I fucking love paradox games

I fucking love paradox games

Excellent thread. Me too, lad

Utopia is some good shit. I wish they'd release cheaper portrait packs, though.

i tried playing this game and it's boring as fuck

you just sit there and wait on stuff to happen

So some user was saying the expansion could be unlocked the same way as the dlc with some text edits, any word on that?

Yeah likewise. Got two weeks holiday coming up from work and I plan on spending an entire day just playing a Fanatical Purifier Race, getting an Indian ordered and getting drunk. Been looking forward to it since February.

Their DLC policies are shitty, but I agree none the less OP

It feels so fucking weird how the better part of my mighty empire was builty by 2 science vessels and 1 construction ship.

I need some goddamn more customization
>the ability to change ruler title
>more civics
>more species traits
Stellaris has such promise but it needs an assload more content

I want to try one because they're constantly on sale but I don't feel intelligent enough