Filename Thread
Filename Thread
>Not dicing it up first
There's your problem.
>Nintendo Switch kickstand falure
dun geddit
That's pretty good
Marry your cousin and you'll figure it out.
A-user.... They aren't r-really siblings... Are they?
What the fuck am I looking at?
You've never played kissy-slappy with your sister before?
Why is this so hot Jesus christ
I want a sister now.
because she[/spoiler ]is underage
>it's either intentionally wrong, or you're an idiot
either way I'm laughing
I kek'd
All right, that's actually clever.
valve playtesters.webm
hon hon hon
It looks like a phantom and 'pain' means 'bread' in french, you uncultured swine.
I don't know if this is cute or not.
>it looks like a phantom
no it doesnt
why would you want someone to explain a joke to you? that totally defeats the point of a joke. are you so autistic that you need everything to be understood before you can move on with your life?
>why would you want someone to explain a joke to you?
so that he can laugh at the joke too
I guess you'll need to kill yourself so you can see the resemblance.
>not steamsales.jpg
Bad op.
>not only does he shoot of the birds wing
>he almost catches it
why do you go to school? that totally defeats a point of self-learning. are you so autistic that you everything to be understood before you can move on with your life?
You must be a lot of fun at parties.
And by that I mean when your mom throws a birthday party for you in the kitchen alone while you post shit like this online because you have to "correct" everyone.
explaining a joke is like performing an autopsy on a living person
you understand how it works, but it dies
A joke is never funny after being explained. Jokes are all in the delivery. You would know that if you were capable of finding things funny.
Jokes are not about learning. It's not a challenge. That's your autism talking.
I'd prefer to understand why a joke is funny and maybe laugh at it too instead of being confused and leaving it at that.
It is impossible to find a joke funny after it has been explained, how hard is that to understand? It is an entirely futile and pointless procedure. You are wasting everyone's time.
I don't get it.
sucks to be you then, figure it out or move on, the rest of the world doesn't exist to slow down and explain everything to you every time something isn't immediately obvious to you
I was playing the last 2 missions in ACZ yesterday and I kept laughing because I was thinking of this image
>It is impossible to find a joke funny after it has been explained, how hard is that to understand?
Very hard for me, I even think that's not true. I didn't understand the phantom bread pic either and now that it's explained I see why it's funny.
Man, they aren't really related, are they? If so, that shit is disturbing.
for christ's sake it's not even subtle though
This would actually make golf interesting and not the most boring shit sport in the world along cricket
>I see why it's funny
Where is the value in that? What was the point? You didn't laugh, you didn't find it funny. Only autismals find value in such banal gains.
Holy fucking shit I'm luaghing, I didn't get it for a sec but I remembered
mild chuckle
It looks like a ghost
I was curious and now my curiosity is satisfied, I feel at peace. I might laugh the next time I see a similar filename now that I know pain is french for bread.
>tfw this will never happen to you
That dog has seen too much.
>What's the value in gaining understanding about something you don't know?
>Honestly, you shouldn't ever try and comprehend something.
>What kind of faggot wants to learn about something new anyways?
read a book
You should go to a stand up night or something and interrupt the comedian every time they make a joke you don't get, but make sure you do it about ten minutes after they tell the joke, and refuse to let them move on until they explain it to you at the expense of everyone else in the audience. Please report back on your findings.
Heard about this before. Luckiest 16 year old on the fucking planet.
Godamn fuck what is my life.
You need to see things from everyone else's perspective to see why you are getting this kind of response dude.
>You should go to a stand up night or something and interrupt the comedian every time they make a joke you don't get
Not nearly the same as asking about a joke in a filename thread
>refuse to let them move on until they explain it to you at the expense of everyone else in the audience
That's on you, you could've just ignored the guy who asked about the joke instead of replying multiple times.
autists aren't capable of that user
How was I supposed to know it was a french joke? If the bread was a baguette maybe, but it's completely unrelated and out of nowhere.