>Boss is a duo
>One goes apeshit when you kill the other
Boss is a duo
You know, the fact we didn't get a Devola and Popola boss fight in Automata was massively disappointing
>implying it wasnt 10/10 them fighting to their death to protect you
But you are right. Better go with the generic premise that they fight you like in Nier.
>Wanting to cut down people who did literally nothing wrong
>All the reports blaming the twins for fucking up the Gestalt Project, as if it wasn't Replicant Nier going full retard that was the problem and Grimoire Weiss who should have known better being equally retarded
You're a fucking retard
Undertale bosses in pairs in a nutshell
one of my favourite fights from DMC3
>boss is a duo
>you kill one in the first game and second one in sequel (but fight both in the first game)
>boss is a duo
>they were actually one person all along
>you wait until they're both at 1% hp and then you kill them.
>Second form of a boss
>has a OHKO attack that hits unless you stun him
Who the fuck thought this bullshit was a good idea?!
>boss duo
>they report to the main badguy after you defeat them
>he gets angry and kills one
>the other defects and joins you
>the second one's health bar refills when the first one dies
> It doesn't work.
literal poetry faggot
>it's a you get hit by the last bullet and missing out on the master round episode
>Boss is a duo
>Killing one ends the fight
>One of your first party members is an edgelord grimdark sniper
>Only he actually just acts that way to keep himself from having a squadmate because of his crippling fear or letting someone under his watch die
>Outside of combat or the public eye he's actually an adorable stuttering shyguy
>Later on you have the option for another sniper to join your party, she's a generally loud and outgoing person but has heard about your other sniper's reputation and is avoiding him because she doesn't want to be verbally shat on
>The male sniper is crushing on her hard, but doesn't know how to convey his feelings to her or even start talking to her since he just turns into a babbling wreck around her.
>There's a sidequest where you can set them up on blind dates with each other.
>If you do this 3 times they end up together and can be paired up as a sniper team in combat, and is the most OP sniper squad in the game.
>If one of them is hurt in combat the other one gets super pissed and switches to insanely powerful rounds that can shred anything but give away their position.
>When you beat the game there is even a small extension to the epilogue where you were invited to their wedding, and get a group picture with them and some other squadmates
>The next game shows that not only was this canon, but they had a daughter.
How long does the tower entrance scene go before one of them dies and gives bad end? I wanted to listen to the song but knew there was one end there and hacked the door immediately.
Why did the twins get the blame for Nier killing Shadowlord? They tried their hardest to make it work and reason with him, then tried to force him at the cost of their lives. The fuck else could they have possibly done?
Also why couldn't the automata models use god tier magic? The Nier twins would have shit on those machines teleporting around spamming huge blasts.
Name 40,000 first person turn based platformers that do this.
>duo boss
>beat one
>the other one powers up and says the first boss was holding them back
Just download the soundtrack. Or buy it.
>after 80+ hours playing you reach the final boss's lair only to find out it was already killed by someone else or died of old age
You just have to leave the crater during the fight
>9S crucified on the wall
>2B goes apeshit on Adam
Literally, figuratively and catastrophically poetry.
Nier erased himself, so they blamed hte only people they could.
I wonder how fucking twins feels like
I have literally no idea what this is but it sounds vaguely like Valkyria Chronicles.
Oh shit, I didn't even think of that.
We got an Emil boss fight instead.
This is fine.
like 6 or 7 minutes
>Final boss has a sympathetic reason why he's trying to end the world.
>You can fight him, join with him or use your reasoning skills to talk him out of doing what he's about to do.
>None of it ends up felling like it's the wrong choice.
That moment was hype as fuck, especially when song of the ancients played.
Quick rundown on those guys?
>not hitting them both at the same time, killing them instantly
git gud
Holy shit what game
This sounds super cute
>this is fine
>those Emil screams through it
No it really isn't user
>2B gets into an unwinnable fight against Eve
>9S launches himself from the orbit, destroys a flying fortress, slams his fucking flight unit into the boss then hacks the shit out of Eve to protect her
Don't fuck with android pairs.