what are some good (yes, I know, oxymoron) youtubers that don't have many subs and play mostly weird, forgotten and niche games?
I like Vinesauce cause they'll go and play dead ass MMO's and romhacks. I remember watching this one british dude that played only horror games, his name started with "A" or something, but I forgot his channel.
any recommendations? the weirder and nicher the games, the better.
I like Frankomatic. He doesn't do much these days and his videos aren't exactly high quality, but he introduced me to a ton of gems that flew under the radar. Games like One Way Heroics, Wonder Project J, Spelunky (back when it was an early alpha), and a ton of adventure games.
Jayden Price
>vinesauce >obscure I did not report this thread or anything
Gavin Gonzalez
Supergreatfriend posts tons of videos of strange games. I enjoyed a lot his deadly premonition lets play, but the D, D2 and illbleed series are also super fun.
Henry Flores
Matthew Fisher
lukemorse1 only posts obscure japan shit and arcade games on actual hardware TNT Amusements has cool obscure arcade shit and pinball stuff too
Ayden Reyes
where did I say Vinesauce was obscure? the games they play are often very, very obscure though. they play romhacks and Worlds and shit like that. how is that not obscure, exactly?
Oliver Butler
I'm not in it for the games I just watch Vinny's streams every night and fall asleep to them. It's actually come to a point where I have a hard time sleeping without listening to him or joel
Joshua Mitchell
>I want the most obscure youtuber you can find >with the lowest subs possible >playing the most niche forgotten games that nobody knows about
Gosh you must be such a unique and interesting guy
Oliver Rogers
>watching anything on YouTube Manbaby detected
Luke King
Cap plz
Gavin Powell
>Red Vox >Red Vox >Oh, did I forget to mention? Red Vox is having new album coming out. >Check this merchandise, guise.
Brandon Reed
Oh no Vinny has interests outside streaming and wishes to do something other than stream for the rest of his life
William Long
I have been building up memes for 9 months after all
Daniel Green
I watched like 3 whole zelda streams and he's only mentioned it in a joke didn't even shill it to us
Justin Smith
Vinny and Joel are such humongous Normie faggots. They both suck at the most casual games. Their fans are the lowest youtube/tumblr undertale cancer. It makes me sick that I used to watch their shitty streams in 2013. They rely on forced unfunny dank memes to stay relevant to their 13 yr old fans yet Vinny is 35 and hasnt had a real job in 10 years. Same as joel.
Brayden Cruz
>I used to like something before Sup Forums told me not to We're all very impressed with how well you're fitting in, user
Dominic Powell
Because of course there's only Vinny and Joel on Vinesauce.
You are literally the thing you are making fun of. People like you are what made Vinny and Joel into what you describe.
Gabriel James
Dunno about vinny but Joel is good at some games, heard he's really fucking good at JoJo Heritage For The Future n shit
Chase Campbell
2011 was the only decent streams they did. By 2013 they started getting extremely cancerous. Actually pretty similar to how Sup Forums deteriorated and became reddit over the years.
Leo Green
Their fanbase is terrible but it's not like they can do much about it, in their "art" sections of their "streams" people post the cringiest possible stuff and you can just hear awkwardness in their voice "h-hah, that's great haha, m-moving on" while they want to die on the inside because how shit that is
Thomas Ward
Parker Parker
Watching Vinny play video games is infuriating to me somehow. He somehow misses the most obvious things every fucking time and can't figure the most basic shit out. Nothing against the guy personally but goddamn man, how do people have such shit attention spans? Are people like Vinny the reason games get dumbed down into corridor adventures? Remember that HL2 dev commentary? Jesus christ.
Jacob Bennett
>normie >tumblr undertale >false info about vinny >basically none of this makes any sense god darn bait or not,there really wasn't a reason to make this post go play ghost trick,it's a good game.it should make you happier,that's what i want for you user.
Nathaniel Edwards
vinny maybe a huge normie and really bad at games in general, but he can be interesting to listen to or watch sometimes, especially on sunday. nothing will ever top his old exploration streams though, and 2012 will never happen again.
digital space traveler > worlds > active worlds
Connor Diaz
Why can't Vinny admit he loves FF7? He keeps repeating I like it but I think it's overrated yet he creamed his pants at Cloud in Smash and at the CC ending.
Brandon White
I present to you the only eceleb worth giving a shit about.
Blake Martin
I just wish he would play Second Life one more time. Ralph vids are his best ones.
Caleb Gonzalez
We'll see how long that lasts. Spoony used to be based too, his phantasmagoria and Swat stuff was amazing etc. I mean it's already pretty grim he's working on a movie.
Jason Brown
Vinny is a pretentious hipster twat
Isaac Price
Holy smokes, this kid's a natural!
Luis Powell
LGR Ross's Game Dungeon Gggmanlives
Jose Russell
I don't mind watching vinny fail and occasionally achieve something spectacular
but I knew from OPs pic that this thread would be a trainwreck, am not disappointed.
the funniest part is people calling him hipster cause its cool to hate the ecelebs by default, guess what that makes you, a hipster.
either way I don't see you lot playing games like revenge of the sunfish on a weekly basis and maintaining enough sanity to run a youtube channel, dude is based.
Matthew Davis
He's not even an Eceleb, which is great.
Nolan Taylor
I like how the thread is about finding as obscure a youtube channel possible playing as obscure a bunch of videogames possible yet people are still crying about Vinny being a hipster for liking FFVII but not liking it enough or liking it too much or something something
Henry Anderson
hi one of vinny's mods. I dont really "hate" vinny I just think hes unbearable to watch.
Benjamin Young
I like Chip and Ironicus.
Lucas Stewart
He'd most likely cream over FF7 if it was a Nintendo game.
Elijah Mitchell
>one of vinny's mods nah
>unbearable to watch at times I agree, no one needs to break the mario 64 title screen for an hour straight, I skipped that vid.
I mainly watch for the weird shit and lolz. also he doesn't open and close with "please sub" which helps my sanity.
Angel Roberts
he has babbys first jrpg chrono trigger to cream over
Kayden Martin
Coming from someone who used to stream on vinesauce back in the day before twitch, vinesauce, and vinny especially, are utter trash.
Vinny has stolen money and game keys several times from the community when the community has "donated" these things for charity or giveaways.
They are all also sluts. Except maybe Imakuni, they all have nudes out there and have all pretty much slept w/ fucked each other.
Joel used to be cute when he barely knew english and talked about metal all the time, now he is plebbit pewdiepie garbage who does the same things over and over, im going to quote him from a skype convo with him from a while back:
"If you scream over and over and make shit exciting, people are going to watch it no matter what game it is, its really really sad"
Jaxson Jenkins
Because talking distracts you.
Grayson Hughes
>and hasnt had a real job in 10 years. I don't understand how this is an argument or a problem
Juan Turner
Jeremiah Ward
This, when I play shit with my friends I sometimes miss stuff that's right in front of my eyes, but when I'm by myself, it's a lot easier to focus and find small things.
Kayden Nelson
No, and fuck Tame.
Levi Murphy
when he isn't having sexual fantasies about the six flags guy, EH makes some pretty good reviews youtube.com/watch?v=vg1WK7VotG8
Elijah Ortiz
>They are all also sluts. Except maybe Imakuni, they all have nudes out there and have all pretty much slept w/ fucked each other. Well, Vinny is still waiting on Limes and Jen for some action still. Nothing yet. Keep spouting nonsense, Capicoli.
Camden Cruz
What's an acceptable jrpg from the 90s for someone to be a fan of, since FFVII and Chrono Trigger are not allowed?
Caleb Bennett
You just have attention span problems. I'm regularly talking to friends while playing and don't have this problem, most people don't.
Brody Sullivan
Its not really I haven't had a job in 10 years either. Im actually jelly he can make that much fucking money off of youtube retards.
Brody King
Watch Oney play with his friends and try to say he's always attentive of his surroundings.
Christopher Clark
>it's a 'post good obscure YouTube channels' which actually means I'll post my own YouTube channel episode.
Logan Miller
>I don't have this problem, it means almost nobody does
Xavier Perez
broteam has a series called "fate of.." and he goes back to very obscure MMOs with a bunch of viewers and just runs around talking shit
Levi Bennett
Just wondering how early you were talking I guess. I stopped watching vine sauce well before they went to twitch.
Robert Thomas
And can you back these claims up
Logan Collins
Not cap.
Also, Limes isnt interested in Vinny. She has a boyfriend from university, and Jen and Vinny have an abusive history. She lost her virginity to him and then he dumped her out of nowhere and started dating some other girl.
Keep posting lies, KY
Dylan Hughes
Wait, Jen is bisexual? That's kinda hot.
Blake King
umm... any other one is fine. Preferably not an snes one. Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden.
Jordan Rivera
Top fucking kek
Camden Rivera
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Wyatt Wilson
When your mom dies.
Oliver Perry
you seem like you're still assmad he axed vinecraft, sky
Gavin Lopez
Not sky either. Im not a fat indian who cries over being triggered and still play Minecraft mods.
Good guess though.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Yeah he's alright. His constant enthusiasm can get a bit draining, but he balances it with his threadbare update schedule.
He's getting too many threads, though. Once Sup Forums gets overexposed to something they start getting really shitty about being around it.
Bentley Anderson
>Sup Forums talks about e-celebs >Sup Forums talks about e-celebs >Sup Forums talks about e-celebs >/k/ talks about e-celebs >/ck/ talks about e-celebs >/fit/ talks about e-celebs >Sup Forums isn't allowed to talk about e-celebs why?
Julian Edwards
then you're some irrelevant person like vondoomed or addest
Jacob Smith
Because Sup Forums's e-celebs are so fucking trashy and are such a bunch of drama-ridden dumbshits that really, it's no wonder the reputation has spread to even the obscure ones that only talk about obscure games that the OP is asking for.
Logan King
eeehhh step right up come on
Josiah Young
on the topic of vinesauce deagledued
Benjamin Rodriguez
Could be Ravi or Bobito maybe. Or one of those people who guest streamed once. Probably doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Luke Wood
One thing that bothers me about Vinesauce is how they all just steal their jokes from other sources. People act like Vinny/Joel came up with the whole "trash" thing from Always Sunny.