Are these games actually good or is it just Disney + zippers autism?
Are these games actually good or is it just Disney + zippers autism?
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There's no reason it can't be both.
I played on proud mode just now on and I hated my life. But the games are really good when they released on PS2. I like the remaster for the nostalgia.
the plot is incomprehensibly retarded but the gameplay is usually pretty fun
They are good, If you want opinion I can extend at this point.
Why is it retarded?
Little of column A. Little of column B.
Combat is fun and music is good while everything else ranges from mediocre to terrible.
They're good action-RPGs that also run on double nostalgia.
It's a series fueled by raw nostalgia at this point. I reckon it'd be near impossible to get non-fans into it (given that maybe 3 of the games are actually fun, and KH1 is a fucking horrible thing to play in 2017).
Still hyped for KH3, hope the gameplay isn't retarded.
The plot is very complex and and this point would go through alot of stuff like, (Think about it) The collision between the occidental and oriental (Japan) world, represented by Disney and Square Enix, from this point and onwards things get very complex.
From the gameplay standpoint, they are amazing (Play it on extreme difficult since this is the true game and how it should be played) And you will find that you need to wrap your head on fights, and give the most of yourself strategically (That kind of strategy which comes from the split-second thinkings that represent action rpgs)
Mind that both points are complex because, talking about gameplay, I would have to go throguh kh 1 combat system, kh 2 combat system and resource management of pm, fusion, hp and PH, birth by sleep command stuff and etc.
Trust me, they are very good.
>everything else ranges from mediocre to terrible.
the graphics are great for PS2 / PSP / NDS games, helped by the good art style.
It also enjoys the similar crack-pairing appeal as Super Smash Bros originally; there's something hilarious and legitly awesome about Hades digging out Auron from the hell as his new minion, only to get his trademark "this is my story, bitch!" speech and rebelling.
>He says while posting Ansem the DiZ and his magic Riku fixing machine.
KH1 is a fun early PS2 action platformer with RPG elements. Think of it as a spiritual successor to Brave Fencer Musashi.
KH2 has "better" combat but is much simpler and has shit level design.
KH1 is bad if you play on higher difficulties, because the fun is derived from enemies exploding and drilling down multi-color HP bars at the speed of light. If you do chip damage, you realize how bad the combat is.
KH1 had worse level design, I promise. Just because it was less linear, doesn't make it good. KH2 put it's focus on enjoyable combat, which I much prefer to KH1's shitty vines.
Games are alright.
First one is the most fun. It's a messy imperfect action platformer with nice environments, some fun combat, and a decent, if imperfect story.
The running theme with these games is that there is extreme stupidity and flaws in them that are made up for by the really good parts.
Re: Chain of Memories is one of my favorites because the combat system is really weird and unique. It's fun to master.
Kingdom Hearts 2 is my least favorite.
The plot of these games is meaningless and is entirely designed to convince you that there's something deep going on and that you need to buy the next game in order to understand it. This trend will continue with Kingdom Hearts 3.
Birth By Sleep is probably the best of the newer ones.
Yeah in fairness a lot of my rage from KH1 comes from me beating it on Proud Mode. KH games have a tendency to be balanced well on Normal and Critical, but are horrible on Easy or Proud.
That being said, when I initially played KH1 I did so on either Easy or Normal, and I still hated it then.
Playing on anything less than proud would have been too easy to derive any fun from.
A critical mode where everything does more damage but has less health would be best, but we will never get that.
Yeah, they didn't balance 1FM Proud nearly as well as 2FM Critical. You hit like the keyblade's a stick, and enemies truck you in one hit.
The graphics were decent for the PS2 sure but liking the art style is very subjective, I thought it was terrible.
It's not even bad, just tedious. It's worse in KH2 if you aren't amused by better animations and gaudy stuff like forms, as the areas are more like corridors, the mobs are generally more uniform, and you're repeating the same actions way more frequently.
>Haven't played KH in years
>See that the collection has Proud mode
>Remember being a kid and an idiot who did nothing but button mashing his way into the ending
>Try Proud Mode
>Have to learn how to parry, dodge roll timings, when to run and when to engage otherwise I die in one hit or get stunlocked to death
It's like being the bad guy in DMC3
I'm playing the first one for my first time rn, I'm at the last area. Play on proud mode, it makes it more enjoyable. Don't expect anything out of the story, just enjoy the laughably bad delivery. Lastly, if you're a completionist be prepared for the end game grind.
KH2 is probably up there for best game ever, gameplay wise. People are still finding new techniques in the battle mechanics 11 years after it came out.
Everyone is correct about the story though, I don't know what kind of stuff you need to be snorting to come up with such a ridiculous plot.
I'll take mediocre platforming over walking forward and occasionally jumping for 40 hours, thanks. I prefer some actual effort to be put into my games, even if the end result is mediocre.
If I wanted non-level design and combat, I'd play DMC3/4's Bloody Palace. KH2 is unbearably tedious.
I like KH1's level design more but the clunky platforming controls and the god awful camera is the worst
This, except I'd suggest that GBA Chain of Memories is more fun than the PS2 version because the battle system is built around the tiny play area.
After you finish KH1 in proud try KH2 on Critical my nigga, it makes the game become one of the best action rpgs ever
It it actually genuinely balances though?
Because I feel like all of my victories so far have been out of pure luck
Not him but KHII on Critical is the way it's meant to be played and one of the most balanced arpgs in general.
Did they not fix the camera yet? They've only remade and ported 1 like five times noe.
All the main path shit in KH1 gets pretty easy on Proud if you aren't a dumby. I played it in the 1.5 version and was pissed off constantly, but I just played it all this week and used my brain and had minimal frustration. Some bosses are just kind of lame: Ansems, Ursula... the game is its hardest in the beginning by far.