ITT : Places that look like they could be from a game.
ITT : Places that look like they could be from a game
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it's the chinese government headquarters
Looks like the typical bad guy HQ
It's exactly like the one in Spectre.
I think that's the stone tower from majora's mask
should have another gangway in the middle of the buildings
Looks like it would be max comfy to live somewhere like this, until you realize it would quickly become nothing but a constantly over-filled tourist attraction, like in the pic.
>china has evil lair 10,000
>US has the white house
it's not fucking fair. china keeps beating us
Where is this OP
How can we compete?
They have more of a budget than nu-US
here's you apartment, bro
>*raughs* im so glad you made it in time... pwotagonist
White house is classy.
In case of apocalypse could a town like this live only from fishing?
Do people actually live there or is that like a huge museum / theme park?
>reverse image search
like 17 people there full time. it's a huge tourist trap though.
It looks like an old, outdated fossil from the past. I suppose it suits a dying empire, though.
It's on a tide plain, so when the tide goes out the water dissapears. Probably not.
>check out the wikipedia article
>the mist and angle obscures the fact that it's hardly an island
comrade, welcome to new apartment
Most likely not. Eating only fish is not good for your diet, humans are omnivores for a reason. Had it a bit of farmland then it might sustain a very small population, but still I'd rather take my chances mainland.
Somewhere in Dark Souls is based off this.
The tide comes in and basically cuts the island off. Mount Saint Michael if I remember correctly.
Just joking, bethesda's cities do not have half the buildings of this one
Phone posting with several tabs open, cba m8
Guess the country without reverse image searching.
Woops meant for
You try telling the people of your Town/Island/Castle that from now on, they can only eat fish, forever.
For some time probably yes for longer periods, unlikely.
People would need other resources than fish and if somehow the community was small enough to not fish the waters around the island empty, sooner or later they'd go mad.
Depends, does it have a fountain of water? Do they have technology to get drinkable water from salty water?
If yes, then I guess it would be doable, just get more land and plant shit to eat there like tomatoes, potatoes...
Have an alien looking forest.
I love brutalism
That would be an awesome Assassin's Creed base villa.
welcome to evil mcdonald's
Hard to tell when all you can see is a single building, but I am guessing somewhere in western/scandi Europe. They have a fetish for this kind of architecture.
Wrong, the country isn't *that* poor.
I tried to encounter Nito when i went there but i found nothing
>go to evil McDonalds
>ask for 10 piece nuggets
>they only give me 9
we wuz architects n' sheit
No, but Scandis do have a fetish for the kind of people of the country.
That's it. It's New Londo Ruins.
That looks like a graphical glitch. I guess it's 100% vidya.
top fucking kek
Looks like an RTS structure
Correct. It's the African Union headquarters in Ethiopia.
reminds me of Golden Sun
I'm hyped for the next game set in Sweden.
I dunno why but it looks like it would fit for cRPG.
I hear they grow big guys down there.
This kinda looks like they cut the house in two to build the road.
>Enter church on sunday
>"Pontiff Sulyvahn"
Da Smasei Fort
There is a level in Fire emblem 8 just like this.
I am absolutely confident that one of the fights in Shadow of the Colossus takes place in a building exactly like this.
What's that one temple that people leave bodies to decay open air? I think it was featured on a total war game
>biggest port in skyrim
Shit, it IS literally Kurast
Why has google been asking me to identify gas stations for the last month? Is there something I should be concerned about?
>Enter McDonald
>Only chicken and watermelon
>Not the video version
open sky burial
let me guess you wear beats by dre
Zoroastrian burial?
Naw that's the one with birds on top of a mountain. The one I was thinking of was in a tropical jungle and looks video games as fuck.
>find 5 fuel cans
I wanna put my dick in it.
That's touristic village probably.
South-east asia has interesting locations.
It's recreated in Onimusha 3, as a matter of fact
That's neat.