Any news on April, 11 event?

Any news on April, 11 event?

post more widowmaker's big ass and I'll tell you


>The sexiest female body shape looks exactly like a giant cock n balls

What did my heterosexuality mean by this?

you must really love cock n balls if you see it in widowmaker's shape


Who cares even a little about Overwatch anymore? Stop getting hyped over boring periodic updates for a game that has the depth of a puddle.

just this and the comic

What's this?

There's something wrong with you if you see that.

Are we getting a sonic skin?

some guy on reddit claims it was on his xbox but I haven't seen any other people posting about it

the "skins" match the outfits from the comic though and you can see fire and smoke coming out of the windows in the background that appear to be from kings row so it's a pretty safe bet that its real

That tiny hat is cute

Wherent they promising legendary Windowmaker skin?

and mcree but none of these 4 skins seem to be legendary they could all be epics (except maybe mercys?)

its entirely possible that genji, mcree and widow will have legendaries, genji and mcrees from the comic and widows we haven't seen

But Mercy already has a blue skin....

The comic seems to be split into two parts, we'll probably see Widow's new legendary in the second part. I don't know about McCree, since his outfit change wasn't that drastic yet.

Rein's skin screams "epic" to me though, especially since he got a CNY legendary skin already.

I hope it's a PvE mode like the rumors have been saying.

I found a better quality version of it someone screen shotted

yeah I agree jeff keeps going on about how "people are gonna love widows skin, mcrees skin will make people very happy" and the blackwatch mcree outfit doesnt look different at all other than having his arm still?

>Tracer, Torb, Rein, Mercy, and Widow confirmed for skins
>according to Kaplan Widow's skin will be a Legendary and something "Widow fan's will be happy about" so my guess is that it may be related to her before her talon brainwashing
>aside from the 5 that are confirmed, genji, and mcree may get Blackwatch skins, since genji was seen sparring with tracer during the comic, and Mcree was briefly featured scouting out london
>the new event is speculated to be similar to Junkenstien's revenge being a PVE gamemode
>in the comic Mcree is attacked by a enemy omnic so that may be one of the enemies featured. it looked similar to Orisa so it may be her previous model, the OR-14, also may be a new skin for Orisa.
>not sure of anything else (Highlight intros, Emotes, Sprays or Victory Poses.)
>though they might be putting in Sitting and Laughing Emotes for Sombra and Orisa.

just speculation

WWIII probably

heres a pic of genji from the comic

This is a nice skin if true,
These all suck.


Well, any info?

I agree with you about the overwatch themed skins but they had to put them in at some point.
They're supposed to be an organisation after all

Hopefully the other ones will be cool.

I can see Sombra and Hanzo skins too, maybe. We'll see how it goes.

Zarya's probably getting a new skin for the second HOTS event too.

Young McCree has been requested for a long time so maybe Jeff thinks it's a good idea.

>big ass

Worst meme

Her spine is just fucking curved

considering this is a "Lore" event not sure how Sombra or hanzo would fit into this. at this point in the fanmade OW timeline Sombra has reinvented herself. and Hanzo is either still with the shimada's or broke off
still want skins for them

When your game is so shit that only things 'worth' talking about are asses of the characters. Sad.