Now that andromeda is cracked how long will nier last?
Now that andromeda is cracked how long will nier last?
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I hope it will last a while because this shit deserves more sales which will result in more games like it.
Nier is the most videogame that a game can be at the present time and we should respect that. Greatly.
Andromeda already failed, it is critically known as fucking garbage and we didn't even need to gather around and circle jerk how bad it was, that's how fucking garbage that game was.
user, by this time anyone who truly wanted to play it already bought it. There there is the tiny fraction that is waiting for a bigger discount and an even tinier fraction of people who don't mind waiting for a crack.
Those few pirates are hardly going to make a dent, especially since most copies sold on ps4 anyway.
>posts image from a game infinitedly more fun than either Nier
but i guess it doesn't count because it's an old game rite ;^)
I hope it takes a while so I can enjoy you faggots crying like little bitches some more
The quality of the game is spreading via word of mouth though, it may be a slow burner.
It already sold 1 millions copies. That alone will get us a guaranteed sequel or another spin off.
Not doing nier in the nier future
Like we always said, you should buy games you like to support creators
Yoko Taro deserves your money
If previous sales are anything to go by, I don't think it needed to sell at all to get a sequel, Yoko Taro somehow seems to still get his games made.
Either way I hope he keeps platinum close to him.
>yet another thread of poor 12 year old thieves begging to steal a game mommy won't buy them
wont be cracked anytime soon and mass effect was using the old version thats why it was cracked so soon
>yet another triggered buyfag coming into a thread about pirating just to complain
>i can't afford it time to troll and act like a retard :)
>he caught me doing exactly what he said better pretend to troll :)
Hey pirates 2B was really 2E, the bunker gets destroyed, 2B dies, humans were dead the entire time, machines and androids are in a stalemate set up by the machine network's AI to prevent stagnation via evolution, 9S and A2 die in the end then the pods deus ex machina and bring them back to life after ending E's credits, emil remembers his past then dies, people who bought the game didn't get spoiled like this you rotten little poorfag thief. :^)
ass effect was using the old version
Nigger we all know the story and endings from the Japanese streams.
You making me hope that it never does. You crying is hilarious.
You guys should be fucking ashamed making these threads.
Glad Persona 5 isn't on PC, you fucktards would pirate it and complain about every petty detail in it as if you spent $60.
>having ANYTHING on nier
no seriously
how could any other game even compare
pic related is one of the hypest moment I've ever had in any game
>pirate bros talking about the game
>"w-why are you guys so poor? why cant you buy the game like me?"
>"b-better post some spoilers that'll show em haha"
Why are you guys so upset? How does other people getting the game for free affect your enjoyment of the game?
if they want more sales they should've made it available on steam for my country.
first MGR and now this. I just want to buy it with my local currency without dealing with any shady stuff on the internet.
I promised to myself that nier would be my last title I bought from SE. Stupid deal, if any with console. I heard it will be released on this month for SEA region to be specific.
>Glad Persona 5 isn't on PC
He doesn't know
I had a quads but the price of game for steam is almost 40% or cheaper compared to it that it's stupid to buy anything not exclusive.
Game's already cracked, OP.
Damn, I'm really having fun with fists as 2B. Does anyone have a move list for her?
>QTE minigames
>tfw there was a happy ending
For months.
ME:A used old Denuvo version. 1.05 introduced new variant that haven't been cracked.
If they crack 1.05 patch then Nier might be next.
Andromeda was Denuvo v2, Nier is version v4, so enjoy waiting for a year.
Is it good on PC?
This gem will never be hacked. Not on my watch!