ITT: Cult Developer

ITT: Cult Developer

They haven't been cult for years, stop kidding yourself.

Why not? Oh I get it, because some autists on Sup Forums said so.

Because of the amount of sails and critical appraise they get, snowflake.

>amount of sails

>the amount of sails


I'm still right no matter how foreign I am

I want to get a Treasure Souls, where I play as Soulbuckling Holloneer.

More like One Trick Pony hacks who can't dos hit but their Duty Souls

Let's see that at the E3.

CRPG although to be honest if you aren't supporting them at this point you're crazy. Cyberpunk has the potential to save the genre

Fuck I'm an idiot. I meant CDPR

CRPG?? Who are they?

>he hasn't played Armored Core
Dumb CDPR Pole.


>tfw poles will single handedly save an entire genre after Squeenix stabbed it in the back


>cult devs
>Witcher series sold 25 mil.
>CDPR shills everywhere. Don't even let u criticize genuine flaws without abusing.
I am not calling u specifically a shill, so don't get offended.

>if you like TW3 you are a shill

Says sonyshill who makes "BB BEST GAME EVER XD" shit threads every day on Sup Forums

I guess, it seems most Witcher fans that aren't total normies agree that the combat was terrible in comparison to the rest of the game. But they should be able to learn from the worst part of their previous game and make it good. Cyberpunk's going to be a shooter/pseudo crpg so it's a lot easier to get the combat fun.

Man, I would love a new armored core. Miyazaki isnt afraid of bold design choices that is pretty much evident, I would love it if he innovates within the mech genre.

>REEEE!! Bitcher fans are the best of oalll taime! Pruhaise us!
Well go out of Sup Forums for once cocksucking shill. And yeah stop being buttblasted everyday.

we call developers that make good games a cult now?

Aren't they sails?

I am not really pointing out any flaws here but when I tried to back when the game came out, not here mind u, there was a huge army of fanatics that pounced upon me. It doesn't really help that they are the most vocal kind. I hope CDPR improves but they are not really cult devs which was my main point which basically everybody ignored.

Most of their games are mediocre to straight up garbage.

>that's how haters convince themselves.
Still better than 99% of AAA garbage.

Yeah, masterpieces like Steel Battalion Heavy Armor are truly better.

that's bullshit and you know it

they even made a good platformer once

They weren't a big studio back then. There budget for games was straight up garbage tier. That's not the case now. I am not going to make assumptions but I think there will be a massive upheavel in quality. At least I hope so.

Who cares what they've made, I'm talking about what they've known for.

No one gives a single shit about their other games, not a single one of them after they've become one trick pony company that makes a Souls clone every year just like Battlefield or Call of Duty.

>yearly souls