Star Fox Assault was a good game

Star Fox Assault was a good game


Multiplayer was so fucking great.

I think your message is an overstatement

I think your message is an understatement

It's unironically my favorite Star Fox game.

It's the only one I like other than 2.

It's meh.

>Nintendo does a sort of successor to Assault for the next Star Fox and decides to give the on-foot stuff another try.
>gunplay is refined a bit and the controls are fixed, but Fox also borrows his moves from Smash Bros. (reflect, dash, etc.)

Yay or nay? I feel like at this point Fox (and to a lesser extent, Falco) has been in enough Smash games that his character image is pretty closely tied to him being a fighter just as much as a pilot.


I actually had so much with this games multiplayer

One of the things I liked about Assault is the fact that Fox runs fast, reminiscent of how he runs in Smash.

I'd be wary of going too Smash influenced, though, because Metroid: Other M was basically a hackneyed attempt to make an action game starring the Smash Bros. version of Samus.

It was alright

>we will never have a Star Fox game with a GOAT multiplayer mode again

>Assault was a good game

Your retarded revisionism to try and justify people being angry at Star Fox Zero is just plain laughable.

Assault was fine, but it was far from what fans wanted from the series.

Krystal is so fucking hot

zero is what fans have been wanting since adventures. They a
Ways would say. Why can't assault be more like 64. Why can't command be a traditional starfox game. The. When we got zero they bitch how similar it is to 64.


It was pretty pathetic. I especially like how people bitched about Zero being 'too short' when the idea was that you're supposed to play levels over and over again.

rail shooting Starfox and everything else that Assault had should be two separate kind of games. Nintendo doesn't really get this,

Zero proved motherfuckers wont be paying for a pure railshooter for full price
It needs to be something more

All Miyamoto heard was 64fags screeching artistically about Star Fox 64 being the only good game in the series. So in true Miyamoto fashion, he just made Star Fox 64 again except with a broken gimmick that you have to suffer through in your desperate attempt to catch those fleeting embers of nostalgia.

They should have made a sequel to Assault with online multiplayer. Miyamoto doesn't think online is gimmicky enough, though.

>Assault was fine, but it was far from what fans wanted from the series.

at the time you are correct, but now that's what I want for Starfox, in improved form, in the future.

Nintensdo is literally incapable of making a rail shooter Starfox like they used to, so I gave up on that.

Just give StarFox to Retro so they can give it a proper revival AND piss of Miyamoto in the process

Zero is an improvement on 64 in every way.

Multiplayer was 9/10

Single player was 7/10 for the vehicles and a big fuck you for the walking missions

Its a good game by any standard

Such nice boobs. I know they jiggle in the trailer

No it wasn't

I just think it's funny how the anti-Krystal fags got BTFO with Zero.

Cody, from what we know about you, you were barely out of diapers when the GameCube came out. Since the GC-era Star Fox games never got Virtual Console re-releases, it's clear you never actually played them. Why are you so adamant to bitch about fans not playing Zero while ignoring your own hypocrisy? What are you going to do when Miiverse is gone and you no longer have all ten of those Zero fans to comfort you?

they jiggle in the cutscenes

assault was 30% of a decent game. as soon as they left on-rails stuff it immediately devolved into garbage

fun mulitplayer doesn't stop that from being a big fuck-up

To be fair, with MGS V fucking up the series, Nintendo could make Fox and the team be the news solid snake/clever backup guys team. Just in a sci-fi setting. With animals.

normalfags dont like starfox or animal characters

Normalfags don't like most video games

They do if its AAA, open world, and/or has lots of violence
Or sports games

>animal characters
Yet animated animal movies always end up being successful, especially Zootopia last year, normies loved it.

Those tits are perfect

normalfags brought their kids to see it

>Disney movie is a success

Furry tits > furless tits



Who said that?

Is that real?

star fox assault does have the best music of the series.

Krystal is garbage and I'm glad she got scrapped.

There's only one true love interest for Fox.

Macro Falco

I'm starting to believe starfox can only be made relevant again through the power of gayness and replace Fox>Krystal>Panther with Wolf>Fox>Falco

Exactly, it'd get the progressive point from the gayness but they could still make a fun game.

I've always wanted a Starfox game closer to something like Freespace than a rail shooter.

Theres a definite "No way, fag" going on between Fox and Krystal there

Fuck you nigger Krystal is perfect

>tfw no Baneposter gf

There's a big hole in my heart for you

>this game was supposed to bring the series back to relevancy
>worst selling game in the franchise