Almost less than a day, Sup Forums. What are your bets?
Bayonetta port to PC?
Bayonetta Remaster on PC/PS4/Xbone?
Bayonetta 3 for Switch exclusive?
Bayonetta 1+2 for Switch?
A miraculous Bayonetta 1+2 port to PC/PS4/Xbone?
Almost less than a day, Sup Forums. What are your bets?
Bayonetta port to PC?
Bayonetta Remaster on PC/PS4/Xbone?
Bayonetta 3 for Switch exclusive?
Bayonetta 1+2 for Switch?
A miraculous Bayonetta 1+2 port to PC/PS4/Xbone?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, the link to the countdown came from the Bayonetta joke game they put on Steam. I think it pretty much has to be Bayonetta coming to Steam.
Anything but that would be kind of a dick move. They could have just made it a browser game, but putting it on Steam makes me think it's coming to PC.
Bayonetta 2 never ever, though.
It will be Bayonetta 1 to PC, maybe 2 if we're lucky. Bayonetta 1+2 ported to switch will probably be announced at E3.
My countdown says 2 days and 49 minutes. It's going by system time
>bayonetta on pc
If it's bayonetta on PC, I hope its a countdown to it being released instead of an announcement that it will be released in like 5 months
>Bayo on PC
It would only be the first one, you know.
Nintendo has exclusive publishing rights for Bayo 2.
Aren't Sega pretty proactive with bringing shit to PC? I can't imagine this being anything but Bayonetta 1 to PC unless Sega did some miracle shit to bring the 2nd game too.
>maybe if I point the obvious I could start a consolewar thread hehe
Read the thread fucker, everyone is aware of that
Good job the first one is the best one
what the fuck how was the countdown starting over a week ago, where has all the time gone
>it's already april
And yet OP still had the gall to put
>A miraculous Bayonetta 1+2 port to PC/PS4/Xbone?
This thread is baiting and you know it. Quick being daft.
I hope we get vanquish as well
I don't really have too much interest in bayonetta but I'll probably still buy it to give it a go
I hop it will be on steam directly i don't want that countdown to lead to another coutdown, fuck that
Bayonetta on PC is not happening; not even the first game because Nintendo owns the series.
It will be an announcement for Bayoneta 1+2 for the Switch.
You can't do that shit nowadays, they have to let people give a chance to preorder it and to hype it up with marketing and stuff. The quickest it would release will be 2-3 weeks
SEGA owns the IP
Nintendo don't own the series, look at the box for the game it has SEGA wrote on it
>they literally released a 2D Bayonetta game
Miracoulus is already admiting its not possible or probable, you fuckface.
Notice how the first suggestion was bayo1 for pc
If Nintendo owns the IP, why SEGA still owns both the copyright and the trademark?
Nintendo only owns Bayo2 specifically.
Is Platinum even considered a good developer anymore?
Considering they put teaser on Steam, best guess is Bayo 1 PC port with optional digitial only ports for PS4/XB1 for easy dosh.
Bayo 2 is impossible since Nintendo paid for it.
Outside of a few licensed games they have made good stuff
Of course
>Bayonetta 2
>Infinite Space
>Nier Automata
>The Wonderful 101
These are great games.
Still no Steam DB int about that port or whatever, it's strange
It's Bayo 1 for PC/PS4/XB1.
Bayo 3 will be multiplat since Sega decided to pay for it.
yeah, the countdown will only be for the announcement - it'll probably be months before we get the actual release
Platinum and Sega may have signed an agreement whit Nintendo that Bayo is to remain a WIIU exclusive as long as WIIU is an active console.
But because the WIIU dies early we are getting it early.
But Nintendo probably told them, to remove all Nintendo references from the game.
>New Bayonetta game following this April 1 joke game
>It's a fully fledged 2D metroidvania
That's kind of dumb, they could have given us the release date directly after getting all 8 bit bayo achievement
>What is April's fools?
Like Lego City Undercover? That game had Iwata as executive producer
I would sort of love a 2D metroidvania bayonetta tbqh but at the same time I've just beat Hollow Knight and thats a tough act to follow
Something they couldn't do if Nintendo owned it.
"It was a joke brah" is not a legal defense.
>nintendo owns the copyright but it's ok to break it if its on april fools xD
you're kind of retarded aren't you user
>Bayonetta 3 for Switch exclusive?
>Bayonetta 1+2 for Switch?
Yes, totally this. This is why they put 8-bit game on PC and have made steam achievements link to the site.
Why do people think Nintendo owns Bayonetta?
They just paid for second game.
The third entry could technically be on all platforms since SEGA is the owner.
>almost less than a day
>1 day 12 hours
Even if PC gets Bayonetta 1, they're just getting one game, and the worst one in the series; basically the beta for the series.
Meanwhile Nintendo users are getting 2 and 3 as exclusives.
Worst case is Bayo 1 on PC.
Best case is Bayo 1+2 on PC/PS4/XB1.
Good for them. It'll be nice for them to have more than one game to play.
>Why do people think Nintendo owns Bayonetta?
Most people have no fucking idea who owns what IP and just jump to whatever conclusion suits them.
>Almost less than a day
So more than a day.
No they don't, they only hold publishing rights to the second one, and it was probably limited time.
I'm assuming that Sega is going to announce a Port of some sort (1 and 2, or just 1) for PC, then a small teaser for 3.
I want Bayo 2 on PC just for the massive shitstorm it would cause. I really have no interest in playing it desu.
First game on Steam with some exclusive costumes. Fantastic optimization and 4k+
This, I can already imagine the thousands of PKEKS WIN AGAIN threads - especially given all the cemu hype at the minute
I live in Central Europe, and the countdown says 1 day, 17 hours, 55 minutes (which points to tuesday at 4 pm).
A friend of mine who lives in the UK told me that his was counting to 1 hour after mine, so basically 4 pm in the UK.
I get the impression that those idiots at SEGA programmed the site to count down to 4 pm, whichever timezone you're in. Can somebody from some other timezone tell me what the countdown says to them right now?
Team Fortress costume with giant head
>THREE years ago they said they'd start porting their shit to PC. Since then we got Valkyria Chronicles and... that's it
>Yakuza still console locked
>Miku games still only on console
>still no Vanquish
I mean I fucking love Bayonetta but it took them way too long and it's still way too little.
>it was probably limited time.
That's been the nugget of hope for port fags for a really long time. You'd think the exclusivity period would've been over by 2016 if it existed at all. If B2 port isn't part of tomorrow's announcement, it's safe to give up on it forever
still dont understand why people want vanquish so much.
its not even that good.
people see that one clip of that miniboss firing all those missiles(which only 5 of them target you) or that QTE button mash between those 2 mech guys and people assume the entire game is that "cuhrazy".
Nowadays devs can hide the name entries for their shit nigga. Checking Steamdb for a Bayonetta entry is just stupid.
the 8bit game they released not long ago is a clear indication that bayonetta is comin to PC imo
>Nintendo owns the Sega series
It's just a port. Sega is not going to do anything besides the minimum with the series. Fuck, they're only doing this cause the sweatshop team of 5 that ported Valkyria Chronicles made them bank.
I'd sooner expect Nintendo to do anything with Bayonetta than the actual owners of the series.
Not to mention it is literally 4 hours long with ZERO replay value (one shitty time attack, zero costumes or cool modes).
I live in CST Burgerland and it says 2 days and 47 minutes.
>still dont understand why people want vanquish so much.
Because it's super good and you're wrong to disagree.
It's the definition of quality over quantity. Vanquish is highly replayable and has a huge skill ceiling. People also ignore the challenge modes and stuff when shitting on it for being short.
It's short as fuck, barely has any content and it has like 3 bosses that are recycled but the gameplay is still fucking good, user. Legit fucking good.
They funded the game. Why do people still get confused about this? Sega didn't want to fund it, and neither would any other companies they went to, so Nintendo did.
It's just the best TPS of all time
Sadly it's just Bayo 1 shit.
Bayo 2 is what matters.
>and has a huge skill ceiling
when was the last time you played vanquish?
its either youre remembering it wrong or youre just bad at video games.
all the tactical challenge mode stuff isnt even that hard.
It's part of the holy trinity of third-person shooting
>Max Payne 3
>The Last of Us
Bayonetta 3
Ouya exclusive
>anything but a generic cover shooter with great voice acting
The countdown was created when they released their april fools prank game on Steam.
It's very clear that it's a PC port of Bayonetta. After all, Revengenace is on PC as well.
>>The Last of Us
I love TLOU but it's shooting mechanics isn't something I'd remember it for.
Which points to Tuesday at 16 pm CT, exactly as I feared.
By the way: CST points to standard time, now you're using CDT (Central Daylight Time). "CT" refers to whichever is being used right now.
Actually SEGA partially funded the secon game, then they hold the development till Nintendo saved the day.
>implied implications
When was the last time YOU played vanquish
I don't even feel the need to defend it. If you think it's easy, you haven't tried to really git gud yet. God Hard mode is intense as fuck.
>implying implications
I can tell you haven't played it. The gunplay is satisfying as fuck and controlling your character feels great.
Even if you have played it, I'll wager you didn't touch the MP, which is where it's mechanics shines brightest. If the campaign is a 8/10, the MP is a full blown 10/10. TLoU's MP is the best thing it has going for it.
That is the most fucking hilarious list I've seen, user. Putting Vanquish there is not going to save that shit taste of yours.
All i remember is Kamiya saying Sega wouldn't fund it at all, but it's been so many years since it was announced, my memory is fuzzy. Still, the fact it's even part funded by Nintendo makes me wonder why people still think it'll be ported.
>They partially funded it
They cancelled it, user. Period. Washed their hands off of it. Nintendo foot the bill on the thing.
Then you haven't played the multiplayer. Seriously.
You couldn't possibly have any worse taste if you think MP3 and TLoU aren't immaculate.
Where do this lie come? so you will shut up once is confirmed for other consoles and you will get btfo forever?,bayonnetta never was console exclusive anyways.
Bayo one is the best
>Bayonetta port to PC?
Pretty much guaranteed.
Sega said they were working on non-Sonic PC ports a little while ago and the countdown is linked via the Steam 8-bit Bayonetta game.
>16 pm
I meant 4 pm obviously.
But user, we are basically saying the same thing. You stop reading too soon
>Where do this lie come?
From Platinum Games's developers in official interviews. Guess they're really committed to the lie.
>I can tell you haven't played it
I played the campaign for 9 hours and dropped it, because the combat was not satisfying at all. There was nothing about the game that was interested. No, i didn't play the multiplayer, as i don't play multiplayer that's tacked onto a songle player oriented game, no matter how good people say it is.
I've been having the need to play Bayonetta again. I don't have a PS3 or Wii u anymore, so I need this port to happen.
>I played the campaign for 9 hours and dropped it,
Then you don't have any right to comment.
>No, i didn't play the multiplayer, as i don't play multiplayer that's tacked onto a songle player oriented game, no matter how good people say it is.
Yeah, so you can get the fuck out of the way and shut up.
Shooters are by far my favorite genre and I play most of what gets released in the genre. Vanquish, TLoU and MP3 are the best TPS games around right now. There are other games in third person that are good too, but they tend to not be dedicated SHOOTERS the way the game I listed are. The rest tend to straddle genre lines.
Just talking about this made me want to play some TLoU Factions. Check out this video I just looked up
>TLoU's multiplayer isn't bad
>$5 have been deposited in your Naughty Dog Brand Awareness account
It's amazing. I love everything about it. There's basically nothing wrong with it. The balance is tight, the modes are good, it's all good. There's only even one map I don't like.
Tell me what you want, Sup Forums.
It's still built on slow, boring mechanics.
Forgot link
Both bayonetta and vanquish are getting ps4 and steam versions.
>these options
Fuck off
Is there a problem friend?