Which one is better?
Which one is better?
they are equal
Bloodborne, but DS3 is a great game
Left obviously, it's the best game from the extended souls series full stop.
Bloodborne by an extreme amount. Only real flaw is no 60fps
i like das3 more but i admit bb is overall better
Dark Souls 3 has more replay value.
If you were going to play each game only once, Bloodborne is better.
Theyre both shit. Soulsborne is a pretty shitty series.
The one without the shitty chalice dungeons, awful healing item farming and samey areas.
I've only played Bloodborne but it was so easy I've got no motivation to play any others in the series.
You can just run past every enemy if you wanted to and a core game mechanic is that you can summon 2x people at any time to do anything remotely difficult.
I went into Bloodborne blind and platinumed it in 10 days.
love this meme desu
> autism the poster
Do you have to troll every thread? Are (you)s that addictive?
>dark souls 3 has replay value
I wish, I dread having to play through the game again to finish getting the dlc boss equipment. Every other character I start ends at Crucifixion Woods because it's just such a damn drag from the Settlement all the way to Anor Londo
The one that doesn't run with sub-30 fps in 2017.
It's not a meme, it's my actual personal experience. That's my trophy. I can timestamp it if required.
I know you're trolling but I agree that Bloodborne is really easy. There are so many pushover enemies it's incredible. They have to throw like 10 of them at the same time in order to present any sort of challenge it's ridiculous. And also the regenerating health dumbs it down more.
I'm talking about Bloodborne in a Bloodborne thread. Sorry you don't agree with my points.
BB has like 1 or 2 better bosses than DaS 3.
DaS 3 has GOTY bosses like Friede and Gael who shit all over Maria, Ludwig and Orphan.
And non-DLC bosses like Nameless King, Gyndir, Abyss Watchers are all better.
The only good BB boss is Gehrman but only because of music. And his track is a single good one in BB OST.
Bloodborne, but DS3 is pretty good after the last DLC.
Its still highly disappointing in a lot of ways, game balance wise especially. Still worth your time though.
How is it that you think I'm trolling when I'm viewing the exact same point as you?
The game was broken, I don't know why people think it's hard.
I platinumed BB blind about 5 days from UK release, but the game was still immensely enjoyable.
Why has multi-enemy encounters become synonymous with "artificial difficulty"? Bloodborne is fast paced enough that it's not that bad to deal with multiple things at once
and I know you didn't say artificial difficulty, but I've seen it thrown around a lot
>I'm talking about Bloodborne in a Bloodborne thread.
No, you're shitposting a souls thread because you're unable to understand that people like different things.
You've been doing this same routine for 2 months now, you can stop.
I didn't think it was enjoyable. There was no story or music and the combat was repetitive.
>And his track is a single good one in BB OST.
>ignoring ludwig's theme
All that compared to the single good track in Ds3.
The souls games probably aren't for you then. I do agree about the music though, even though a couple of tracks were stellar, the OSTs have taken a nosedive after DeS.
In fact I'd argue exactly the opposite. You people can't accept an opinion that doesn't involve masturbating over how great the game is.
Alright fine geez.
It was easy though. The only enemies that are "hard" are the bloodlickers and the ones with cheap grab moves like the brainsuckers. Everything else is a joke.
Oh and I can't believe shit talk DaS3 DLC for its enemy placement when Yaharghul was pure cancer incarnate with its respawning hordes of shitty mobs.
>Friede, Gael, NK, AW, Gundyr
>good bosses
Maybe if you're talking exclusively thematically, but those fights are all pretty damn dull. some are kinda flashy, but it's all smoke really
just like your opinion.
>I know you're trolling but I agree that Bloodborne is really easy.
Today I WILL remind them
>bosses have 5 times the health than in previous games
>bosses have multiple phases that they morph through, each with new moves or abilities
>bosses have far larger movesets to the point where combining 3 bosses in DAS1 might come close to matching one boss in BB
>counter damage is scaled ridiculously high and almost every enemy can deal 70%+ of your health in one hit if not outright one shot you
>enemies have larger movesets
>no shields
>shields that block all damage for minimal stamina drain
>magic that literally one shots bosses from 50 meters away
>instant backstabs that are buffable beyond measure
>bosses barely have any health at all, you can one shot multiple bosses at SL1
>bosses normally don't have phases outside the DLC fights, and have far, far fewer moves
>pyromancy which doesn't require any leveling besides attunement, can still one shot some bosses and easily does over 800 damage
>armor can be upgraded and thus you can just sit there and mash because the enemies can't do shit
>poise exists so you never get stunned out of fucking anything
BB is no way near the easiest in the series
I like Bloodborne's combat and visual style but Dark Souls 3 has more variety and reasons to replay. You also don't have to grind for RNG gem drops to maximize the potential of a new character or build.
You can also respec if you make a mistake or want to use different strategy until you collect all the items you need for your intended build. I suppose that wouldn't matter if everything was available from the start but it isn't and there are some weapons that are so late in the game you can never really dedicate a build to them.
I swear bloodborne runs at lower than 30fps. Recently bought it after putting near 1000 hours into the rest of the souls games. I just cant do it. Setting is all one fucking color and the fps is just awful. I tried guys. I really did.
>feels the need to make the exact same post verbatim in every single thread even tangentially related to Bloodborne
what a fat autistic retard lmao
ds3 had better bosses.
We all know you're just trying to steer people away, the only problem is how you post the same pasta everytime. Stop being a bitter fuck and move on
Base game? Dark Souls 3, but only due to base BB being so short. With DLC, its a close tie with 3 having the best bosses and BB the best combat.
Bloodborne is the better game, but Dark Souls 3 is very good as well.
Because the Bloodbornes mobs by themselves(the majority of them) are fucking pathetic so they have to throw like 10 of them at once. Just look at the celestial mobs, crows, rats, huntsmen, etc. Even the "strong" enemies like executioners and scourge beasts are a complete joke. And the casualized healing system doesn't help at all.
And no, faster paced doesn't mean more depth. The game has a huge case of "spam r1". So many flashy movesets yet most of them are never used because of how weak the mobs are.
Bloodborne is better in almost every way, but dark souls 3 runs at 60fps, better online and has better mechanics for pve.
3 also fixes a few small issues that previous souls games had with mechanics and interface.
I hope you are talking about DS1 because none of that is true about DS3
Some of the damage you take in Bloodborne is outright obnoxious, the counter hit system is ridiculous since every hit is basically a counter hit it might as well not exist. I think you pretty much have to stand completely still to get hit with a non-counter hit.
> 24 vials can be carried so you have essentially 12+ extra lives at any one time
> Run past every single enemy without being touched
> dodging makes you invincible
> if you lock on it auto aims 100% for you
> you can summon 2x people to do anything difficult for you
> spectres and notes there to hold your hand every step of the way
> weapons have a ridiculous hit circumference
> items like pungent blood cocktails can be used to make bosses a stroll in the park
It is easy. I platinumed it in 10 days and wasn't even trying to.
I hate the "connected world" meme that everyone praises Dark Souls 1 and shits on Dark Souls 2 for, but that ladder climb in Bloodborne that leads to Iosefka's clinic is one of the coolest moments in the series.
Miyazaki's game > Tanimura's game
>The game has a huge case of "spam r1
Literally lying, can't spam r1 since the counter damage from an enemy will literally kill you, i dare you to spam it against the hunter in the church
> lmao
Go away.
Miyazaki hasn't made a good game besides Bloodborne, and has even ruined a few series. He really needs to go
>Connected world meme
Wow actually fuck you. That's one of the coolest thing about the souls series.
triggered hard lmao
I'm not bitter. Slightly disappointed at the time because I wasn't able to experience this L33T HARDCOAR GAMERS ON LEE that I was told about. I've got over that now though.
I think overall DaS3 is the better game, but BB has better "woah" moments
Like Father G is fucking awesome & instantly gets you in love with the game, but i feel like Vanilla BB never picked up that level of quality again until Gehrman & of course the DLC
The perfect ending to the Souls Series would have been the final boss being the Hunter in the Ringed City DLC.
Prove me wrong, you literally can't
You mean the coolest things about Dark Souls 1, since none of the other games do it well at all
Are you retards deaf or something? Bloodborne has one of the best video game OST of all time, what the fuck are you on about?
Dark Souls 3 because the areas aren't samey garbage like in Bloodborne.
How are those fights dull? Gundyr and Gael are the most normal of those, and they are the most polished duel bosses in the series. Abyss Watchers has an unique first place, NK combines combat to monster boss and has the coordination challenge in first phase with two things attacking you, Friede is the ultimate endurance fight combined with darklurker. Dancer moves unlike anything else in the series and Pontiff has the shadow mechanic. How are they by any means dull bosses?
The only music is boss battles, which are just interchangeable, stereotypical crescendo-style orchestral music.
It's cool on your first playthrough, but after that it basically becomes irrelevant. It's just good level design
The amount of importance that people place on it when it is essentially "valley of drakes is connected to blighttown, cool" is dumb.
I just gave you another example with Bloodborne.
Ah yes, the five hunter encounters that play like nothing else in the game sure are a good representation.
Nah you're just a pleb that couldn't move on from being wowed by the first couple of loud choirs. Dark Souls 3 was unfortunate enough to take the same thing but with even less inspiration.
He's just shitposting and trying to make his shitty fedora game look epic.
I'd pick fucking Yhorm or Wolnir over boring dull trash like Bloodstarved beast or cleric beast.
Bloodborne does it better than dark souls and demon's souls does it well for each zone.
Dark souls 3 does it well, but it's hindered by linear progression and area transitions that aren't varied much visually.
>24 vials can be carried so you have essentially 12+ extra lives at any one time
a fully upgraded estus flask will always refill your entire bar or most of it compared to the tiny amount in BB
> Run past every single enemy without being touched
Applies to DAS3
>dodging makes you invincible
This only applies to DAS3 since the enemies are slow as fuck. In BB hunters are just as fast as you and you can be punished by gunshots for spamming dodge
>you can summon 2x people to do anything difficult for you
Applies to the series
>spectres and notes there to hold your hand every step of the way
Applies to whole series and better than forced tutorials
>weapons have a ridiculous hit circumference
Not as bad as Das3's hitboxes
> items like pungent blood cocktails can be used to make bosses a stroll in the park
And Carthus Bloodring in das3 makes it easier to spam roll
Try again
I find Gael boring. I don't know why they made him so easy. The hitboxes are so forgiving on all of this attacks.
In addition, it seems like he has absolutely none of that retarded AI mechanic they have become obsessed with, where a boss will perform the portion of a combo, wait to see if you press a button, then react accordingly.
never played bloodborne, but it´s left.
hopefully next game won´t be ps4/xb1 exclusive.
Das3 is barely better than 2, BB is clearly superior.
Okay i'm all for daily soulborne shitposting but why am i seeing friede praise here?
This is the first DLC i was robbed from fromsoft since that boss just displayed how lazy they got making the most tedious boss for the sake of artificial difficulty
I remember when Miyazaki said souls was never about the difficulty, guess money changes people
>area transitions that aren't varied much visually
This has to be bait. The areas in Dark Souls 3 are 10 times more visually varied than the 6+ areas in Bloodborne that are all cities and streets or boring forests.
I've never played any other souls game, after realising how easy they are after playing Bloodborne.
All of the points I made still exist in Bloodborne and are what makes it easy.
> Friede
> Tedious
Fair enough if you think that, but for me it made it endlessly replayable. The interconnected world makes you feel like you're in an actual world and knowing all the branching paths and item locations means you can give yourself a fighting chance in any area you chose to do first.
If you're over it, why are you posting in this thread?
>Friede and Gael
> shit all over Maria, Ludwig and Orphan.
fuck off kid.
Friede and Gael was just an easier version of O&S with a Maria prelude.
The fact you think a stun-lockable, backstabable boss is somehow good makes your opinion worthless trash.
I beat Friede the first time on NG+ SL16.
Gundyr is also complete forgettable trash, just circle-strafe to win again.
Slave Knight Gael was good though, even though he was too easy I had fun with him.
>make the game as easy as possible for yourself by grinding to level 142+ before fucking ROM, summoning tardwranglers to hold your hand through areas, and downright running past encounters
>lol bloodborne is 2ez
This guy is a fucking incarnation of these series of images.
I'm starting to think you haven't even played DS3. Roll spamming will fuck you over, bloodring will make everything one shot you not to mention all the other bullshit your previous posts contained.
For example is literally DS1 and none of that applies to DS3
It's a thread relating to Bloodborne, I'm posting about Bloodborne.
Incidentally here's my first trophy gained for any non-believers.
t. ps4 owner
They shat the bed with boss design in bloodborne.
I don't know why they thought that every boss needs to be a giant screaming flailing monster that doesn't actually have attacks, it just swipes around the arena to hit you.
Oceiros is a Bloodborne boss.
>The interconnected world makes you feel like you're in an actual world and knowing all the branching paths and item locations means you can give yourself a fighting chance in any area you chose to do first.
How does this impact replayability? You know all of the branching paths and item locations regardless if they are conncted or not.
Pretend Valley of the Drakes doesn't exist and New Londo Ruins aren't connected to Blighttown - why is this less replayable?
I'm talking more about colour palette and themeatic visuals. I think souls 3 is really pretty, but there's no transition in it that compares to blight town>great hollow>ash lake.
Maria was worse than Friede. Ornstein is overrated garbage and Smough is just another asylum demon reskin in a game already full of them.
Again, sure those are all cool in concept. but in execution there is nothing special about any of them, you fight them the exact same way pretty much because the game necessitates it. Abyss Watchers having multiple enemies is irrelevant because you just fight one anyways. Friede is very flashy in phase 3 but has predictable patterns and part 1 and 2 are completely trivial. Gundyr is fun if you don't parry him i suppose, so he's like Gwyn in that you have to gimp yourself to make it decent. Nameless King first phase is just padding, the drake has like 3 attacks and it's just time waste that could've been spent fleshing out NK's moveset more. Gael is just kind of boring to me honestly, though I haven't fought him enough to fully analyze him
>disagreeing is shitposting
didn't realize this was tumblr
I wasn't level 142 before Rom. If you make things up you ruin all credibility.
Not him but her attacks are consistent the whole way through and very easy to anticipate, and since she can be stunlocked and backstabbed the whole 1st phase is just a test in patience.
Father Ariandel barely affect the 2nd half because you're invincible while backstabbing and he just charges in straight lines.
Then phase 3 is just phase 1 with black fire.
Alright buddy, I guess Bloodborne OST is bad now lel
git gud
if only there wasn't a fucking swamp
One of these threads eh? Ok, which one is better? Which one was the better "ResidentDino" or as some like to call them "Clocktower-likes".
>sony literally put a screenshot button on the DS4
>retards still can't use it's function
There is NO excuse to be making low quality posts like this in 2017.
Captain Autismo strikes again.
Miyazaki didn't make the DLC for DS3 so what he said is rather irrelevant.
Friede is very simple to figure out and doesn't have a lot of health so she's really not that tedious. Although fighting her not twice but three fucking times is really unnecessary.
So you still care if you're posting about it, now fuck off
>Maria was worse than Friede
I played Ashes before BB and I disagree.
Friede is a pushover, gets stunlocked and backstabbed constantly and has little attack variety.
It's a very slow paced fight with her.
Maria isn't hard but it's one of the most fun fights in the series.
You feel almost like you're doing PVP.
If you don't like O+S you shouldn't like Father Ariandel because he's basically a hamfisted attempt at the same mechanic.
Not bad, just boring for all but a couple of pieces. Fortunately that still leaves it above 3 which had the entirety of TWO tracks of note, one of which was the menu theme.
Bloodborne would be a 15/10 game if the weapon selection early on was more varied, if the bosses weren't all retarded, and if the weapons were just better overall (rip stake driver and kirk hammer)
>Because the Bloodbornes mobs by themselves(the majority of them) are fucking pathetic
Name a game that has non-pathetic mobs in your opinion, I'm sure laughs will be had.
Why are idiots like you allowed to have an opinion?
You're full of shit, you made multiple threads last month bragging about grinding to a high level before rom in chalice dungeons.
First post, best post