Whats Sup Forumss stance on Pre-built rigs vs do it yourself? Pros and cons? What do you say?

Whats Sup Forumss stance on Pre-built rigs vs do it yourself? Pros and cons? What do you say?

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if you're clumsy or have never built/wired something before, it's pretty hard. on the other hand, pre-builts will penny pinch wherever possible. the best thing for a newbie is probably to take the parts down to a computer shop and pay them to make it for you

>if you're clumsy or have never built/wired something before, it's pretty hard.
this is wrong ive never built anything before and building my computer was easy as shit

>the best thing for a newbie is probably to take the parts down to a computer shop and pay them to make it for you
i did this and the guys working there didn't even install all drivers

Building a PC is easy as fuck if you use something like PC Part Picker's compatibility checker. Wish I had that back in the day.

Are you so stupid you are unable to install drivers yourself ?

People too stupid to put together legos and drive a computer should just stick to consoles, thats what they're made for.

I did install the drivers afterwards, but its something I specifically asked them to do.

but then dont you niggers complain about how, console ruin muh games

DIY errytime

That's more about technology stagnation

So wouldn't you want more people to leave console then keep them around?

If you have both your hands and the cognitive skills of a 8 year old you can build yourself. Otherwise go for a prebuilt

Cons is that it costs more. Pros is that it comes with everything you need. You are essentially paying for convenience. You plug it in and play. You also get a warranty on the whole thing. You also don't have to worry about spending an additional 100 USD on an OS or getting a pirated copy loaded onto a USB to install.

You're paying for a convince just like 85% of the consumers do.

Leave him he's just a retard who's hands go faster than his brain can think

>Pros of a DIY:
You're able to dictate exactly what goes in and on your computer. You're free to tailor every single aspect to your own needs, and you know exactly what should need upgrading/fixing/replacing when the times inevitably comes to make some adjustments to your build.
>Cons of a DIY:
Absolutely fucking nothing.
Can be expensive. Requires research if you don't know what to get. Biannual/annual maintenance is required to keep your computer nice and functional without hardware failure.

>Pros of a pre-built:
Not having to dick with all that hard, complicated hardware research and maintenance. Seriously. Damn things seem to last an eternity even without proper, regular maintenance.
>Cons of a pre-built:
Damn near everything.
Cheap, proprietary hardware implemented – cannot fix without voiding warranty and/or gouged tech support assistance. Generally preloaded with a bunch of bloatware, which means you'll need to do some uninstalling and maybe malware scans with a reliable AV program. Maybe more if the thing's preloaded with some shitty trial AV. And because proprietary hardware is used, it's generally improbable to upgrade anything physical on the rig. Will pretty much have to buy the next, best pre-built once your current rig starts becoming obsolete, which makes a DIY build much more preferable.

There are a couple of instances in which I would use a prebuilt, I'm not inherently opposed to them
>If it offered some kind of unique form-factor that I wouldn't be able to achieve using regular out of the box parts
>If the prebuilt was on sale and was actually cheaper than the total cost of buying the parts individually

But I'm perfectly capable of building my own computer in the space of a few hours, it's pretty straight forward. I also prefer just being able to get individual parts of my build returned if there's an issue, as opposed to sending in the whole machine, as some prebuilt suppliers wish you to do.

No friend of mine has or ever will buy a prebuilt rig. I refuse to let them spend hundreds of extra dollars for something I can do on a weekend.

>convenient... barely
>possibly better construction than what you may do on your first attempt
>entire build has warranty

>Spend hundreds of extra dollars
>Get bloatware added to your desktop
>Potentially get shitty components because the prebuilt company has a contract with particular companies or wants to offload components.
>You learn absolutely nothing about your investment
>Cannot upgrade without voiding the warranty in many cases

Did any of you guys have this issue? Its like AA stopped working. I still get a performance hit if I enable it though.

Its on almost all games I play. I could swear it was not always like this. I can't find a solution for this. It seems like my PC just decided to fuck the image quality up.

DIY, for a few reasons.

A. It's not hard or particularly complicated, and is a chance to learn something new.
B. It will impress some normies, they'll think you're a wizard.
C. It teaches you how to maintain and upgrade it yourself, which pays off in the long run.
D. You save some money, which can either go into making the build a bit better or into your pocket.

I built my first PC when I was 19 with no formal training what-so-ever, worked first time. There's plenty of guides online that tell you everything you need to know.

I just built my first rig a couple days ago. It took about six hours, I was super stressed about damaging anything, and when I finished it wouldn't turn on. I took it to a computer shop and it turns out I had a defective power supply, and needed a new one. In general I found it to be pretty nerve racking since I had invested a lot of money into it, but it was really easy after a few hours of research. I would recommend building it yourself, but do advise not to cheap out on the power supply like I did.

as a 3rd worlder prebuilt PC comes with a lot of pirated games so i usually just buy one every 7 years or so.

reminder: if you buy a prebuilt or can't build your own, then you're worse than this kid.

> do not cheap out on the power supply
Absofuckinglutely not. You get a defective power supply and it can literally fry your entire build.

After building two computers, I don't think buying pre built is a bad idea for some people. It's convenient, everything was put together and set up by someone else and it comes with a warranty if something breaks. When you build your own PC, if something goes wrong, you have to trouble shoot to find out which part went bad to do an RMA on that part. My motherboard and graphics card stopped working, so I didn't know if my PSU fried both of them, or there was a defect that caused the graphics card to fry the motherboard, or what. At least with a pre built I can just call x company and say shits broken yo. Installing all the drivers and getting everything working on my second build was also a pain in the ass. When it's time for my next computer, I think I'm just going to buy like a refurbished Dell from their outlet and then upgrade the graphics card.

Daily reminder: Don't fall for the "i7 is a meme" meme. Get the best CPU you can afford, or suffer the stutters.

Each time that screenshot gets passed around Sup Forums the quality gets worse and worse.

i7s are just i5s with hyper threading. It's not like the processor can do more with each core, hyper threading just let's one core work on two tasks at half speed. Some applications will offer marginal performance increases with hyper threading because it makes them slightly more efficient. 90% of games are made with 4 threads in mind, and it'll be that way for a while.

Pros - nothing
Cons - shitty parts (mainly terrible mobos)

>Square room
>PC 40cm from screen
>ears in high
>no carpet

It's a good start

>i7s are just i5s with hyper threading

They also have more cache and can overclock way better than i5s, a i5 [email protected] barely matches a i7 [email protected].

Most 4790K can go up to 4.7Ghz too.

7700Ks are all trash though, because Intel used shitty paste on them. You HAVE to get them delid if you want decent temps.

Only way it's to use SSAA.

Laptops are alright if you need the portability. Prebuilt desktops are retarded ashamed if you buy one.

I tried SSAA but it didn't work either. Textures flicker/shimmer, pop in out the ass in some games and aliasing everywhere. This is really making me mad.

What gpu? Latest drivers?

I went prebuilt when i got my pc and it was such a rip off I paid 800 euro last year and i already need a graphics card upgrade

RX 480. Just reinstalled the drivers yesterday. From what I got its a random issue. A lot of people seem to have it both on the AMD and Nvidia side. No one really knows what causes this shit, but it just happens. I feel really depressed because of this. Almost all games look like ass. I could have just bought a 750ti and I would still get the same shitty visuals, but now I have bitten myself in the ass. No AA works anymore. Even the SMAA in Dark Souls stopped working.

EFF AYYY battle station

If it's a known issue you should be able to RMA it. Try forcing AA with AMDs software or an external program or mod like sweetFX.

From what I have read people have tried to RMA their GPUs, but got them back claiming they are fine. Apparently AMD and Nvidia either choose to ignore it or it is related to the location of the PC. I tried using the drivers and RadeonPro but to no avail. The only thing left for me would be to move the PC around the house. AA worked on my old XP PC just fine.

>Good if you are a moron
>Good if you're super rich and dont want to waste time building it
>The joy of handpicking every component and carefully placing it on the mobo
>You get to smell all the plastic and boxes of many individual boxes you open
>Its more personal than pre-built HP #8975948643 put together by your favorite sweatshop victim
>If you know how to put it together then that means you know how to fix it too while mr pre-built will wait for someone else to do it and get charged too

Might be worth formatting and reinstalling

Someone who's too stupid to plug components in is also probably too stupid to install drivers.