consolegaming.eu now known as EGL. The shitposting was as bad as here.

I know youre baiting but there are actually too many faggots like this.

I still like it


Gamefaqs and one other forum I can't even remember the name of.

I used to spend my time alot in IRC before 4chink on Sup Forums

The closest I ever came to using a forum was ScrewAttacks dumb G1 message boards.

But I quickly realized how hostile and pathetic everyone became. Only those with the most posts or most likes got to speak. Everyone else had to agree or get the boot.

I like being able to call people a faggot here. And being called a faggot! It's nice! Please don't do that though.

There's a few cool people still from SA, but lowtax ran it into the fucking ground

From a fucking roblox forum which was basically like Sup Forums for 11 year olds

I'm probably one of the only people that found Sup Forums via /d/.
I was a horny little shit always looking for progressively weirder shit, I think I found a Sup Forums link while looking through futa digimon fansites. Dear god I used to fap to some terrible art.
Gotta say though /d/ is fucking tame from what I remember 10 years ago.

I didn't come from any specific forum, on my own volition and because I wanted some nostalgia from the old internet.
So I guess, spacebattles?

I started coming here in 05..so i dont really remember.

i could not take their stupid pretentious libtard attitude anymore and i couldn't feel more happy i left that awful hivemind

Holy shit. I hope this is bait.


I came onto Sup Forums because I got the general idea that it was a place without a filter. Sewer of the internet indeed.

No, it was vgf/vgc. rt is kind of reddit lite, and ot was tumblr lite

Earth: 2025 and Vagabond's Quest. I think they're both defunct now.

The Halo Wars Forums back in 2007

I know it sounds retarded, and it is... But before the game came out that forum had all kinds of discussions. It was where I learned how to make forum signatures, and by extension, how to use Photoshop. I had over 1000 posts on my main account, and after that account got banned, a few hundred on my second. Once the game came closer to release the mods started cracking down on off topic discussions, like signature or mafia threads, so a bunch of people (the oldfags, or "seniors" as we called ourselves) migrated to another forum. It was awesome there, and it wasn't just the forum, I used to play Halo 3 and Reach with those guys. That was when those games were relevant. The second forum is mostly dead now and I don't use XBL anymore. I miss those days. As for the Halo Wars forums I think you can still look through them, you just can't post anything anymore.

Sega Forums
My first and last forum, holy fuck did it put me off forums forever.

I went there too. I miss clockwork and aff.


Forums are slow and you generally can't say what you think. But the down side of being able to say what you want is that people on Sup Forums exaggerate everything. But once you are able to see past that, it's pretty nice. Sup Forums also works as a news site for me. Even the msot niche of stuff gets posted here.

Official Nintendo Forums until they shut down, then a bit of Gamespot and GameFAQs until I discovered Sup Forums in 2007.
I tried going back but always got banned, Sup Forums changes you online.

I cane from Smashboards years ago and the website sankakucomplex, though I never commented on sankaku, just browsed.

I lurked Sup Forums for years but only started posting when the smash 4 series got its own general in /vg/. Good times.

Now I post on Sup Forums and /adv/.

I used to visit 1 or 2 small french forums before I discovered Sup Forums (via Sup Forums the movie on youtube).

I lurked Sup Forums for years before my first posts. (I was more of a /x/, /toy/, /po/ guy at first. I couldn't care less about forums now, because I lost a lot of interest in video game.

Sup Forums is ok so I'm still here.

Also, I now think Spacebattles is a very strange place. It harbors this kind of reddit/tumblr/Sup Forums mixture (and a lot of them go to /tg/ if I remember) so it becomes sort-of-cancer, but it still provides you with some quality content every once in a while. The people who do go to Sup Forums there are usually really fun to talk to actually, we got really comfy in the threads where we talked about some of the more notable shenanigans that Sup Forums pulled over 2016 and also the current ones, like HWNDU (with the flag.)

It has artists, fanfiction (and it's not unmoderated garbage half the time.), quests, and etcetera. The politics section is a cesspool for reddit though, and you can't be too mean to other people (or just say "fuck your subjective morality" which is retarded) to get your point across.

But hey, at least it taught me how to fire up those neurons in arguments. The site itself is a science fiction site where you talk about fiction in general.

The Flood
many many years ago

Encyclopedia dramatica
RuneScape forum (I was shitposting in rants for life)

Same, though I was just a lurker there for the most part

Newgrounds, shitty flash games were my childhood.
Too bad it and the entire internet have gone down the shitter.

Sonic Blast, Sonic Stadium, Sonic Family, Sonic Infinity, just to name a few.

GameFAQs and the Rock band forums.

>Sonic Stadium
Used to go there too, remember the moderators all had sticks up their asses and could get away with anything.

Shoryuken, FF Worlds Apart, Warpportal
I only still go to Warpportals because these assholes don't put out all information I need in their patch notes. Otherwise I'd have cut off them long time ago. user posting is a bliss. I always did like chatrooms more than forums, so I preferred to have mirc even back then.


I know I got here thanks to Rocketboom back in 2007 when I was 17. I also had a friend in hs who'd talk about this place a lot.

I can't remember what I browsed prior to Sup Forums.

I remember going to Smashboards, Serebii, and some Bleach forum when I was 14, but I would never post regularly, if at all.

Prior to that... Yahoo? I used to play Chess on Yahoo games back in 1995.


that one

dead serious

1st ever forum I was a part of was Diablo 3 (around 21 yrs old), then Path of Exile, then Sup Forums

I visit Sup Forums daily, it's mostly what I do during the day, I come back to PoE every now and then, completely abandoned D3

A bunch of random Pokémon forums and Gamefaqs. Went to /vp/ when it first became a board. Thanks Nuzlocke!

Crunchyroll forums back in 2006

I remember shitposting and starting flaming threads on purpose back in the day. Especially when Crisis came out. the PC and Sony fans were especially delusional there but they taught me basically everything I needed to know to build up the courage to build a PC.

How young are you?

I've never really been in any game forums at all, the only reason I somehow came to Sup Forums was because of /d/ and /gif/.
I went to reddit for some time but got tired of it, so I'm back here.

>I went to reddit for some time but got tired of it, so I'm back here.

a role playing forum for the Warriors series of books. Its a series about cats that kill each other from the perspective of the cats. I no longer go on and I'm ashamed of it. It wasn't video gaming but I did rp cat sex so close enough I guess.

Nah, I still find that place hard to navigate. I'm too used to Sup Forums at this point.

>no mention of IGN in thread

Just how young are you fags?

As for me, mostly IGN and GameFAQs. Ign forums was always terrible though, but I was lured in by their fancy walkthroughs and stayed briefly for certain seemingly interesting threads. Gamefaqs was just cozy, if a little dumb at times.

>the official x of y board

Bungie's The Flood off topic forum.

FunnyJunk, Gamefaqs, Encyclopedia Dramatica, once I found Sup Forums I could never go back. I guess I was just a teenager that wanted to have fun on the internet.

Now when I'm not on a chan I just use the internet to download stuff, growing out of my obsession with dumb stuff on the internet (except for my Sup Forums dose once every 2 weeks) made me realize how retarded are normies and their social media craze.

I think I got here around 2008. Used to browse Sup Forums a lot before moving on to other boards.
Before that I know I used to browse other forums, but can't really remember their names.




Full of kids but it was fun as I was a kid myself. Lost interest growing up and it's slowly dying now thanks to Reddit, just like every forum

I didn't.
I was one of the kids who just looked around on places like youtube when I was younger, then came to Sup Forums after seeing it mentioned a couple of times. After a few times of looking at it thinking 'oh god what the fuck is this' I got used to it, then started looking at other boards once I wanted to talk about actual topics.
And that's how I ruined my life forever.

Oh yeah forgot to say, I probably saw Sup Forums mentioned on Newgrounds a few times (Zone and such), but I never used the forums.


Some SAMP Pilot/Aviation RP forums.


Battle.net forum, mainly the world editor of Warcraft III section.
>Ywn spend the whole day making your own campaign and have your friends beta test it for you again
At least I get to shitpost with you guys

I never did reach plumber