>take my Switch to a party last night
>everyone laughs at me
What the fuck? It's 2017, kids, teenagers, adults, grandparents, soccer moms, literally everyone plays video games so why isn't it socially acceptable to play vidya in public?
>take my Switch to a party last night
>everyone laughs at me
What the fuck? It's 2017, kids, teenagers, adults, grandparents, soccer moms, literally everyone plays video games so why isn't it socially acceptable to play vidya in public?
Everyone takes a shit too, but they'd look at you weird if you dropped your pants and shit right out in public.
They didn't laugh because you play games in public, they laugh because you bought a switch.
fuck, the one second from the left looks like every unobtainable prep stacy that's ever looked down her nose at me. ;__;
Nintendipshits actually believe you can just get away with playing vidya in public
>t-the normies all know about Nintendo!
>videogames are m-mainstream now! Stop bullying me!
Holy kek my sides are in maximum over kek!
Fun fact: if you brought a book with you to a party, you'd also be a fucking faggot
Bad read, OP. Bad read.
Should've brought GMK instead
>not taking a Bible with you to every party
heathen like typing detected
It's a party
You bring yourself
You bring your girl
You bring your bros
I play my 3DS on the bus and don't notice anyone saying anything. But then again I wouldn't care anyway because they're not important to me at all. I'd only really care if I had a feeling like one of them were going to steal it.
>things that never happened
Vidya has become pretty commonplace and it isn't really seen as "weird" anymore. I used to take my 3DS to parties all the time and take turns playing smash with stoners and shit. Never once got knocked for it and even made a few friends doing so. You are probably just a socially insecure autist that gives to much of a shit of what other people think.
>buying a Switch in the first place
Neck yourself.
>Sup Forums
>leaving the house
You didn't even try to be convincing.
>don't own a switch or have parties to go to
>lie about both on Sup Forums
What the fuck?
>got a cute stacey gf one time
>went to a house party with her
>she runs into her ex
>i go to chat with my friends
>have to use the bathroom
>walk in
>gf is bent over the sink getting railed by her ex
>i literally take off running and crying
kill me
Nobody would care if it was in India. They're so much more advanced than us.
Based Joss Whedon giving the japs the finger.
What it like being a literal cuck? What genre of video games do you like? I want to understand you on a deep level.
Because you played 1 2 Switch and looked like an idiot.
a 3DS is a little less intrusive then the switch
But ya, I agree, OP's probably just a sperg
>>kids invite everyone in their grade to a party
>>local autist brings his vidya because he doesn't know how to socially interact
You need to stop posting.
West is so fucking shit I can't even believe it, like in the movies everybody wants to oppress you and stifle your voice, you can't express yourself or your feelings regarding the film at all
In India, you can just get up walk up to the silverscreen and start screaming and dancing and cheering and generally chimping out, chances are the rest of the theater will be right there with you screaming and dancing and chimping out
The actual land of the free and home of the brave
Poo in the loo
lol i saw this post on /r/gaming the other day! really funny thread op
I mean, user, if that's true, it's so comically awful you just have to laugh at that point. regards.
>There's a facebook page named Atheists vs Christians debate central
Why do these people care so much about "debating" the other side? It's goes the same way every time and I say this as a devout Christian.
in ITT a bunch of idiots
they would've laughed at op anyway
if you know how to carry yourself, you can get away with doing whatever you want
if I would've brought a switch to a party, the switch would've been the party, everyone would just huddle round it
carry a phone with me everywhere, its full of books and games...
yet it'd be a lot weirder if I showed up somewhere without it
absolutely KEK
>Devout Christian
>Not following Jebus's direct order
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
Matthew 28:19
Ohhh damn.
>>gf is bent over the sink getting railed by her ex
>>i literally take off running and crying
Fake and gay.
Yes, but there are limitations to what you can do. You have to witness differently to people depending on who you're speaking to and there are some people, such as militant atheists, who won't hear you no matter what you have to say. Certainly not if you try to reach them on an internet forum. So it's like when the disciples left the cities that wouldn't hear them, they stamped the dust from their feet and moved on. Sometimes it's all you can do.
>when you played SSB4U at a party literally last night
>when it was fun
>tfw when niggers get btgo
>not waiting for the ex to cum then taking your turn with her
Retard - you should have thanked the ex for getting her primed and ready to go.
Do you actively go out and witness?
Fuck off, Reddit.
they're literally shitting on the entire world
I don't understand women. They pour limitless hours into watching soaps, sitcoms and boxed-sets of any number of TV shows but when you say you're spending the same amount of time playing games, a form of entertainment that's more mentally challenging than their vegetative hobby, they look at you like you've got shit smeared on your face.
Poops per mile?
It depends on what you mean. I regularly talk to my friends, my family, and others that I know about the Bible and about my faith. It's something I love talking about and nobody comes to know me for very long without also knowing that I'm a Christian. That said, no, I'm not the type to go around knocking on the doors of strangers in order to witness to them. I suppose I'm not a very good Christian and yeah, there are a lot of things I don't do that I probably should, or things I do that I probably shouldn't. I've had my ups and downs in my walk with God but I never stop being a fervent believer and I always tell people about Jesus whenever I'm given the chance.
>take my Switch to a party on Friday for a friend
>some of the people get excited and we play a little bit of Snipperclips and look at Zelda before moving on to something else
>everyone else either just said "neat" or didn't care
Probably should stop going to shit parties
whats it like being in elementary school?
What its it that makes you believe in some higher power specifically the Judaeo-Christian god?
parts per million, they're producing so much shit that straya now has poo beaches.
>tfw no gf to cuck me
why live?
>Go to a party
>take vidya console with me
>Get laughed at
Fucking retard. The best way to score girls is to bring your karaoke machine. They love that shit.
The best way to score girls is to be black. They love the myth of the massive cock, even if it's not true. They can't resist wanting to check for themselves.
10/10 that's a great story dude, use it.
>packing penises
>puppy play
When are they going to do a fetish I like? Guro?
Would it be worse if it was true or if it was a sick bullshit fantasy? I'm having a hard time deciding.
>Take the train lik every morning
>Sit in a wagon with 3 chads and one girl that looked around 16
>One of the 3 chads is playing with a 3DS at full volume (i think it was Mario Kart 7)
>Can't read my copy of "beyond good and evil" by Nietzsche because of their laughs and chatting and because of that stupid device
>Build up courage and ask them why they still play videogameas at their age
>They look at me in a weird way, then look at each other and say "Why not?"
>Change wagon while hering one of them say the word "weirdo"
Not all girls are skanks. American women are though. We get a lot of exchange students from the US. Why are they so slutty? It's almost too easy.
Well I was typing out my full experience but wouldn't you know it user, the comment is too long. Suffice to say it was a highly personal experience that took place at a very low moment in my life where I believe whole-heartedly that I heard God speak to me to pull me out of the rut of fear and exhaustion that I was in. I haven't stopped believing since.
>devout Christian
Why did this god select you and not the millions homeless or in absolute poverty who are also Christians and pray?
if someone more likable brought one no one would care
it aint about the vidya man
Going to a party with a bunch of judgemental faggots not having friends.
Bible has a lot to say about that. Look up doctrines regarding the fallen state of our world, the depravity of mankind, and the idea of the "great reversal" of the afterlife as it's shown in the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Jesus also speaks about it when He delivered the Beatitudes.
>imagines a voice in his head
>starts believing in god
>in reality it was his fucked-off subconscious getting sick of his shit and finally kicking him into gear
I'll take "Bullshit, that never happened" for 300 Alex
>in ITT a bunch of idiots
What's ITT again ?
I'm pretty sure you know how the conversation went.
>"So Stacy, who's the pencil dick?"
>None of your business Chad.
>"Oh baby, I miss you, ditch the twerp."
>"Sure thing babes, I was only going out with him to make you jealous."
That really didn't answer any question.
Don't expect a cogent answer. Biblefags will quote scripture at you until the cows come home if they think it is related to your query, regardless of whether it makes any sense on a global or personal level. The first casualty of religion is critical thought.
Id be fine with scripture if it's relevant to the question, but telling me to go study myself it's no response at all.
Because they're motivated by a political agenda and only trying to normalise fetishes that aid their narrative is beneficial to them
>fetishes are a political agenda.
Not everything is politics Sup Forums
>Be a lot weirder without it
Implying anyone gives a shit if you have your phone on you.
Just fucking kill yourself already.
I took my Switch to school last week and played after a math exam. Two cute girls from my class sat next to me and watched me play Zelda.
Don't be so insecure guys.
>Not everything is politics
I once thought as you do
>take psvr to the party
>everyone flocks to try it out
>everyone's laughing and having fun waiting for their turn
>everyone's talking how amazing it was
>yfw it actually happened
lol okay, do you just ignore the laws that are passed while you play faggot simulator in your basement?
What lead you astray from the right answer?
>implying I said nothing is politics.
How's that strawman
All women are whores. The ones that aren't are controlled by their fathers/husbands
Honestly the old time I saw anyone speak about the Switch in public when I was at Target the other day.
It was a woman probably in her early 30s and she was talking to her 8-10 yr old kids. Other than that I've never seen someone speak a word about it.
>le epic response and reaction image bra
>all these insecure NEETs
i'm going to give you some life advice, keep your video games at home. hell it'll help you a lot more in life if people dont even know you play video games.
ITT = in this thread
google next time or just kys yourself
Because a party is a social event and not everyone enjoys watching two people play a videogame, some preffer to talk to their peers about mundane stuff and/or try to score.
Nice photoshop leaf. Now fuck off.
he's giving you shit because you said "in ITT"
dont even google anything just kys
>Shit that happen
I'm indian and this is 100% false.
>to a party
>Its another false green text story
Fake news
Nice shop.
because you made that up.