If video games are escapism then how come I still feel worthless

If video games are escapism then how come I still feel worthless

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Because you're only escaping while consuming the media in question.

As soon as you stop doing that, you un-escape.

Same with movies, books, TV, dreaming etc.

The dose is too small.

time to stop games once and for all

Same as drugs

After long and consistent exposure the drugs start to seem shitty and you need more and more to feel anything. Eventually you just stop feeling the high even if you increase the dosage.

The problem with video games is that you don't die from overdose at this point, you just keep clinging to them even if they offer you nothing anymore, unable to die but also unable to be a normal person anymore.

Because your mind isn't fucking stupid

It knows you're playing it

Try doing something good for yourself
Lift some weights, make some friends, earn some money, whatever

Maybe your brain will be happy and shut the fuck up


>Lift some weights, make some friends, earn some money, whatever
AKA do some normie methods of escapism

Following your human instincts isn't escapism

Lifting weights does not get rid of emotional problems
Making friends can cause more emotional problems
Getting consumerist goods does not help emotional problems
Fucking bitches does not help emotional problems



Do this
if you see purple
your good
you will feel energy in your skull
bring that energy down to your dick or puss
then put hot as fuck feeling like your body is burning
cold as fuck feeling like your body is in a freezer
then add visualizations
and sound to the meditation
then rising vibrations
then swirling in those areas
then even fucking draw from nature

every single fucking thing has a different feeling and effect.
I can now feel other peoples pain and kinda suck it in like a sponge meditate and get rid of it completely
I analyze people and feel their emotions
There is so many benefits to this that SOCIETY does not teach you

Time to hit the bottle?

it is not human instinct to be a consumer till you die

Only in our modern society and 2000 years of being like this had made this end goal for humans a thing

Humans want more then just personal goods they just try to mask their problems with items to hide the fact that they are emotionally damaged in the first place

do it

ALSO when your doing sexual shit you can litterally bring the feeling of you being pleasured from just your genitals to all your body so when you orgasm your whole body shakes and it feels like the whole thing is orgasming

I don't know what in the damn hell youre talking about

You have right idea, user, but God damn do you need to work on your delivery. You sound like a teenager at the gym who just found out about protein supplements.


That's how I know you didn't actually learn anything.

I am talking about esoteric sciences
esoteric= the study of your inner being and it relating to the world around you.

Also with my tests if someone is sick I can grab the sickness from them put it into my body and meditate it out.

Every single time that my friends are sick I become a sponge and heal them.

Oh, okay, so you're ACTUALLY retarded.

I'm sorry Master.

Because you play the video games to forgot how worthless you are

It's a distraction to your own meaninglessness. Nothing more, nothing less.

He's fucking retarded as HELL

h-help me

is that a nigger taking a dump in a urinal?

He's hovering over the toilet

For you

I guess plato and aristotle were retarded because they were some of the first people practicing this science

fucking do it and change your life

Is he wizurd?

The only people I listen to is the Lord, Son and the Holy Ghost.

Lord is your crown chakra
Son is the sun in the sky
Holy ghost is the archangels from the spell the LBRP you can look all this shit up

>plato and aristotle
And a fucking bum living in a clay wine jar made them look like idiots constantly whats your point nigger?

Where does Plato and Aristotle play in this?

You're just aware that it is escapism

>taking historical NEETs seriously

I like isaac newton
Elvis Presley


In all cities of the ancient world were temples for public worship and offering. In every community also were philosophers and mystics, deeply versed in Nature's lore. These individuals were usually banded together, forming seclusive philosophic and religious schools. The more important of these groups were known as the Mysteries. Many of the great minds of antiquity were initiated into these secret fraternities by strange and mysterious rites, some of which were extremely cruel. Alexander Wilder defines the Mysteries as "Sacred dramas performed at stated periods. The most celebrated were those of Isis, Sabazius, Cybele, and Eleusis." After being admitted, the initiates were instructed in the secret wisdom which had been preserved for ages. Plato, an initiate of one of these sacred orders, was severely criticized because in his writings he revealed to the public many of the secret philosophic principles of the Mysteries.

based Plato

>kings took him seriously
>Sup Forums degenerates "too good" to take him seriously
Really mad me digest information.

he hated plato and aristotle types tho


Get a hobby, nerd.


None of what he said was about being a consumer. It was about bettering yourself.

but how

Escapism is for worthless people.


Vidya is entertainment. Face your demons and play vidya without feeling guilty, son.

You want me to choose fag? Ok your hobby is wood carving now. Just buy a knife, go to the forrest and get some wood. Bam there you go. Carve a big dick out of some wood. The sense of accomplishment will literally change your miserable life. Also you get out of your basement for a change.

y-yes mister

I just want to know what to do with all that free time available

years of vidya turned me into a boring person

Go to your local night club and get into a fight with some niggers, boom, no longer boring.

>free time
The point of hobbies is to soak up all your free time. Just like video games. Except hobbies are physical and most of them actually reward you with real good feelings and not empty fake ones you get from gaming.

Sounds fucking boring.

>Except hobbies are physical and most of them actually reward you with real good feelings and not empty fake ones you get from gaming.

I want this kind of hobbies please

for the adrenaline rush

This entire thread is fucking cancer.

>Except hobbies are physical and most of them actually reward you with real good feelings and not empty fake ones you get from gaming.

you sound fucking boring.

also this

He's Muslim.

Not as cancer as the Miku thread getting a millon replys per second
ok maybe equally cancer, hope OP has atleast killed himself for what he's started.

Honesty I would love to get into fighting. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Literally just find a group of niggers and stand around them for 5 minutes.

Start smoking crack.

Then you will realize how much better you were when you just played vidya.

Sure some games have good stories that can make you feel good at that moment. But ultimately after you beat the game the feelings will fade and become nothing but a memory of nostalgia when you think back on it. Hobbies are something you can constantly improve upon with better results the more effort you put it. You can get good at a video game and feel accomplished, but in the end it's just a video game. Have you ever made anything with your hands before? Ever grown something? It's a different feeling. I don't expect a NEET to understand but just because you don't go outside doesn't mean I'm not right.

Because by definition escapism doesn't solve any of your problems?

Video game 'were' escapism. May as well be the opinion table of any given news show. 'Fun' isn't playing these games, the fun is in analyzing the people who make them.

Trying way to hard with your tl;dr shit. Go back to Sup Forums nigger.

Are you fitting in yet?

Like in my video games? FINAL BITE and STREETS OF CAGE?

stop coming to Sup Forums
its a black hole

yeah how about you just draw

items put you on a treadmill for other people bettering yourself is looking deep inside yourself

yeah just draw it's fun

see how much fun i have drawing


that guy got hit in the head with a coconut

Because you'll never fully escape real life. You can only momentary flee yourself into escapist fantasies through video games, anime, drug abuse, etc.

This. The only winning move is to stop existing

but what if people will miss you? Family etc?

Then they can kill themselves too to end their suffering.

Can't beat that logic.


Y-you too.