Gamss where I can play as a cute femboy?
Gamss where I can play as a cute femboy?
I can in real life. Just put in some effort.
most things from japan
never anything from america
Put in effort. Make yourself look good. I got lucky with genetics too, but if you make a real, honest effort you're going to look far better.
I think you already know the answer
It's really not hard to give yourself a girly figure.
Also Aloe Vera moisturizer is the fucking swiss army knife of beauty products
Slap that shit on
>Cuts and scrapes
Slap that shit on
>Stretch marks
Slap that shit on
>Calloused skin
Rub that shit on
Kill yourself you subhuman disgusting waste of life. Traps are for fags and (((japs))) are kikes
Exercise and caring for your skin are the most important things you should worry about.
A thread died for this.
>tfw cute femboy
>just want to be a girl instead
>tfw cute girl
>want to be femboy instead like in my fujo mangas
Breath of the Wild
Considering some of the things I've seen today I don't really care.
There was a decent Ace Combat thread a couple of hours ago, but we ran out of things to talk about by the look of it
>tfw you will never reach the peak male physical performance levels
Show boipussy
>traps are for fags
t. futa degenerate
Enjoy these years as a femboy and then age gracefully as a man.
I only want to for a boy that I love. I just need to find him first.
Fuck you then faggot
Already took the girl pills, no goin back now
I acted like a slut in a video game for a week, gained 15 minutes of meme status and ended up finding a boyfriend. Ya gotta believe, user.
>tfw the boy you love doesnt love you back
Please don't be that way. I'm trying to save myself for someone I truly care about.
>tfw i'm in love with this boy
>tfw we erp about the lewd stuff we'd do to each other
>tfw we've shared lewd pictures
the basis of our relationship is from talking to each other and trust, but damn does sharing your cute twink body to your favourite human feel good family. keep at it, it will be heavenly if you hold off.
You can do it user be cute for us
Please let me feel your girly body against mine
I fucked a trap two days ago and it was alright, fucking another man definitely gave me a massive boner but after we were done I didn't feel any different compared to when I fuck a woman. In summary, don't put the boypussy in a pedestal.
I still don't understand appeal of trying to see a man as a woman it will always be a man and you will be a man
Godspeed, user.
No fuck you, I bet your penis isn't even feminine
I want someone I can be with in real life, I did the whole internet dating stuff when I was younger, it's not satisfying to me in the slightest.
Sure, sure.
>tfw was a cute femboy
>Got older and now just a normal looking guy
I want to go back and tell myself to be the biggest slut so I could have enjoyed it more
faggots need to be gassed
I did for a while
Good thing this is a girls with feminine penis thread and not a fag thread
What would be the point of getting a cute body if my face is still manly?
>"""feminine""" penis
Closet faggots are the worst
>This whole thread
Traps >>>>>>>> Trans
Speaking from experience dating both of them. A trap is everything that a trans person is except better in every way and without any of the downsides. It's not too late user.
I'm starting to doubt my sexual orientation with this thread.
I can't do anything about it it's just how I feel
For what it's worth I never plan on dressing like a girl
Just having long hair and taking pills
Is this true? Not even trying to be a femboy but I just need some skincare.
I started doubting my sexual orientation ever since I came to the chan
I use moisturizer twice a day and my skin still sucks so who knows.
clingy friends
Literally nothing gay about wanting to fuck cute femboys
Good luck, be who you want to be and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Hope you can be happy.
I used to be a twink. I even cammed and did lewd things. Then age caught up with me and I'm MAN as fuck.
I'm somewhat concerned about finding someone before then, since I know it's inevitable. I hope to find someone who loves me for me someday soon.
This is step for step what happened to me.
One thing I can recommend, either take completely cool showers or take warm showers and crank the temperature down to cool towards the end of your shower. Hot water dries your skin and opens your pores, cold water will close them again.
Think about it.
The reason you want to take pills/change how you look is so people will consider you as a girl, and that will let you convince yourself that you are a girl right?
If you just become a trap instead, the same thing will happen, except you won't need to do any permanent body modifications to yourself.
Just taking pills doesn't make you pass off as a girl, just taking pills makes you look like those horrible monstrous trannies that I'm sure you've seen pictures of at least once. You need a lot of work to actually pass and both traps and trans people require the same work to ensure they look feminine. Just that if you ever stop working on your body or find it too difficult, then you can just go back to looking like a feminine guy if you're a trap, while trans people will look horrible if they ever stop.
I am surrounded by homosexual deviants.
Suicide is a good option, faggot
Thanks niceanon, I'm more used to bullying on Sup Forums
Welcome to Sup Forums
Except that it is.
but I don't mind.
>I used to be an attention whore, but then I still am
Dwarf Fortress, Skyrim, Oblivion, Mount and Blade, Dragon's Dogma, Any Dynasty Warriors title with character customization, Dark Souls, God Eater franchise, Starbound, Shadowrun kinda, arguably King of Dragon Pass.
Still on trap step.
I hope i dont fall down any further.
What does it mean if you become bicurious after you get a g/f?
It would be nice if people on Sup Forums were more accepting, its a shame people are often so hateful here. I honestly don't know where it comes from.
I'd also like to add in that traps tend to have infinitely higher self esteem for this reason, at least after getting into a good relationship. Every trans person I've dated still hated themselves after I started dating them no matter what I tried doing since they keep doubting themselves. Traps on the other hand, know that as long as the person they're dating with is happy, they should be happy.
Liking traps with feminine penis doesn't make you gay.
If anything it just makes you bi.
Unless it's the only thing you fap to, in which case, yes, GAY!
You belong in the oven
It means you realize women are a meme
Don't count on it. From experience they are only after your looks once you age up the fuck off. Don't get attached user its not worth it.
Stop being faggots for a second and post video games. You can make a cute trap in Blade and Soul with lyn but I want to know actual non shit games where you can dress up cute.
at least post vidya related posts.
would you?
i've never understood this line of thinking.
surely the "i want to fuck a girly boy" and "i want to be a girly boy" slopes are two different slopes, otherwise there would be no "im not gay i just like boys in dresses" guys for the sissies to choose from
In a heartbeat
Shit Id kill to be young link
Fuck kind of mods do I even need to make a trap in fucking Skyrim? All the men are burly baras
Whos the chocolate man with Felix?
You'd have to kill Ganon so that fits
I'll be your boyfriend user
Get the UUNP body which allows for incredible levels of customization and then set the breasts to flat, and narrow the hips a bit. Done.
I already read that. Guess I personally need more shota like traps cause those don't do it for me.
All traps should be hung dammit
I'll give you lots of love!
Where do you live?
Go ask /tesg/ for examples, I think there are a few trap posters in there.
so basically you're telling me to play as
>woman pretending to be a man dressing up as a girl
Agreed, 10 inches at least
Bad places.
Not if you mod them to have a dick.
>liking traps
Good job falling for (((their))) plan
Tampa, Florida
That's the right way to do it, milk it for all you can then call it quits and age gracefully instead of fighting time. You get the best of both worlds in either phase of your life, its literally respeccing.
Rad, let's date.
Animal Crossing New Leaf
>Tampa, Florida
already modded skyrim. The western shota mods are ugly and Skyrim is so boring to play through.