It's shit

>It's shit
Wow! I bet no one saw this coming

Other urls found in this thread:

you just don't GET it

it's a love letter to the 90s

It's mediocre, not shit.

Mediocre stuff are things not worth investing time or money into when there are so many actual good things out there

So yeah, it's shit

Kek, I didn't even know it released

More like Jewka Gaylee


Wrecked. gg no re

It looks like something you'd pay $9.99 for on an App Store

Anyone who had to suffer through 90s collectathons back then when they wanted actual 3d platforming saw this coming.

Actually laughed at this.
Still though, Reddit is that way.

The game is bad, because the bat is racist.

According to Metacritic the majority of the reviews are above an 8, I wouldn't call that shit. Yes some people hate it but outside of Jim Sterling most of the response to the game has been positive.

>reviewers like jim "the cuck who's wife is BLACKED" sterling gives the game a low review because of these reasons

>"perverted" noises when characters speak
>"perverted" names of characters like 'trowzer snake'
>minigames and parts of 3d platformers are "ruining his time"

The list goes on. This guy is such a fucking cuck SJW retard.

He unironically lives with his WIFE'S SON and she fucks other men.
This is the kind of people you listen to.

Think about that.

>was supposed to be the game that redeems western blunders and BTFOs the nip dominance of 2017

English please

>sterling is the only person to give this a bad review

>even Nintendo-nosalgia cocksuckers supreme Gamexplain don't like it

how many more popular keywords can you fit into your post?

>Actually laughed at this. Still though, Reddit is that way.
this might be the most cancerous post I've ever read

it didn't
it's just shitposting

there's also this tranny

otherwise, yeah, the reviews are good

According to metacritic it has 16 positive reviews, 5 mixed, and 1 negative (not including Jim Sterling). The idea that this game is some massive failure and that all reviewers hate it is just a Sup Forums meme.

Modern "gamers" can't handle an actual GAME. Cinematic experiences (Horizon, yakuza), menu simulators (persona), panty quests (nier) are what you fake fucks want.

Yooka is a shining ray of hope in an abyss of non-games.

Sterling is a good reviewer imo. Yooka Laylee is a technical mess.

This. There's nothing that screams "video game" more than a platformer.

Thank god we're getting a new Mario to make up for this blunder.

Mario hasn't been good since sunshine faggot

Banjo hasn't been good since the first Banjo.

>Nier Automata isn't a game because 2B is hot

I dare you to elaborate on how Nier Automata is less of a game than Yooka Laylee, you autistic piece of shit.

The problem with Yooka-Laylee is that it still has all the problems present in Rare's old N64 games, i.e. tank-like movement, lack of connection between character animations and the world, slippery controls, etc.

But that stuff was acceptable in the 90's because 3D platforming was a new thing, there were going to be hiccups. I - and I think a lot of other people - were expecting Yooka-Laylee to recapture the classic Rare gameplay formula and open-ended world design, but also bring up the level of movement dexterity and polish to modern standards. You know, like an actual Banjo-Kazooie sequel, just using off-license characters.

Instead, it's just straight up Banjo-Kazooie, warts and all, but less defensible because it's been 20 years and they apparently haven't learned anything about responsive movement in a 3D environment.

Mediocre is the worst something can be. You can still laugh at something bad, or discuss about it. Something mediocre is just sad.

Fortunately for you, they're going back to the old 64/Sunshine format.

fuck off back to LoL casual

shit, this guy is using ALL the Sup Forums words, we better listen to him!

>Galaxy wasn't good
Nice bait, kiddo

>empty open world running simulator
>cinematic bullshit
>anime waifu panty game
>pisseasy 1-button masher

>tank-like movement, lack of connection between character animations and the world, slippery controls, etc.

None of this is even remotely true. You are a fucking retard who probably never played these games, except perhaps with a keyboard on an emulator.

Most modern games have far less precise controls than B-K, and far more rigid interaction between characters and the environment.

You can apply all those points to Yooka-Laylee as well and be no more or less retarded, except replace anime with furry and panty with no pants.

>Suffered through collectathons
If you don't like collectathons, why talk shit about them or post about them?

I fucking love collectathons and this is looking like everything I want in a game.

>Galaxy is bad
you're bad at this

Not until the 11th.

>not including Jim Sterling
>paid reviews are okay, but THIS negative review DOESN'T COUNT!

i saw it coming after they revealed themselves to be sjws. sjws literally are incapable of making good games by definition, because marxism relies on cult membership and not merit.

He's right, Galaxy was bad.

I've tried to play both several times and get bored within hours and never go back to them.

You're probably Rosalina waifufags though so I doubt you have a real opinion on the game itself.

>being this much of a retarded faggot

We already know jim's review is negative, so excluding it from the numbers means there are people other then jim being a cuck.

>He's right, Galaxy was bad.

Don't care, soundtrack is great.

>KS announced
>Sup Forums unanimously backed and approved of it
>toybox releases
>Sup Forums unanimously praise the controls and gameplay
>Sup Forums eceleb is fired from game for racist speech
>""""""""Sup Forums""""""""" """""""unanimously""""""" hate the game

wow .................................... really makes my neuron work..................................

>People hate the games above for being linear.
>Same people hate Rare's 3D platformers for being collectathons despite the focus on exploration like Mario 64 and Sunshine.

He gave Fallout 4 a 9.5/10.

Yeah if you're broke as fuck and have no idea how to cater to your own tastes.

If you like collectathons "mediocre" collectathon is still worth it when its the first one made in a decade and a half and you already own the others.

You do realize Jim Sterling LITERALLY raises his wife's son right? It's not a buzzword, he's a legitimate cuckold

Everything is true though

>I.. I always knew it was shit guys! I predicted it but my mom wouldn't let me tell you.
ITT : "that kid".

and this makes his review invalid because...?

>dude lives with his kid because his wife and him are separated
>makes him a bad guy

yes user everything is Sup Forums

I have a tinfoil theory about this game:

>Devs knew it was shit
>press defends every game from sjw developers
>decides to virtue signal
>sack JonTron because muh racism
>publicly twitter roast him for good measure
So far so good.

>shit game is releaeed
>devs expecting sjw press to damage contol ala ME3
>press SAVAGES game.
>even chief sjw-cuckmaster jim sterling rapes it

I bet the devs wish they'd sucked more cock like lady 5 guys did.

>I've never played the game
>I want to be contrarian

why are you even here?

The thing is Mario 64 is fun


In some cases, that's even worse, if you think about it.

I knew it would be shit as soon as they announced that they modeled this game on Banjo-Kazooie and not a superior 3D platformer like Super Mario 64. The only things that Banjo-Kazooie did well were the characters, setting and some neat quirks like the quiz show boss. Banjo controls like he's running through syrup, the individual moves don't flow well into one another, many of the objectives just involve running back and forth across the map instead of actual platforming challenges and the transformations are gimmicky and just require you to backtrack even more. Then Banjo-Tooie and Donkey Kong 64 took all of Banjo-Kazooie's flaws and made them worse, to the point where they made the games a chore to play through. And Yooka-Laylee seems to be in the same vein as Banjo-Tooie (although at least they had the brains to notnnclude that god-awful split-up mechanic). It's as if Rare/Playtonic had no idea how to make a good 3D platformer, which is strange considering the DKC trilogy and GoldenEye/Perfect Dark are pretty good.

Look at the Mario series in comparison. Sunshine included a lot more objectives that weren't platforming and it ended up being a worse game because of it. But because they kept Mario's core movement from Super Mario 64, he was still very enjoyable to control. So while everything that involved FLUDD was mediocre, everything else was great. If Playtonic had focused on making Yooka and Laylee enjoyable to control, the the game would end up being a lot more enjoyable. But unfortunately Rare never knew how to make a good 3D platformer and retards who had nothing better to play back then tricked themselves into believing Banjo-Kazooie was a great game and that there was a market for a clone of the shitty 3D collectathons that died for a reason. Hopefully Super Maro Odyssey will not fall into the same track and Nintendo will be able to show everyone what makes a good 3D platformer.

Think about it, boys. If the game was going to be good and had real talent behind it... wouldn't Nintendo have picked up the game?


Fury mean fur, there is little to no fur in yooka layle you retard

I like Galaxy2 much more than 1

I can't seem myself playing the first Galaxy ever again. The learn_to_play_one_spherical_objects game.


Here is my tangible point of view on the debate: while I agree that Jim is a pathetic being, it is however not an argument. That would be an ad hominen. However, that doesn't invalidate the possibility than his review is in fact, biased and bad. To this matter, I strongly believe that his review score is unrealistically low in order to generate passions thus clicks thus views thus money.



he couldnt even fucking figure out how to high jump

>"dem sjw's always resorting to ad hominem and strawmen amirite fellow Sup Forumsirgins?"
>"lol why do you listen to this guy's review he is a cuck"


>ha lel it was funny but it was creative and only le reddit can create things so u have to go back xD do i fit in guise?

I don't give a fuck about the terrible mechanics, I just wanted creative world design, characters, puzzles, and dialogue.

This shit looks uninspired. The levels of Banjo Tooie will never be surpassed.


>Game panders to SJWs
>SJWs shit on it anyway
These people never learn, do they?

> Then Banjo-Tooie and Donkey Kong 64 took all of Banjo-Kazooie's flaws and made them worse, to the point where they made the games a chore to play through. And Yooka-Laylee seems to be in the same vein as Banjo-Tooie (although at least they had the brains to notnnclude that god-awful split-up mechanic
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? How in the world did Banjo Tooie accentuate the flaws of Kazooie?

You sound like the kind of player who rages at minor flaws in camera angles and movement controls but can't step back and appreciate level design. The hub world of Tooie is brilliant. The controls were fine, also, you're overexaggerating.

The problem with collectathons is that they no longer have a purpose when there's tons of better , far more interesting shit to do.

You've got really high standards if you consider the galaxy games to be bad. Maybe not your cup of tea, but bad? (You)

You've not seen a bad game

He thinks he's that matthewmatosis faggot off youtube that's why.

You must add that Rare made em infuriatingly boring during the mid to late n64 era. There's a reason why notsalgiafags need to fuck off because they let their delusions get the better of em.

>FF7tards wanted an HD remake of FF7
>Just an HD update of that game
>Square completely fucks FF7 over in the remake by not only changing the entire gameplay so it's Kingdom Hearts combat, but they also tied in all the shitty movies they made and thus made a ton of changes from the original. Also episodic DLC, enjoy paying over $100 for this
>A good majority were pissed about it, yet they fucking demanded this for years

Tropic freeze came out a decade and a half ago?

>if i filter out thr bad reviews it looks good.
Also vidya games aren't scaled in a normal distribution with a mean/median of 5.
Scores are plucked out if thin air and average around 9. Id consider anything below 85 complete garbage from a reviewers standpoint.


kys yourself


I actually just saved someone else's Screenshot but stay mad faggot.

Post objective proofs.

>Far more interesting shit to do

Not if you enjoy running around colorful and varied worlds collecting shit.

Pirating it now just cause they insulted /ourguy/

How long is this game?

>persona 5
>exceptionally well received, probably best selling in the series.
>hurrr i bet people prefer hold x to win ovet turn based!

t. underage

>getting triggered by a phone
lmaoing at you

I'm getting this for Xbox and having fun with it and nobody can stop me

Is there a single 3d platformer that is actually hard?
Like in terms of clearing levels is hard, not collectathons that challenge you by boring you to death walking in circles looking for shit.

mediocre is even worse

mediocre makes you waste time and money because "hey, it has some good parts at least!! tee hee"