Who is canonically the sluttiest character in video gaming?

Who is canonically the sluttiest character in video gaming?

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I wish, that would imply I was getting a lot of sex as opposed to none.


rekt, based fpbp, include me in the screencap

Catherine ?

Because you have to pay them money first, user.

I dunno, OP. Do hentai games count?

Morrigan from Darkstalkers

Because you are white.

Self loathing people such as yourself tend to have a bad personality which is a turn off for women.

Go outside.

>tfw I saw a vagina
>tfw I touched it
>same with boobs, even sucked on them
>I've seen a girl fully naked near to me, in my bed
>A woman touched me and my dick
>still virgin
My life is so fucking weird


Because male virginity has no value. You'll just have to pay to get it removed

I'm a great guy. Fuck you. You don't KNOW me.


>"kill me"

You had a woman birth, breastfeed, and wash your infant body?

If at the age of 30 you are a virgin and that still bothers you just get an escort. Sex is overrated though.

Have you asked?

He just did.

I'm 19 but I might as well be 30 or dead. Everyone I fucking know lost theirs around 13-15 and now, at my age, they're fucking experts and have no time for silly little virgins.


I see that your virginity bothers you a lot. Why not just grab an escort and be done with it? Most men suck at pleasing women.

>If at the age of 30 you are a virgin and that still bothers you just summon a succubus


Escort sex is not real sex and will only accentuate and emphasize my inability to get real, intimate sex. I just don't get it. I see literal fat, neckbearded autists with qts all the time. I don't even have high standards myself.

How do I stop caring about my potential gf unvirginity?
I just can't stop imagining someone else putting their baby maker in her vagina and marking her face with his seed.
Please no bully, it's not like I enjoy being a manchild.

Your waifu.

What did the post say???

I just asked why a girl won't sit on my dick.

It'd have to be a succubus, right?

By accepting it, retard, and giving her more than he received in the past. Don't be a cuck.
Think of fucking her in front of her ex-boyfriends.
>b-b-but I took her virginity away!!!! haha...

it was a dumb wojakpost
how this entire thread isn't gone yet is beyond me

Pic related

It was created by a mod

Did you try not being gay?

any girl from vtm:b

> Everyone I fucking know lost theirs around 13-15 and now, at my age
> I just don't get it. I see literal fat, neckbearded autists with qts all the time. I don't even have high standards myself.

>Escort sex is not real sex and will only accentuate and emphasize my inability to get real, intimate sex.

Now you are disgusting me. You say to yourself that you want an intimate and real sex, yet you obviously would rush to the first slut that would give you the time of the day. Do you think 13-15 year olds had a loving, intimate, real sex?

If you want intimate sex, than being a virgin would not be a problem, since you want to have a loving relationship with a woman.

But if you want to just toss away your v-card, then you really just want to have sex.

The first time is such an underwhelming experience anyway.

>Ctrl+f zero
>No results
Sup Forums doesn't play vidya

it sounds like you put women on a pedestal and view them as some kind of pure, innocent creatures
buy used games from now on to warm yourself up to the feeling of only getting sloppy seconds

>no sign of a dick
What the fuck's the point?

People are gonna have different experiences before you do. You just have to try and accept it. If you end up having sex, she probably won't be the last person you do it with.



Happy now? Not even official art shows a bulge despite her canonically having a large piece of throbbing manhood

By accepting it. At the age of 16, say goodbye to the possibility of finding a virgin. Not her fault you really cherish the idea of a woman being virgin. You probably would hop in to a hot bitch the first chance you get, so why are you being an hypocrite?

Because of this

Marry a roastie. marry into divorce.



And why the same isn't true for men?

Noooooooooo women are supposed to be slutty go- i mean guy,don't you want a kinky gf?

>The first time is such an underwhelming experience anyway.
what makes you say that?
i lost my virginity at 23 to a girl id been talking to for a while in a long distance sort of thing, and we were both very much into each other, and the sex was great, though it did get better as we found out what felt better, what positions were better etc.
we were both very open, since we'd had cam sex and phone sex before and we knew what we both wanted and there was no pressure to do anything, though obviously we were both pretty nervous to begin with.
that being said, she was very tight, and i have a slightly above average dick, so that helped as well

Because I'm a socially stunted manchild. And for that same reason I can't settle with less. Which is why I will probably just kill myself in a few years.
I wish I could pretend I'm just above them and have just reason for my high standards, like this guy but I can't. Self-awareness was a mistake.


>using the word slutshaming unironically

>everybody is supposed to know a literally who game of your choice
almost worse than Sup Forumsposters

Because we are biologically different.

Wasn't this the first 3rd party game on Steam?

Fuck off newfags

Its not high standards,before the jews fully destroyed the nuclear family most women had only one partner in their lives.


why would you kill yourself just because you can't find a woman to put up with your shit

sounds like you need a shrink more than a girlfriend tbqh

Sup Forums is full of newfags. What did you expect? They don't even know the game

He served in Azkaban, he clearly seen some shit.


>what makes you say that?

Because it is the truth. I had it. My friends had it. Most dudes admit that their first experience sucked. Notice how I say most dudes.

Wrong. People who had more sexual partners don't fair well in marriage. Be them men or women. They rarely get satisfied with what they have. You probably never bothered to also check if men with scores of sexual partners are good and loyal men.

>The jews did this!!

Well, there ya go.

This. And he is not the only one in this thread.

I literally couldn't play this game because slutty characters in cute anime style give me elevated bp.
I left the psych ward a year ago. They can't fix your failed mental development.

did you get abused as a kid or something

>We are biologically different
Whatever you say roastie. Keep sucking that Jamal dick and tell yourself you're liberated and not just a devalued pussy.

Ps3 exclusive weeb game

Why don't you fuck off with this shit?


No I had the perfect childhood.
My parents practically never fought and I was the top of the class. I had two close friends who drifted away over time.

Cucks actually believe that women and men should be held at the same exact standards even though their biological imperatives are completely different.


Jeanette Voerman

so what caused you to snap? too many late nights on Sup Forums during /r9k/-crossposting hours?

dayum dats a puffy vulva

I'm saying that you are wrong that men are somehow more faithful than women if they score a lot of sexual partners. But I guess that sort of reading comprehension is expected from a Sup Forumstard.


It doesn't make men as miserable as women, entering a marriage with baggage. I think a woman deep inside knows that she's a devalued whore and it ruins her psyche when she enters a proper marriage.

Really women should ride the cock carousel until they are in their late 30 and then try to find a men and have an autist kid with him,that's the way nature wants procreation to work! Only in white nations of course

the BDSM chick from Phantasmagoria 2

NiER or Metroid
Although both are robots... But slutty still ;)

Excluding porn games and obscure/shit games no one cares about, in no particular order:
1. Rikku from FFX
Looks and acts like a complete skank even by FFX world's standards
2. Xana from Dark Messiah
Sexy succubus who wants the MC's D
3. Literary any women in Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines
They are all slutty vampires
4. Etna from Disgaea
>1500 year old demon with the body of a 10 year old girl in black leather thigh-highs, microskirt and sports bra
>(un)ironically played as sexy seductress
5. Everyone in Drakengard 3
Magic Whores: the Game

I've lost mine at 23. It was worth the waiting. Chill man

>heritage foundation
Might as well source freedom eagle scream.net while you're at it

She only fucks her disciple

Granted she does it in every way imaginable but typically Intoners only fuck their disciple, because thats what theyre their for, among other things

Fun fact, Four is actually a canonical virgin.
The only Intoner to not give into the urges.

>my experience is the standard, not the exception

I was fucked before I found Sup Forums. The only friend I had in highschool approached me because he thought we were both destined to be outcasts. Next year he slowly started putting distance and got into other groups. And eventually he implied that he no longer hanged out with me because I was boring.

Lel lost mine at 16 get lost nerd

Jkjk its really no big deal though, just lie, no one can prove you're not a virgin as you dont have a hymen

Nah, man, let the Sup Forumstard believe that women should only fuck 1 guy throughtout her whole life while men can fuck every woman that his heart desires.

Faggot please go

That's how it worked until the (((women's liberation))) movement.

>anime reaction images
>Sup Forums poster

To be fair, he was probably right.

Who said men should fuck as many as they please? The ideal is if both are virgins. But fat chance of that when Chad is fucking a 100 girls before marriage, leaving a complete waste in his wake.

Nowhere does it state that it is large

In fact, many herms have small underdeveloped peepees, which would lend to why it's not apparently visible