One of the most succesfull new IP's of gen 6

>one of the most succesfull new IP's of gen 6
>every new release met with extreme hype and universal celebration in gen 7
>Barely talked about anymore in gen 8
what the hell happened to Halo? is this the biggest fall of grace in recent history

>what the hell happened to Halo?

Not casual enough for the CoD market, but too casual for everyone else, and exclusivity killed it.

Halo 4 was gen 7, and that was pretty hated.

It lost Bungie.

Look at Destiny, it picked up when Halo started to fall.

Granted I'm not touting praise on Destiny. But it's a better game than today's Halo.

Had Bungie stayed involved it wouldn't have been like this.

Bungie stepped out and the series turned to ABSOLUTE shit.


Bungie put out Reach, and a lot of Bungie staff stayed behind and are now at 343.

They added Sprint

>Had Bungie stayed involved it wouldn't have been like this
Doubt it. Reach was shit, Bungie was taking the game in Halo 4's direction. I'm sure Halo 4 would have had the same multiplayer issues if Bungie would have been the ones making the game

Halo 5 has the best multiplayer ever.. And I know that when playing it. I think I've just gown up like everyone else that grew up on it. You move on, even if its just as good as it used to be.

Bungie a shit. Lets go to activison and pump out the same shit continually instead???

>Reach was shit

It's undeniably one of the best in the series.
3 > 1 > Reach > 2

>ruin the Halo SP with H4
>bury the Halo SP with H5
>make Halo completely irrelevant with Halo Wars 2

Halo was always trash but Microsoft paid for good reviews and it took normies a long time to see that Halo is shit.

Why did Microsoft stop caring? I mean, in late 90s-early 00s they published a lot of good games, but then, a bunch of their studious and franchises got closed. After that, it's been getting worse and worse, and their attempts to fix the situation proved to be misguided

It changed developpers and threw out the window everything that made it good
Now its just COD with aliens

>finish the fight... again
>an ancient evil awakens

Yeah, no, fuck you, MS.

Bungie was done with Halo and wanted out.
Then they made ODST and Reach
And then 343i was made

how long until 343i crash and burn?

It's obvious. Halo 4 was a shit game. When fans disliked it, 343 responded by making further sequels more CoDlike. Now that the cat's out of the bag and it's obvious that there will never be another Halo game as good as Halo 3, the series has faded into obscurity.

I think it's because the Xbox has never been Microsoft's cash cow, it's just another business for them. Games is all that Nintendo does, and Sony for a long time was in really bad financial shape and the PlayStation was one of their few divisions turning a profit. If the Xbox died tomorrow, Microsoft would still have billions of dollars. They just see the Xbox as their foothold in the living room to expand the windows ecosystem.

After the conclusion to such a long story in 3, they should have given Master Chief a rest. That was 343's first mistake, but it was indicative of everything else to come - improper story, gameplay, music, it all screamed "we are doing this for money". It felt wrong, as it was.

Halo 3 is one of the best multiplayer games of all time and I will never not be mad that its not on PC. Eldewrito is too barebones and glitchy

Destiny was fucking garbage.

Is it worth putting Windows "NSA up your ass" 10 on my pc to play? Doesnt NO ONE play it on PC?

Am I the only one in this thread? Fucking help me bump it

Halo 2/3 are literally console FPS kino.
Shame the series literally died.

Destiny was fun but repetitive

Shitty spin off years with a console RTS, over price expansion, and the Metroid Other M of Halo. Halo 4 was supposed to fix the damage but instead continued where the shitty prequel left off. Halo CEA was half-assed, Halo MCC was busted snd still is, in Halo 5 they tried to replace Chief, removed split screen, and released with bare bones content. This is what happened to Halo to put it where it is, the good news seems that it may be making a comeback, not in the way of Halo 3 but at least to be relevant again.

Bungie shitted out ODST and Reach and 343 is better than current Bungie, so it wasn't much of a lost since at that time, Bungie already went to shit and they would be worse today.

So not fun at all?

> What the hell happened to Halo?

It's pretty simple in my eyes.
> Bungie's Halo games, despite having perfect multiplayer, were, first and foremost, story driven games.
> The story ended in Halo 3
> Bungie's contract required them to make 2 more games which they did, begrudgingly.
> ODST and Reach were great games, but the story we all cared about, the story of the Master Chief had come to a more than satisfying conclusion.
> Halo: Reach is literally about Bungie killing the Halo franchise, represented by Noble 6. Halsey's Epitaph speech carries the dual meaning of paying respect to 6, and to the Halo franchise/asking fans to stick with Bungie as they move forward with Destiny.
> Microsoft, being corporate squares, didn't pick up on the message, and stupidly went ahead with trying to revive the dead franchise and drag Master Chief out of his well earned rest to be the star of a new trilogy
> as was obvious from the get go, 343i/Microsoft being inferior artists who didn't know what they were doing; the new trilogy crashed and burned. It failed to capitalize on anything fans actually liked, while also failing to keep almost any of the universally appealing things about Halo that drew in so many normie tier fans in the first place.

Fun up to a certain point.

This. Forever this

Video games along with movies in general have moved away from being about passion to hitting ever increasing financial goals and quarterly targets.

This is misinformation. In fact, when asked how many ex-Bungie staff remained at 343, Frank O'Connor said he could count them with his hands.