Don't mind me, just "pirating" this book.
Don't mind me, just "pirating" this book
Voce gosta de camelo?
If she leaves an exact copy then i don't see the problem. It's not illegal to copy a whole book.
>ma'am you can't set up your personal dekstop and scanner up in the middle of the store, this is a public busines-
>sorry sir just 400 more pages left!
>It's not illegal to copy a whole book
I'm pretty sure you missed the entire logic behind the word "copyright".
you can just borrow the book until you finish it, this is a public library.
Borrowing books from a library actually gets the makers some percentage.'re telling me this never happened to you
A lot of people copy whole books user
Especially school books
If she borrowed it from the library and then rewrited it whole to the notebook, would that be stealing?
yeah I know I was maymay shitting
I don't think so. Imagine you could store a whole textbook in your brain.
>Borrow it form library
>Bring it back
>Prepare for upcoming test, write everything down from memory
>Oy stop stealing
your only obligation when borrowing from a library is to return it unharmed to the library
>Be me, 2003
>Go to public library
>Borrow music CDs
>Burn new copies with my PC
>Bring CDs back
Was it theft, Sup Forums?
Did you steal anything?
Our local library copies CDs for free.
but if she photocopy the notebook and start selling it, that should be illegal.
this is how piracy should be viewed.
copying from original content, yet not distributing the copies to make money
>don't mind me, just pirating this rumour
yea no thats not true at all
at least for the majority of books, since libraries get >50% of their collection from donations
maybe for publisher donated recent best sellers, but other than that, no.
libraries also do not give anything to publishers when they rent out equipment, movies, games, etc
t. a librarian
reminder that pirates don't understand basic economics and their opinions should not be taken seriously
>Wants to atract the pirate audience
>"lol kek pirates btfo you don't know shit anyway"
Stop talking about pirating then.
>guy has stuff i want on his boat
>i take stuff
>i now have stuff and he doesnt
sounds like basic economics to me
I want to pirate her sweet ginger hair, from top to toe.
She is too intellectual for you.
What? No it doesn't.
Being librarian is comfy?
What's wrong with pirating a car? I wasn't going to buy one anyway.
Not in public libraries. Privately owned collections usually pay a small batch to the authors though
You are not copying the car
If you get the schematics and print the whole thing on your 3d printer, nothing at all.
I never knew how to take books out of the university library and I was too afraid to ask so I pirated all of the text books for my course.
I used to be anti-pirating but then I realized
>buy a game
>finish it
>give it to a friend so he can play it
Would anti-piratefags and game companies view this as pirating? A sale was lost because the original owner gave it to someone else, even though he didn't sell it for a profit.
So it's okay if I start printing my own money? I'm just copying.
Isn't copyright used when you try to gain profit from copying someones work.,or claim it as your own?
Don't mind me, I am just "pirating" you're GF.
It's not stealing if I return her to you unharmed.
The common idea is that you bought the game anyway, so they got at least a sale.
Companies would abolish that too if they could though. Hell they tried but the backlash was enormous.
Yes, sharing is theft
Of course he posts a pic of a black guy. I'm so sick of these self-loathing closet cuckold posters. I want them to go away forever.
Usually when friends borrow games from friends, they're games that the friend wouldn't go out of their way to play except in the instance that they can try it for free. So it goes with me and two close friends of mine who have different tastes in games and we are always swapping out each others' recommendations.
Pirating is different because the pirates clearly want to play the games on some level, and they go out of their way to obtain them illegally. If you think a game is something you'd like, buy it and support that game. If you think a game looks shit why would you bother pirating it to confirm your biases instead of just ignoring the game? Pirating only applies to extreme fence-sitters and I hardly believe they ever go and buy the games even if they like them.
Oh I just pirated $100 off your bank account. It's just ones and zeroes so who cares
Pirating is great because i'm poor and would've bought used if pirating wasn't an option. Either way i wouldn't be supporting developers so pirating for me just saves me money and fucks over gamestop who deserve to go bankrupt anyway.
false equivalency.
Renting a game for about 24 hours for about dollar on something like Steam seems like a good idea, am I wrong? Most gamers don't play a whole 8 hours worth of a game in one day is the way I see it, and if your game is good you'd probably get a sale out of it or at least another rent.
>the only way peopel can argue against pirating is with false equivalencies
>burn new copies
mp3 existed in 2003, m8
>live in a world where copies of cars can be made for basically free
>still expect people to pay full price for a fucking car
I honestly can't even think of something more jewish
ad hominem
Depends, i know that in my country there is a specific law saying that you can't copy a entire book, just parts of it
I don't pirate games, I'm just saying it's the same exact situation but on a much larger scale. If every single person who bought a certain game lent it to a friend after finishing it, that's a potential 50% loss in sales. So how is that any different than one guy buying a game and uploading it to a torrent site for many people to play?
If I got to keep my money anyway, just somehow offer a copy of it, I'd gladly share with anyone user.
not really
its just a retail job that required a masters
user, the differences are clear. It is so far from being the same thing that I have a hard time you're not just playing the fool.
What you morons are missing is the fact that public libraries are just that: public.
If you walked into a book store, took a book, and made an exact copy out of it, with no intention of redistributing of course, it would be illegal.
Stop being retarded piratefags
>only one person can play the copy at a time
>as opposed to one copy being shareable to potentially every person on Earth with internet simultaneously
>somehow the two are comparable situations
It it viewed as pirating yes. That is why we now have online activations and one-time keys that come with the cd.
It switched from sharing a cd between friends to sharing accounts.
Me and a few friends share a big steam account which we all use in offline mode fo singleplayer games only.
Profit's just one aspect that's considered when determining if copying something is fair use. There's also the matter of the purpose of the copying, the nature of the item being copied, and how much of the work is being copied.
Copying something in its entirety will almost always disqualify any argument for fair use, regardless of the other details.
That's not ad hominem, silly. I know you feel smart throwing that shit around but at least learn what it means on wikipedia or something.
what specific law would i be violating if i did this mr Sup Forums lawyer
I can borrow games at my local library.
Check mate atheists.
tibi sum
ad hominem? uh, what?
That's something Microshit tried to touch with their Xshit one and failed miserably and it caused it to be a failure in the modern console war.
>walk outside
>see a big beautiful sun
>pirate that sweet sunlight while pirating that tasty O2
>pirate my way down the sidewalk to my local icecreamerie
>id like to pirate... um... double chocolate please
>thatll be 19.99 + tip
The only difference is scale. My point is that you have to be consistent. If you're anti-piracy, you must also be anti-sharing, since sharing a game with a friend is literally piracy on the smallest scale. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.
The idea that borrowed games are no lost sale because the person is only playing it because it's free, but pirated copies mean the person would have bought the game, that's just silly to me. I don't see any difference, most if not all games I pirate I wouldn't ever pay money for.
My car still has a casette player. Imagine my shitty life.
I want to fuck that pirate.
>it's a "Sup Forums uses shitty examples to justify and/or denounce piracy" episode
All that's missing isfucking food allegories.
What kind of icecreamerie charges 20 bucks for a double chocolate. The deserve to be pirated desu
Reported for redistributing modded O2 as CO2.
Enjoy your breathing ban.
I found this while sitting on the shitter.
Most other comments said that they worked at bookstores and the bookstores could get into trouble with the publishers so yes, they will either ban you or call the cops for theft.
You might be able to fight it on some bullshit grounds of "fair use" but not on the entire book
That's actually better these days. Buy one of those cassettes that hooks up to your phone/MP3 player, suddenly your entire library of music is available at once instead of swapping CDs. Still not as good as cars that just directly plug in with USB ports but better than a CD player.
I'm a pirate and I'm kinda tired of seeing these fedora-tier arguments to excuse their asshole behaviour
>oh it's just sharing and sharing is good right
It's taking something someone has made and asks money for and getting it for free illegally. (I know that the downloading isn't illegal but you are benefitting from someone commiting the crime of sharing)
I like getting stuff for free but I don't have any delusions of having the moral high ground here.
But that's every episode?
straw man
> Of course he posts a pic of a black guy.
Maybe because it's because I am black myself, you closeted racist nu-male hipster piece of virtue signaling shit.
Get off your high horse faggot.
I'm not a pirate but I fucking despise intellectual property law so I vehemently defend piracy, so I guess we're kind of opposites
>buy myself an apple
>use the seeds to plant an apple tree
>apples grow there, I share them with others
>guy who sold me the apple angrily shouts "hey that's pirating, they need to pay for every apple"
just for you man, enjoy the episode
it is a pretty entertaining read everytime though.
Post pics user.
Stop roleplaying. You're a self-loathing white guy with a cuckold fetish so you post ironic cuck memes like "the black men are taking your white women how can white boys compete" it's so pathetic and obvious. Stop projecting your degenerate fetish on others.
I excuse my behaviour because it makes moralcuck redditors bleed out of their asshole.
Jokes on you, if that were a GMO apple you could actually be sued by its creator
>What? No, it's cool bro.
>I wasn't going to pay for it anyway so it's not a lost sale
>I'll come back and pay for it after I've cleaned it, prepped it, cooked it, ate it, shared with all my friends, gave the bone to my dog, wrote a review about it on Yelp!, made fan art about it, wrote some fan-fiction about it, then scripted a 1500 word essay about how the ham is really a metaphor for the transgender struggle on a New Guinean Blowdart Forum
>If I liked it, that is
>''Ahhh, can't you just get rid of the pus crust faster? I have to make piracy alegories...''
>by its creator
Did he fucking invent the apple? No he just changed it himself and called it a new flavour.
Is it okay to sneak into a movie theater without paying? Nobody loses anything there
Planting apple seeds will give you trees of different speices than the original tree, depending on the pollinator though.
Also you might need to graft the tree onto a sturdier root system depending on your region
Would Sup Forums pirate some phone calls in the 1970s? Or would you be too afraid of the partyvan?
I just ate breakfast you fucking faggot
Piratefags are always either fat fedora edgelords or underaged kids.
If you're a pirate and you feel this isn't true then post a picture of yourself to prove me wrong.
At any rate look up what Napster did to the music industry if you actually think pirating is okay.
No it's not.
How much of a lonely redditor do you have to be to care about pirates?
You never see anyone in real life care about piracy because normal don't do that, it's all neckbeards in Sup Forums, and nobody cares about what neckbeard opinions.
>paid mods
>get free stuff
>now turns out I make some autismos mad by doing so
All pirates are selfish commies who dont understand basic economics
user thanks but I can't think of any stupid allegory I can apply that to.
Only reason I consider PC the masterrace is because of pirating, just waiting for Automata. Patience eventually pays off.
>someone disagrees with me on the internet?! I better call him obese!
All that's missing is a fedora joke. Fucking Redditor.
>food analogy