What was the blunder of the century?

What was the blunder of the century?

>he never played Spore


spore was entirely playable, it just didn't have shit that was in the E3 video from 2 or 3 years prior to it's release, which no one with a brain was expecting. Sup Forums was mostly 12-13 year olds at that point, apparently.

No man's sky was a far bigger blunder because they outright lied about content in the game, and said things were in there when they weren't. like multiplayer.

Well if you think about it and the whole purpose of NMS was to deceive and bullshit their way to fame then it's not much of a blunder.
>Handmade worlds for trailers
>Lies about content
>Childlike crowd manipulation strategies
Then it's not really a blunder since alot of people bought it and fell for the lies.

A REAL blunder is something like Run Like Hell.
>A list Actors as voice cast
>High profile writers
>Supposed to be a direct competition for Resident evil during it's strongest era
>Planned trilogy
>Got scrapped 9 months before release
>Broken mess of a game released in a rush with all voices and story still intact
>No sequel even considered

THAT's a blunder.

it's actually pretty fun for a few minutes


I think it's definitely a blunder since even sony was offering refunds on digital purchases for a week or two after NMS launched, on PS4 no less. I've NEVER heard of them doing that before.

Run like hell is pretty bad though, yeah.Poor interplay.


I'm not really saying it wasn't a blunder, just not much of one since they got away with it scot-free in the end.

I hope you mean the nu males who pre-ordered/paid full price for it.

The devs got exactly what they wanted. Made a lot of money from a trash indie game with a gimmick, pretty successful if you ask me.


I've seen better gameplay on laundry machine.

You want to talk broken promises?

Name at least 3 (three) promises that were broken for this game.

you mean the first one? that one fits way better

yeah probably, but the whole dog thing rubs me the wrong way.

>tried nms at release
>boring as fuck
>try the survival mode
>Actually a constant struggle to survive, somewhat fun
Getting sick of sudden storms wrecking me in 6 seconds though

GG is growing stronger than ever though. We killed the sjw game laylee yokoo or whatever the dumb name was, and redeemed our guy Jontron's honor.


yeah, also proved how hype culture is pure unmitigated cancer. people who never touched the game defended it like they personally made it. the gametrailers discussion as seen in numerous videos showing the lengths someone will go to defend a thing they had no hand in making was not only sad, but disgusting. it was like trying to reason someone who just covers their ears and shouts la la la la i cant hear you.

the much sadder thing is people will line up for the next smoke and mirrors disappointment and pay full price just they did with evolve and this game.

don't do it guys


>What was the blunder of the century?


we arw talking about thing that will actually release this century

The marketing department for NMS is top notch. I bought it, maybe you bought it, my family certainly bought it. I feel duped but I can appreciate how well they marketed that game.


>marketing department
Have you looked at the credits? There's no marketing department, the game was almost literally made in a cave with a box of scrap. Sup Forums, reddit and neogaf were the marketing department.

The game was presented on stage at E3. Do you seriously think that there wasn't a marketing department involved in that? You have no idea how the video game business works. Shut the fuck up.

I made this before the game came out, when I still had hope...

If by marketing department you mean like one guy then sure.

That game sold over a million copies.
Even if it was one dude I think he did alright.
Sales numbers has nothing to do with the quality of the game. Did you not witness ME: Andromeda's release?

Makes sense
You made it a gravestone ahead of time.

Is that for a gravestone? Very apt.

fair point

Not the user you're responding to, but if you seriously think marketing departments are composed of one individual, then I don't know what to tell you.

I can imagine that if they weren't directly included in the credits that Sony took part handling it for them, which was likely a part of their contractual deal.

we don't have sale figures for MEA yet besides some irrelevant UK retail stats

Who here was unironically blinded by the hype around nu mans sky?
You people cannot be this gullible


>limited edition doesn't contain the soundtrack
>literally only really good thing to come out of the game
>probably because it was made by someone else

>implying Europe doesn't matter.

The UK stats are enough to project for other markets.

a region that buys so many fifa games doesn't deserve to be looked at
which still tells us fuck all since all we know is that it beat some games no-one cares about


>That game sold over a million copies
Belive it or not games can sell a lot without a marketing department. Just look at Minecraft and Undertale.

>Even if it was one dude I think he did alright.
Sure. But the game kinda marketed itself. And it's easier when you lie.

>Sales numbers has nothing to do with the quality of the game.
Not disputing that and I'm not sure why you bring it up in relation to if Hello Games has a marketing department or not.

>but if you seriously think marketing departments are composed of one individual, then I don't know what to tell you.
Hello Games have 16 people working there. They aren't big enough to have departments. Most bigger indie teams can afford to have one person deal with all the marketing and social media shit at most.

>I can imagine that if they weren't directly included in the credits that Sony took part handling it for them, which was likely a part of their contractual deal.
If they were they were kinda shit if anything since all Sony did was pretty much just include the game on their lineup at E3 and shit like that. A fuckload of indies have done that before.

What blunder though? It was made for a tiny budget and sold well, with refunds mostly being a redditor meme. right now their biggest problems probably is knowing where to sit in their swimming pool of cash.

The marketing department at Sony saw a "survival game" they could market as more than it is, the game came out and failed to meet expectations, Sony didn't give a shit about the quality once it came out because it sold more than predicted internally. I can't speak to how Hello Games thought about the marketing, but they must've known they couldn't deliver. I don't like NMS. I'm surprised I'm defending it right now, but I feel you're hating it for the wrong reasons.

Comparing things to Minecraft and Undertale is unfair because children are stupid and unpredictable.


What went wrong with the development of this game? I remember being so hyped about it and it died out instantly.

Think it was literally just not living up to the hype.

It looked amazing
Everyone kept saying it was Mirrors edge with guns and shit like that.
It's actually not a bad game, I enjoyed it but for a parkour fps game it was slow and clunky as shit.

>If they were they were kinda shit if anything since all Sony did was pretty much just include the game on their lineup at E3 and shit like that. A fuckload of indies have done that before.

M8, marketing goes beyond putting a game in a lineup for exposure. Marketing encompasses the various facets of promotion: commercial material, various ads, special editions, promotional material, demographic analysis, surveys, planning, etc. etc.

You're restricting yourself if marketing did not go beyond a E3 line-up.

Most of these Indie studios who sign a contract with one the console platforms do it for the benefit of good marketing management, inter alia.

Buggy all over the place, network lag, shit AI (for the enemy AND your team) and literally no hype behind it to drive it.

I remember beating the "single player" while hungover at a mate's place one morning. I'd say they overhyped how good the "parkour" played into the combat. It was a generic multiplayer shooter when CoD was at it's peak.

It redpilled a whole generation about the follys of pre-ordering and may have caused a huge slump in future sales fucking up the industry

>2hr battery life
>phone hardware
>no games
>joycons drop connection
>dock scratches screen
>collapses into itself forming a singularity


Fable was just a mess. Even games that did not promise you could do everything had more side content. The good/evil system was terrible, the combat was poor, the story was poor, interaction with people was shit, it wasnt even that good of an RPG. Let alone a totally awesome RPG.

>pol suddenly likes fat people now

>It redpilled a whole generation about the follys of pre-ordering
Oh my you're cute. it didn't even make a dent in perorders

It might have been the biggest hype implosion but Battleborn might just be the blunder of the century.

Battleborne...I forgot about that game. Randy all but said that game is a blunder.

wait I think multiple people including the lead writer and him said that game sucks

>everyone already forgot evolve
and rightly so

Whats Evolve?

do you even go fast

>it just didn't have shit that was in the E3 video from 2 or 3 years prior to it's release, which no one with a brain was expecting.
you are a fucking retard

they forgot it because they literally announced they're shutting servers down. There's no reason to talk about it.

>In July 2016, it was announced that Evolve would be transitioning to become free-to-play, due to the mixed post-release reception, massive loss of playerbase, and the DLC controversy, but 2K decided to end the game's support approximately four months later.


Not only that but the staff were actually working on updates for the console versions to make THEM f2p.

I actually think the game might have survived if it was f2p from the get go.

Shit man, i'm sorry


Xbox One

the sequel will be even more of a blunder

No, just the internet watchdogs who turn savage the moment something doesn't adhere to their standards. Just like slavery being abolished, they'll never get over it.

>multi million selling game

I don't think you know what blunder means.

I tihnk the game would have survived if it didnt scalpel the game into tiny pieces. Either make a 60 bucks game and balance and add content to it constantly, or make it f2p. Not this bullshit where they make a very barebones core game and you have to pay top dollar to add some meat to it. Getting fucking sick of having to buy a game and then having everything beyond the core game locked behind chests and DLC

That box is nice though.

Not that user, but you must be out of your mind if this will not have an impact on future releases.

The pricing on the DLC makes it relatively doubtful.

>Internet Watchdogs

I played that game. At the end I hacked space. It was cool.

Of course the answer is E.T.

Sorry for what?

This is nintendogaf, they're in full delusion as always with Nintendo stuff
Never seen such an obedient delusional fanbase, I imagine its because it's not their money they use to buy things

>never seen such a fan dedicated to hating a commercial product created to make money

>Friend hyped it
>Spent forever downloading it to play with him
>Uninstalled the next day

ET was last century

100 million fucking dollarydoos

well they manage to make a profit in the end. But not in the way they thought of it.

I think that nothing has surpassed this yet.
>a fucking Star Wars mmo, the dream game for many people
>awesome trailers and millions of dollars in publicity
>became a shitty free-to-play mmo and no1 laughing stock for years to come

Overhyped game fueled by lies and a final product that is an incredibly bland and shallow game sold at full price.

Name one (1) that did this besides NMS.
Mighty NÂș is exactly what they promised. A megaman clone.
Same for yooka laylee and pretty much any other hyped game like Andromeda.

Games that offered what they promised. They just ended up being bad games.

NMS is different. Besides a handful of feature, the rest was pure lies and what is in the game barely justifies half price let alone full price..

Also star wars galaxies got a mercy kill because it wasnt going well and they wanted the players to move to SWTOR

>mfw when Sup Forums replaced the box art picture of SWTOR on wikipedia with one where the face behind the mask is replaced by mystery of druids guy and it took wikipedia months to notice and replace it

Well fable promised insane character interactions, real time growing trees, including new trees growing from apples that fell of grown trees. And a million other features. Or molyneux's game where the detail would range from a worm in an apple to a huge map.

anyone still believing in a Star Wars anything is a fucking dipshit. How many terrible properties have to be related to Star Wars to get people to realize it's all a marketing scam?

True, but Fable still managed to be a great game, even if it failed at delivering half of what Molyneux promised.
NMS is a awful game. Not only 90% of what promised wasn't in the game, and still isn't, but also the actual game itself, what we got, is incredibly boring, bad and forgettable.

NMS is an awful game.
Fable is a great game.

There was nothing wrong with the first Destiny, the only thing mildly annoying was the lack of content after the story. The multiplayer and the expansions were good, except house of wolves, could've done without that.

Spore had good moments even a few. NMS has literally no good moments.

Kind of hard to top 16 years of development only to come out as a load of half finished dogshit.

Survival mode is okay. Pretty intense to rush the repairs while life support is hitting the last points left.

fuck that game. it's fucking boring storywise and barely average in gameplay.

Also I don't know who has a boner for Duke over at Gearbox (Randy?) but they need to stop shoehorning him into everything.