Should Persona 6 leave the school setting?
I think 5 added some great twists and additions, but I still have a kind of "Been there, done that." feeling when it comes to the whole high school part.
Should Persona 6 leave the school setting?
I think 5 added some great twists and additions, but I still have a kind of "Been there, done that." feeling when it comes to the whole high school part.
SMT exists for that reason so no.
I think Persona 6 should not take 10 years to make.
Persona 6 isn't going to be a thing for a very, very long time. There is zero reason to even talk about it for the next 5 years.
And if anything it should try college life.
The target audience want to self insert as a high school student who can romance cute anime girls, so no.
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment had a playable party of adults for the majority of the game, it didn't feel tied down at all.
They should drop the mascot characters.
The whole point of Persona is to be SMT in a high school setting. People wanting anything other than that needs to play mainline and shut the fuck up.
set it in africa
>The whole point of Persona is to be SMT in a high school setting. People wanting anything other than that needs to play mainline and shut the fuck up.
Nah, Persona is supposed to be SMT that's also part Visual Novel.
Like another user said eternal punishment already toyed with the idea. The high school setting is absolutely not integral to Persona.
Nobody cares about Persona before 3 except people who also play mainline.
The director's next game won't have any schools, so you can rest easy.
What kind of line of work would fit a Persona game Sup Forums?
>The high school setting is absolutely not integral to Persona.
If I'm not mistaken the whole concept came from SMT: if, which was a school set game. They took the setting and ran with it, thus creating Persona in the first place. EP was admittedly the odd man out, but that doesn't negate the rest of the fucking franchise.
Set it in highschool but you're the teacher
Persona is basically a slice of life with mind demons. I really don't see how they slavishly need to stick to school for the concept to work.
I would love for an older cast, but as said already, persona's core is based on the highschool setting, the staff even shoves the different school's logos right from the moment you run the disk this time. In EP case it was more like the plot kinda required the "other perspective" as the team had the story already planned out from the start. P6 without the school setting would be like a numbered SMT without Tokyo.
I wouldn't mind that, I imagine it would be a younger first year teacher fresh from college, but I could dig that.
>The high school setting is absolutely not integral to Persona.
It is now.
Let's put it another way: they are having massive success with this formula - do you really think they are going to risk changing it?
>Persona 6 isn't going to be a thing for a very, very long time.
Maybe. Or maybe they'll reskin P5's engine and push it out quick like with P4.
>Persona 2
Hell, even Persona 1's characters are high school students.
The team that makes Persona is currently working on a new IP, Project RE: Fanatsy
Better question, are they gonna make SMT 5 with the Persona 5 engine?
This games runs on a PS3 so it definitely could run on the switch
>do you really think they are going to risk changing it?
They already took a pretty big risk with P5 being way more SMT'ish and darker again, so who knows. Tons of people got into Persona with 4, so logically sticking with the more lighthearted tone that game had would be the smart thing to do if you want to play it safe.
Please tell me we can have social links with dragons.
>Better question, are they gonna make SMT 5 with the Persona 5 engine?
I think that's obvious.
The reason why they took this much time with P5 to begin with is because they knew they would be able to rehash these assets for a long-ass time.
>a pretty big risk with P5 being way more SMT'ish and darker again
Doesn't seem like a big change.
But you're clearly absolutely desperate to believe that it might not be set in a high school, and nothing anybody says is going to sway you, so I'm going to leave you to it. Maybe next time don't ask a question that you don't want to hear the answer to.
The setting isn't the problem
It's the fucking garbage one dimensional characters you've fucking seen before again and again.
>all these people whose first megaten is persona 5
>completely unaware that the rest of the franchise even exists
>saying stupid shit like the op even though there's a fuckton of smt games that aren't in highschool settings
>if they do become aware they don't want to play them because they're OLD AND GAY
please deliver us from this faggotry yhvh
what's college life like for Japs?
The former director wanted to make a game outside of japan, so that is already a hint that setting persona on high schools is a dogma that can't be broken.
Besides, if the series wants to have an wider appeal, its gonna need to do it.
I personally believe that college would be a good compromise and a transitional setting in order to not alienate the close-minded japanese
>Maybe next time don't ask a question that you don't want to hear the answer to.
I wasn't asking questions, I was speculating about something that has already happened in the franchise before. So "absolutely desperate" is a bit of a hyperbole here.
>Or maybe they'll reskin P5's engine and push it out quick like with P4.
Fuck man I want this so bad. I don't want to wait another 8 fucking years for Persona 6.
Exactly the same as americans.
But much less partying.
set it outside of Japan
the MC being a Japanese foreign exchange student who goes America
Are we gonna pry that kid off that door any time soon?
It's not gonna happen
If you're not blind you can tell P5 was made with large effort and detail for them, no way they're gonna be able to change everything and shit out another game in 2 years when the devs themselves are busy with other projects
they should save door-kun already
>Persona is a SMT game
The only one saying stupid shit here is you.
if they set it outside japan japs won't buy it
I believe the High School setting will never leave. It's been that way since P1 but they went rogue with it in P2.
And also I think they'll keep the main characters be young people since they're seen as more ambitious and strong-willed to possess a Persona.
>my first megaten was persona 5
>excited as fuck to play everything else
Where do I start?
What color would they use for P6?
Green? Then set it in the wilderness.
There you go, no need to thank me
maybe next time they won't make a jrpg murder mystery involving teenagers. they certainly haven't retreaded that 5 times over or anything.
MC gets kicked out of college after talking to a girl
Nocturne or SMTIV
Elizabeth it's been XX years now nut up or shut up
I'm sorry user, I should remember not to trigger autists, from now on I'll refer to every single individual MT spinoff individually despite them all being very similar instead of using an accurate umbrella term.
That's not changing the formula, thats making a second formula. Like you said, its a new IP, not a Persona game.
They will never make it anywhere besides Japan because it´s a game by Japs, for Japs. They don´t want anywheres else. It will never be set anywhere but high school because that is the best time of a Japanese persons life, after high school it´s all downhill.
I was responding to the P6 might be pumped out fast like P4 claim.
Persona 6 should involve college students so I don't need to be embarrassed to play it.
It would also be able to tackle themes more mature like Catherine did.
Jesus fucking christ a starter's guide? Play Nocturne and realize it's literally just Persona 4 tier levels of corny but instead of your friends confronting their shadows after you beat the shit out of them they just fucking die
Play Strange Journey and realize that the art design is really the only saving grace of an otherwise standard by the books sci-fi plot. Realize that sci-fi in general sucks.
Play Digital Devil Saga and be legitimately depressed by a grim and sour story. Play Devil Survivor One and be baffled at how a generic anime game probably has one of the best self contained stories in the series, and be even more baffled at how YVHV is actually a bro in this one
There, you know enough about SMT to talk about Persona and say it shouldn't be about highschool like a true SMTfag
>Fucking casuals
>Fucking autists
Don't shit where you eat user.
Anyone who isn't a hyper autist will recognize that when someone says smt they're referring to megaten in general.
They chose their fate deliberately
No more adult cast, relationship simulator for losers it's the only way it will remain relevant now
Why wouldn't P2 matter? It had the best narrative and characters out of the entire series. Just because it's not hip doesn't mean it shouldn't be drawn from creatively.
>It will never be set anywhere but high school because that is the best time of a Japanese persons life, after high school it´s all downhill.
Boy that feels so weird to me. I fucking hated high school.
Now I'm an adult and can do whatever I want, have my own house and I only have to answer to my boss who treats me like a son.
I would never go back to high school. Fuck that shit.
In Japan after high school you become a depressed salary drone who works inhumanly long hours and is expected to hang out with coworkers and superiors you don't like or become a neet otaku.
Yeah but Eternal Punishment was a direct sequel to a high school game, and drew its characters primarily from IS and P1, so that's kind of a weird exception.
could be cool to tackle the theme of adults who just want to be young and free again
likely they could make the game's color green, so it's about greed. old guys who sacrificed a lot for the money
And anyone who isn't a flaming retard knows there are more differences between SMT and Persona than just a school setting.
P4U had the P3 cast as adults if you want to count that.
>P6 without the school setting would be like a numbered SMT without Tokyo.
In other words, a welcome change away from the arbitrary restriction they place on the franchise?
>Being embarrassed about playing a video game
Meant for
mainline SMT always needs to be in post-apocalypse Tokyo
Persona always needs to be about school
anything else is a spinoff
Came here to post something kind of like this.
Also, to all you SMT/persona vets, how do you feel P5 compares to them? I'm heavily enjoying this.
100% accurate, can confirm
Just do this
Really just adds to the idea that Atlus only wants to use adults in Persona if it's a followup to a game about teenagers.
I'd be cool seeing another Persona like 1/2, without a calendar, or a game with a calendar in a totally different setting, but I think that the social high school aspect is too successful.
Devil Survivor has more differences too
Raidou has more differences too
DDS has more differences too
But they all have similarities and using an umbrella term to cover all of them is accurate. Only flaming autists get completely ass blasted when people don't use extremely specific terms to satisfy their retardation.
Blame Atlus USA, not the poster, for slapping SMT on every Megaten game until P4G.
no you fucking burgerfag
Your first SMT game usually stays your favourite.
I think it does amost everything right from a gameplay perspective except for the lack of demon variety.
They probably only made so few because it's hard to model every single one but it still irks me since fusing is what I love about the series.
Overall I feel like P5 is the most polished and high budgeted SMT game to date. Everything just feels right.
Also has one of the best MCs
just make a new Devil Summoner if you want College students in Tokyo who summon monsters
>But they all have similarities and using an umbrella term to cover all of them is accurate. Only flaming autists get completely ass blasted when people don't use extremely specific terms to satisfy their retardation.
Guess Atlus themselves fall under those "super autists" then, since they finally decided to remove SMT from Persona.
It's almost as if they want to treat it as a separate thing, woah.
>mainline SMT always needs to be in post-apocalypse Tokyo
What about SMT1?
Persona outside of Japan is like 3D GTA outside of America, it'll never happen.
Did they ever explain Catherine's greater connection with the Persona verse (besides the P3P cameo)?
or you could just go play a shitty burger game insead of ruining a japanese one
Man, I'd love another game like that.
persona 6 being about a salary man could be fun
that sound terrible, i don't undestand normalfag logic
Did you only play the first five minutes of SMT1 or something
Stop spreading missinfo
The team behind project re fantasy is a whole new team. P team is still doing another persona project as hinted in the 20th anniversary stream
Next Persona is going to be a sequel to 3. Maaya Sakamoto (Aigis) accidentally let it slip out that she was recording with Rie Tanaka (Mitsuru) for an Atlus game a few months ago.
or it could be a spinoff...
Yeah I'm certain they're already producing P6 after 10 years between P4 and P5 and this isn't just for another shitty spin-off.
Quit jumping to conclusions.
I've been over ''High School kids with ghost friends'' since Persona 3.
Persona 6 should be about a NEET who's thrown into a college setting, with the option to either get a job or continue taking money from your parents.
>Yeah I'm certain they're already producing P6 after 10 years between P4 and P5 and this isn't just for another shitty spin-off.
I like how you ignore the fact that there was just 2 years between 3 and 4.
The heavy lifting that was the transition to HD is already done, now they can easily reuse work from P5.
Maybe just stop playing Persona
Then why are you still playing a game about highschool kids with ghost friends?
They should keep the school setting.
Except in Persona 6 you play as a teacher
I like them mechanically though.
The dungeon crawling and relation ship building is great, I just want a different setting to do it in.
I dunno man, they could have college or adult lense too while retaining the themes.
How would a salaryman deal with Persona shit or his "mask" with shitty japanese life.
SMT is more post apocalyptic shit with spinoffs going wherever.
Can someone tells me where/how to get Kodama ?