Is he so complicate to have a game? Rumors says that Rocksteady is making his game.
If you had the chance to make a Superman game,how It would be?
Is he so complicate to have a game? Rumors says that Rocksteady is making his game.
If you had the chance to make a Superman game,how It would be?
Where the fuck is the "- vulnerable to magic" don't ruin my immersion like that.
Same reason Iron man never had a good game.
Flying mechanics.
You know how in games you start weal and shitty and get stronger?
Superman is like a max level dude running around a tutorial area. There's no sense of progression and it'll be fun for about 5 minutes before you get bored.
>If you had the chance to make a Superman game,how It would be?
I dunno but instead of health I'd have some kind of super destructible environment. Instead of health the more collateral damage the area around your fight takes the closer you get to a game over or whatever. People hating you I guess?
Vulnerable isn't the best word for that. Susceptible to magic is better. Magic doesn't affect him any stronger than the average joe.
That's sort of an understatement. I don't even think Kal knows his limits.
How can you make a game out of an invincible being?
Of course you can make up bullshit about kriptonite being all over the place but do you really want them to?
It just doesn't fit lorewise, it's easier to just create another characters with some of his abilities
Also this is an additional big obstacle
boss rush game where you take on one giant bad guy after another
You can create a good game with a protagonist who's OP right from the beginnig. He won't have health, he has more strength than anyone can match. People would get bored soon. For this reason only batman games work. He's a human.
This. Not all magic affects him the same way either. Firebolts and lightning don't do much at all but psychic abilities and hexes fuck Superman up good.
There are dudes that can go toe to toe with him. Just make it a boss fights only game, like Shadow of the Colossus or something.
Fly around and then encounter various bosses like Lobo or Doomsday to fight.
That's one of the biggest problems. Most people like the idea of flying but it has never been implemented well in gaming. That's why flight sims are a dead genre. They were trash. Only seemed interesting because it was the 90's and 3D gaming was new.
I'm vulnerable to being shot, but no more so than the average person, I definitely wouldn't call it susceptibility.
Flying around would just be boring, something like Furi would be better in pacing
But this is a Superman game, you can't make it a 3 hour game and you'd have to have a shitload of cinematics
It would never work, even if you'd find a way to make it a work as a videogame, it wouldn't as a commercial product
I'd really like an open world cancer superman game that was set in an ENTIRE solar system but i dont think we have the technology for that yet
Basically I think a Superman game will be fun as soon as we can make him leave Earth easily. I want to be able to fly in through atmospheres and shit and it be realistic as fuck.
I want to slam Zod through the fucking moon and toss Doomsday into the Sun. Let me stop Toyman/Lex Luthor on earth and help batman over in Gotham and Flash over in Central but then afterward let me fly out to Mars and fuck up some leftover white martians with Martian Manhunter as a sidequest.
There are a lot of possibilities here.
He has literally every power. You can't make a game with character progression with a character who is a fucking god from the get-go unless he goes through some event that strips him of all his power, which is a tired trope and doing it to Superman would be retarded.
Flying mechanics. Gravity Rush is the closest thing you'll get to flying around like a superhero and it's still frustrating and imprecise at times.
Superman is also just boring.
>superman is boring
Must be fun on the no-fun bandwagon. Supes is great and its sad you can't see the appeal.
Magic affects everyone. Kryptonite doesn't. He's vulnerable to kryptonite and susceptible to magic. Like how you are susceptible to gunshots but not vulnerable to chocolate like dogs.
>Magic affects everyone, kryptonite doesn't
Tell that to Lex Luthor
Vulnerability doesn't imply a more than average weakness to, but just the ability to be harmed by it.
I am vulnerable to chocolate though.
Then what would you use for kryptonite since he has an above average weakness to that vs being vulnerable to magic?
But it's not worth listing if it is normal
As an earlier user mentioned, he isn't really vulnerable to magic in the same way. It's not a "weakness" as Superman would rather go up against an army of magicians than one dude with a chunk of kryptonite.
if you conjure a meteor and toss it at superman its not going to work the same way a curse spell would
People like the Ace Combat series just fine.
Please, all he ever does anymore is get mopey because he doesn't like power.
Vulnerability just means he can be harmed by it, he is especially weak to kryptonite.
Well it's one of the few outliers to his near indestructibility, so it pretty much is.
That actually depends on the story, magic fire has caused burns on him, so it's debatable at best.
Magic fire and fire produced by magic are entirely different things if my rpgs are anything to go by.
I'll never understand the appeal of superman
Superman works best as an inspirational figure. Being basically invulnerable, a game over condition wouldn't be based on loss of health but instead a lack of faith by the citizens of the city. the more public his displays of saving various citizens or fixing their problems, the stronger the city becomes. Rampant destruction and crime by supervillains or criminals would weaken it.
Yeah well I'm old enough to remember Silver Age Superman and he was great. The new stuff isn't that bad in my opinion though but keep thinking your opinion is superior its the way of things here.
I'd make it about young supes just discovering his powers. Then you could have a progression like Saints Row 4.
Why don't put him in the same power level as MoS or JL:U Superman? He is powerfull but not insanally powerfull.
Give him enemies able to hurt him,missions to save people,prevent natural disasters,disarmes bombs,fight mini bosses,prevent accidents,etc.Create good land mechanics,flying mechanics and good fight mechanics.Give the player the responsability to keep the city safe but also give him freadom to fight the enemies.
He just need the right studios to make a good game about him.
Please try harder in english. Thank you.
Batman disagrees, and since his superpower is basically never being wrong, I'll side with him.
>This isn't even my final form
No he's right, Superman is just a boring hero.
It's why Batman is a better character than him
Aquaman game would be great.
>no normalfags willbother with it cause normalfag memes
>deep sea exploration
>tons of enemy variety from sea life to sea monsters to giant deep ones
>magical underwater kingdom
>kingdom ruling systems
damn can't even get one post in without autism
Not really, invulnerable doesn't typically include mind affecting powers.
>Superman is boring because "he too stronk"
>Batman is brilliant because he is always prepared for anything and has money
You people are retarded. Batman was spraying sharks in the face with repellent before Frank Miller came along and you fucks love to hype up the Bats like hes so much better and was never campy. It's ridiculous.
Superman is better and hell at least he's believable which is funny considering he's an alien solar battery allergic to a rock. Batman is somehow unbeatable and his only power is money.
No one cares what they were doing in the 60s autist.
The "THWAKKK" in the panel doesn't look like a mental attack to me.
>supesfag makes fun of other comic heroes mid-century
Look in the mirror. Superman was the worst offender of silver age cheese
its hard to make a fun game when the main characters super power is "I have whatever super power I need to win" Superman has been this way for a long time, any time he hits a wall he magically finds a new ability to win its basically naruto and bleach bullshit
Alright fags. Show you actually know what the fuck you are talking about. Post your top 3 Superman stories.
Sounds like Black and white or Spore to me.
>god mode the game
whats the point?
1 BvS
2 Superman Returns
3 Kill Bill part 2
Flying around super fast.
I don't read much of superman but I like,
the one before DC reboot with new 52.
Red son
Not really a superman, but I like a stick superman in flash's point.
because hes lame af. only amerifats love that spandex mediocre hick
Open world game with the whole earth as the map but you can also fly to space and other planets but lose your power as you try to leave the solar system
>Batman is somehow unbeatable and his only power is money.
how is this not realistic again?
I would make a Matter eater lad game instead
Reminder that it's canon that nobody masturbates in the DC universe
he is insanely strong in MoS, but hes only just getting used to his strength and powers, and the constant theme with superman is he always holds back because hes scared of what would happen if he lost control or didnt keep himself in check
A LoSH game would be nice.
Nofap is how Superman got that strong. Shit ain't no joke.
>Look in the mirror
Shut up user. that is what I'm telling you Batfags to do. You cannot tell me to look in the mirror like I'm assblasted about Superman being campy. Hell, earlier I mentioned I was a fan of Silver Age superman.
My point is that they're equally unrealistic and that Batfags are too stupid to realize it.
Money would not turn Bruce Wayne into Batman in real life and thats okay but I'm tired of people shitting on superman for the sake of realism and then turning around and lauding Batman as the best thing ever.
I like both and all but christ
Matter Eater Lad did well considering his superpower is shared by everyone on his home planet and it's nothing more than "can eat everything"
Now that's diversity done right
I think that Lex Luthor trapping him in a maze would do wonders for him
>talking with his mouth full
Feet of clay
His stomach.
Why don't put H'el,Wraith,Ulysses,Zod,Doomsday Darkseid,Brainiac,Lex,Metalo,Mxyzptlk,Parasite,Mongul, Cyborg Superman,Bizarro,Helspot,Atomic Skull,Livewire,Ultraman,Atomic Man,Imperilex...Even Black Adam.
Does he poop anti-matter?
Maybe who knows.
Been trying to get into comics.
Will 'audio comics' ever become a thing?
You are now imagine how painful and degrading it would be to jam your face against a wall close enough to chew on it
Movies and tv shows are their equivalent user
Audio comics are a thing.
The future is a strange place.
That's a lie
He died in that tanker 2 years ago
Imagine One Punch Man or Dragon Ball Z, but with better writing
Has Batman ever disarmed multiple bombs by dancing?
No? Then fuck outta here
Because it wouldn't just fucking work??
How the fuck do you even make a game out of Superman without it being nothing more than a super EZ non-game similar to a simulation world-builder or like Minecraft on Creative Mode??? In the Justice Leagues, Superman is supposed to be a fucking powerhouse that you unleash to tackle/tank that BBEG boss faggot while everyone else runs around to different places unfoiling his massive global domination plan.
Making a Superman game anything like Batman Arkham where he gets shot up by goons is fucking dumbass retarded. I can only see a Superman game turning out nothing more than a QTE beat em up.
That could be neat. A Smallville type game where progression was based on how much and how well you used your abilities. And then you could have part of the health problem solved by danger being to your friends/family rather than to you if you're too visible or the city gets too damaged
>Don't they realize it's not alive, but just a force I materialize in my image which "borrows" MY super-powers?
Yeah, why isn't the average citizen deeply familiar with the exact mechanics of Superman's bullshit powers?
Wikipedia says he could eat Superman, so Matter eater lad is more powerful than him then?
The average citizen is retarded. Everyone should know how this kind of stuff works, and I'm not being ironic.
The world would be an awesome place if people just stopped being proud of their stupidity.
Superman probably can just fly away now or incinerate him with heat vision.
Sure why not.
Make a game called Superman:Origins.
>Start off at Golden Age Superman levels of power. Can't even fly just jump high and run fast. Fight street level villains and the occasional Braniac villains and Luthor bots
>Work your way up to fight mid tier villains like Cyborg Superman and Lobos while unlocking more of your powers
>end game has you taking on the strongest Supes villains like Darkseid, Doomsday, Ultraman, Zod, Superboy Prime/Time Trapper and Braniac
>can also challenge other super heroes as optional bosses such as Captain Marvel, Orion, and Wonder Woman
>Secret bosses has you taking on villains from other heroes' rogue galleries such as Zoom, Black Adam, Sinestro, etc.
>Batman to send you off on side quests and the final Bats quest has you and him teaming up against Emperor Joker
>races against Kryptonians
>Luthor gets access to Apokolips weapons to make fodder Luthor drones and goons somewhat of a threat
It wouldn't be hard to make as the comics have plenty of things, plot devices and characters who can challenge Superman. He's not as invincible as people make him out to be. Nobody seems to mind fodder hurting Dante in gameplay when he's established as nigh unkillable and overwhelmingly powerful in cutscenes and canon. Even the DBZ RPGs on the GBA has common thugs and shit tier fodder hurting the Z-Fighters. All that matters is if the game is good.
Since he can eat anything he could just eat the heat vision blasts.
You forget--all energy is nothing more than converted MATTER!
He can DIGEST the heat-ray with no ill effects!
Maybe he can eat the vacuum of space when Superman throws him into orbit
Super speed eat the arm before he has the chance to throw.
Superman's heat vision can cover an entire planet at full power. Unless he can stretch his mouth wide enough, he's not beating the heat vision.
Eat his eyes.
As long as we don't have the tech to make flying combat fun, then the only viable idea for a good Superman game, boss rush with major villains and huge set pieces, will just be Asura's Wrath.
Which could be good or bad. Sup Forums loves Asura's Wrath despite it not being fun to play and it being a movie game
This shit go over the anime levels of quirky
Why did westernshit forget this stuff and everything is just so bland and predictable?