Do you drink while playing vidya user?
If so, what do you drink and what games do you play under the influence to enjoy yourself?
Do you play better while tipsy or drunk?
Do you drink while playing vidya user?
Alcohol is fucking disgusting, enjoy dying in your 30s.
>drinking alone at home
That's the plan.
>No real friends the post
Implying this is bad if its a casual beer or glass of whiskey to unwind while playing vidya after a long day at work?
I drink plenty of water to go with my kush you swine.
>needing alcohol to unwind after a long day at work
I drink a ton socially but I think drinking while doing anything else is fucking atrocious.
Anybody who watches movies or plays vidya while drinking I just don't fucking get it.
>being so mentally unstable you are incapable of handling stress appropriately
I did it for the first time at friday and it was pretty cool. I made some Kir Royals to test them and just played some Paladins.
I can't really tell if I played better but I sure had more fun by being tipsy since in every competitive game I tend to get too anxious about stupid shit.
Depression and lonlieness is a real thing user.
Where do you think you are?
I used to relate to this but as i got older and finished university it's hard to kick the habit of a weekly night in the club so i resort to drinking while i twitch stream sometimes. 3-4 glasses of a couple of beers while streaming really opens me up and i get alot more sociable. Pulls in viewers, money and followers. Can't complain.
enjoy screaming your lungs out for days with kidney stones popfags
So you are scum of the earth that needs to be avoided. Thought so
Do you drink while playing vidya user?
If so, what do you drink and what games do you play under the influence to enjoy yourself?
Whatever I have nearby. Usually Vodka, Jack or Southern Comfort. Mixed with either coke or Irn bru
Do you play better while tipsy or drunk?
Nah. There is a strong decline when I reach a certain point where I'm worse than a man down.
It's not stress you fucking mongoloid.
You're telling me when you get home you don't play vidya, watch tv or masturbate to unwind? You probably fucking smoke you faggot'.
Just say soda you fucking hipster
Serious question.
Posting about alcohol generally gets two responses, at least on Sup Forums. It's either anons who drink, casually comment about their preference and debate with other anons about what type of alcohol, and what vidya they play in combination. Pretty chill stuff.
The second type of comment is either under aged posters or people with no social skills that choose not to drink because they don't have anyone to drink with or haven't had the opportunity to drink socially before and experience bonding outside of pre teens.
My question is, are there a 3rd group of genuine people that dont' drink because they believe it'll harm their body or that it's just something they don't enjoy doing after previously trying it a few times prior? That's fine, but it's either honest responses or shitposting fags. Hard to see which anons don't drink because they genuinally don't like it.
>inb4 merh alcohol is bad for you
I think you can have a lot of fun by drinking and playing games, even more if you have another person to drink with and play with. But it's kinda lonely thing to do, and a lot of people don't want to partake into something like that.
It's a cool thing to do if you are bored but you should really stick with one time or two.
you sound stressed, you should go masturbate
I'm in the third group, I've been asked to go out drinking many times, I either don't go or just go and don't drink if they're close friends
I just don't like the taste and the smell
If you are "unwinding" that means you are "wound up" which is literally a synonym for stress.
Unwinding means relieving stress
I think everybody associates it with different things, some people with social gatherings, others with abuse and addiction, some with a happy time, others with a weakness of spirit and so on.
Everybody has a different story with alcohol and other drugs.
do bars really allow credit cards in murrica?
how fucking irresponsible
>I have to drink to make friends
lmao dude
I drink when I can, but I am on a lot of meds so it makes it difficult. I do somewhat understand the second/third type though, I have seen friends who have drunk way more than they can handle do stupid and dangerous shit.
They do in most of Europe too
>Do you drink while playing vidya user?
>If so, what do you drink and what games do you play under the influence to enjoy yourself?
Anything from wine to absinthe. I prefer playing something multiplayer focused because I stop giving a fuck about everything and only see pure fun out of those games. Even better when you play with friends that are not drunk and still trying to tryhard, them being mad is so amusing.
>Do you play better while tipsy or drunk?
Suprisingly yes, to a point.
Fine fine you're right i'm wrong.
I just enoy the 'kick' i get from having 2/3 beers.
I don't drink to get drunk or because i'm addicted (i'll drink a couple of times a week at most) but i just enjoy the stimulation from being more sociable and talkative while still in complete self control.
Is that really a bad thing?
I don't drink because ever since I became a thin man I either get
>a headache
>or a hangover the next day
both of them ruining my day, theres also a slippery slope there that could lead me to the situation I watched my dad be in for decades, which is to spend every night drinking and get way too used to its comofrt
With that said if someone has some advice for the first two i'd be down to drink these days while gaming.
I don't drink because it's shitty.
>never had the opportunity to drink socially
I quit "drinking socially" when I was 18, conveniently when I reached the actuwl legal age TO drink, because it just became a tiring escapade.
These days I'll drink alone and play vidya whenever I get the inclination to, typically 1-2 years apart. I still have a half full bottle of vodka in the freezer from New Years 2016...
Whats your stream user?
They allow them here in the UK as well as far as I know, but we have quite a large drinking culture.
OP must be from the UK, no other reason for it'.
Alot of Americans on Sup Forums fail to realise the culture in places like the UK, Sweden, Germany amongst others are very heavy on drinking when it comes to social occassions
As an example in the UK when i was a student the only way to socialise as the norm was to get completely drunk and pissed with your housemates a few times a week. Granted you did other stuff but drinking is a heavy social and cultural thing for many countries.
Funnily enough alot of Americans (some withstanding) won't understand that becuase it competes against their norm of what's 'right' and 'acceptable'.
I only drink when I'm forced in social situations. By that I mean that I'll chug down at least 4 or 5 glasses of wine so that I'll feel slightly tipsy, still in complete control of my actions and much more sociable and comfortable with others. Withoug alcohol I'm socially retarded and will look like a fool.
I'm 23 and I usually don't drink. By usually I mean I can drink a bottle of wine per month, maybe have a low-alcohol drink once or twice too, but nothing much. I get tipsy from a shot of vodka and I'm already drunk from 2-3 shots. I don't drink because of my body, but because my father was an alcoholic and I have bad memories of it, so I try to stay out of trouble or developing an addiction. Plus I don't really like when something messes up my head, that's why I dislike even hookah, let alone weed or shit like that. I lose orientation and my head starts spinning, it's annoying and not worth it.
>going out every weekend smashing your head in with alcohol
>had liver numbers two times as high as normal
>stopped drinking
Another European cultural thing.
>I am SO above alcohol
Trying to be /fit/ so never drink casually
Only time I drink is when I'm with friends or at a party, but even then I try to keep it a low amount to avoid repeats of a drunk me from my high school years
That's defined as an 'alcoholic' and someone without seofl control user. I suggest you do some research before making youreself look like a fucking top tier pleb.
Guess what, you can also die from overeating and water poisoning. How fucking dumb are you?
Where are my alcoholic bros at?
What you drinking this weekend lads?
>tfw too self aware to ever get completely drunk
even when I've had a shit tonne to drink and can clearly feel the effects, I can still retain normal thought patterns.
You realize alcohol comes in many different flavors and proofs right?
If you didn't like the taste you should try something else, unless you were drinking cheap pisswater.
My dad likes rum and coke, which I find more revolting than gasoline. I enjoy straight moonshine grain spirits, which he hates. Experiment a little and find something you prefer, I guarantee it's out there.
i work as a bartender but don't drink
>le ebin i am controlled drinker meme
i believe you every word
You are also alcoholics, research the term before you spout bullshit, because as long as you drink from time to time, you're an alcoholic.
You're so cool, i want to be like you user.
>i work as a bartender but don't drink
Having worked in bars and seen this first hand i've got complete respect for you. You must have some will power to not drink when your fellow co-workers are drinking after a shift. Then again i suppose seeing drunk customers puts you off.
I only drink socially.
There's no fun in drinking alone.
protip: every kid like you thinks that
The only time I drink at home is something occasional with dinner every now and then
I can't imagine getting drunk and playing vidya would be fun unless it was with friends
This user is objectively correct and anyone disagreeing has proven themselves a lesser person.
nice pisswater faggot
don't try and impress me you tryhard
>anything else
what are you, a girl?
what a fucking loser lol
You can drink and not get drunk though.
Playing vidya with a bit of booze can be pretty relaxing, its how I played through most of DaS
Beer and fightan games.
You're posting this just to get people riled up though. You can't post vidya here without attacks so a thread starting with something vidya related with personal details attached equals lots of replies. It derails itself due to the personal nature.
I really wish this would stop.
You're either deluded, lying or drinking less than you think, everyone can get completely drunk, even you bigshot lol
>self-medicating with alcohol
epic simply epic
Me too. Why drink alcohol and mountain dew on a daily basis when there's water?
well my father is an alcoholic.
I still drink occasionally but i don't want to make a habit out of it because i've seen what it can do to a person.
I'm going to visit my brotber in a few hours to drink some beer and play DaS3 and GH on his PS4
You do have gaming buddies, right Sup Forums?
>read posts in this thread
>start writing post about how I drink alone when playing vidya and that it's fun for me
>realise that I only ever drink when playing multiplayer games and have fun off the illusion of being drunk with strangers and making a fool of myself
>tfw haven't drunk with friends in 7 years since I lost them all and haven't made any since
I used to drink and play TF2 and it made me way better at the game. Probably because that game rewards you for making risky plays and not over-thinking too much.
>tfw can't get good cheap Polish lagers anymore because of Brexit
t-thanks Nige
>those people who only drink to get wasted to the point where they barf and pass out
the only alcoholic drink i've liked is pic related. I'm not a faggot so I'm not drinking that shit.
Don't be a faggot. Hope your next rip makes you choke in an uncomfortable way.
Grain spirits are fucking amazing, you take that back you doublenigger.
>I have to use mind altering substances to socialise
Dummy the post
I "drink" sometimes when I play vidya, because I might drink a beer or two. I never get drunk while playing vidya.
I drink because I am an alcoholic. It is nothing to strive for and a disgusting, wasteful habit with little to no benefits and tons of detriments.
If you weren't autistic and could actually empathize with people you would find that even on alcohol and gaming threads on Sup Forums many anons are addicted to alcohol. Some of them aren't, they are just 'normie' casual drinkers but many of them are, much like myself.
I'm in my late 30s and alcohol has done nothing to help me throughout my life. Not drinking, whether for health reasons or just out of spite, is always a better decision than drinking. There are no reasons or situations in which alcohol is necessary or desirable. Anyone who says they drink to relax or open up is fooling themselves. Much like the burnouts from the 60s with LSD anything you think or feel while under the influence can also be felt sober.
If you drink, it is entirely up to you, but it is a poor decision 100% of the time.
>needing alcohol to x
>needing drugs to y
>needing any kind of substance but life itself to z
People like you are pathetically narrow minded.
dont be a faggot and care what people think about what drink you like
>I'm not a faggot but I prefer drinks for teenage girls
alright whatever you say
it hurts, user.
>i can s-stop whenever i w-want!!
Not enhancing this shitty experience that is life so it's worth some shit.
Fucking plebs I swear
No, but keep it in check. If you start drinking daily you should really talk with somebody, even if you feel like you have it under control.
As long as you drink a few times a week and keep it moderate (2-3 beers) it's normal and probably won't have any impact on your health.
But man, alcohol is toxic. I drink about the same as you do and enjoy it, but it's so weird that alcohol is legal while stuff like weed isn't. It's so easy to come by and get addicted to, ruining your whole life and body.
One step at a time.
>militant abstinence
What is this turbofaggotry?
>If you drink, it is entirely up to you, but it is a poor decision 100% of the time.
I'm in my late thirties and I don't agree with this. It really helped me plenty of times. Of course, it's pretty bad overall, and not for everyone.
it can become a problem but you're better off developing those skills yourself rather than needing a crutch
>There are no reasons or situations in which alcohol is necessary or desirable.
You seem to have drunk your brain away user, why would you do something that has no reasons to be desirable?
It does relax you and open you up, its just something for something though.
Having a method to loosen up in social circumstances can significantly boost people's confidence.
I'm sorry to hear your an alcoholic, but there's certainly situations where alcohol in moderation can be of great benefit.
Keyword being moderation.
Serious question.
Posting about smoking generally gets two responses, at least on Sup Forums. It's either anons who smoke, casually comment about their preference and debate with other anons about what type of cigarette, and what vidya they play in combination. Pretty chill stuff.
The second type of comment is either under aged posters or people with no social skills that choose not to smoke because they don't have anyone to smoke with or haven't had the opportunity to smoke socially before and experience bonding outside of pre teens.
My question is, are there a 3rd group of genuine people that dont' smoke because they believe it'll harm their body or that it's just something they don't enjoy doing after previously trying it a few times prior? That's fine, but it's either honest responses or shitposting fags. Hard to see which anons don't smoke because they genuinally don't like it.
>inb4 merh smoking is bad for you
Not to mention it will ruin your life and body a lot worse than weed ever could.
That sucks man :/ best wishes
Smoking is good, I smoke medical meth
>a long day at work
>be 21
>never drank before being legal
>partying it up now that I can buy for my friend group
>playing CoD Blops with my 3 bros
>decide to attach the mic and talk shit even though I'm not a shit talker
>it's fucking hilarious
>wonder if it's actually fucking halirious
>lobby in between matches has two people yelling at me and 4 people laughing
>decide it's actually fucking hilarious
>decide that if I drink more, it'll be even more fucking hilarious
>take about 4 shots of whisky during the next match
>come to the realization that my throat hurts and that i'm yelling at the top of my lungs
>look around, all my friends are staring at me
>don't know how much time has passed
>don't know what i've been saying
>people are laughing over the chat
>one guy asks me to hum for him
>decide it's not fucking hilarious anymore
So yeah, sometimes I drink when I game. Racing games and RTS games are the best for it, I've found.
I don't understand how people can drink alone, whats the appeal?
be real, the two responses are 'don't care' and 'DUDE, WEED'.
as for thread topic, don't overdo it, that is all. nothing wrong with a drink now and then, its when you tell yourself you need ten after a work day, until it becomes every work day.
Smoking is bad for you moron.
how old are you user?
Being drunk, generally.
the kind of people that don't smoke because of health reasons or because they just dont like it arent the kind of people that care enough to reply to "do u smoke" threads
It lets you forget you are alone.
The same reason you would eat chocolate alone. To make your brain release mood-enhancing chemicals.
>Do you drink while playing vidya user?
no, hard liquor just knocks me out, always has. tried to "build a tolerance" in uni and it always just put me to sleep.
>you have to be 21 to be able to drink in the US
The US really is a shithole
are you ok man? hope things start looking up soon m8