How do we save Dota 2?
How do we save Dota 2?
CSGO "playtime" is just Russians and BRs idling skins.
fuck off
How do we kill both?
>CSGO skin money is all the rage right now
>Dota 2 skin is in all time low
Gezz, i wonder why.
let it die
permanently ban anyone below 3k mmr, and a random selection of 25% of the players above it
why would anyone want to?
death to dota
the graphs supplied aren't indicating of dota dying
Go back to patch 6.78 and start over again. Seriously the game has been getting progressively worse since The International 2013. 7.00 was the last big fuck you. It started really ramping up the bullshit in 2015. That's when Bruno became a full time valve employee. Coincidence?
How long does a CS match take? I used to play lots of DotA with my buddies but when we got older and had to work and shit what kept us from playing was how long matches were. At first that just meant playing less matches but we ended up just dissing the game for the most part and doing other stuff.
If you think OP is talking about the number players = gameplay.
Then I got bad news for you.
Slightly less than Dota on average. Longer than a short Dota game. Shorter than an average Dota game on average, but can go up to an hour max I think, more likely 25-40 minutes
Every game has become a sixty minute nightmare. It's too easy to defend and too hard to push the tier three towers. I really got back into it, but I got tired of every game dragging on and on...
MOBA's in general seem like they're on the way out.
I think Valve should try to make a lot more PvE events, I really enjoyed the last one.
Bring out a PC game that actually makes consolefags jealous. PC needs a new Crysis or Metro.
dota has become unenjoyable. they keep changing things that don't need to be changed for a userbase that historically hates change.
it's like if yesterday they decided to make the football field circular, and now everybody was forced against their will to play football on a circular field.
We don't.
Why the fuck would anyone want to save Dota 2?
>for a userbase that historically hates change.
what is guinsoo 5.xx dota?
Talent trees and respawn time are cancer
Remove talents
Buff rarely played heroes so they're played
Nerf overused heroes to make them fuck off
Make all abilities scale so everyone is relevant in the late game
Make items that scale
Stop with the artificial restrictions like Slardar not being able to use basher (blink with pudge, etc got his restrictions removed)
Make the game more skill based and less RNG based
The update killed the game and majority of players hate the community because no one knows how to cooperate
Might be the worst graph I have ever seen
How does Dota total playtime compare to LoL's or hots? Is this just mobas dying out, or is this a specific Dota problem?
What probably exhausts you is that the game is completely teamfight-centric now. There used to be dozens of different approaches to the game such as passive defensive trilanes with a harder carry, aggressive early game control with a utility mid that swapped with a core at level 6, extremely early push into snowball push strategy, and so on.
The game gets fucking boring and exhausting when every game is
>Farm better than the other guy
>Hope you win the teamfight
It feels more about drafting than execution
are you talking about the respawn time talents? those fucking suck dude, an even better thing is just to not die
i sold all my hats and am waiting for a nier discount
The MOBA meme is finally going away.
7.00 was fucking retarded and I'm glad it came out because it finally got me to kick the addiction. Two and a half months I haven't played, longest in 6 years
Increase the hardware requirements
>scaling items
>scaling abilities
>make every single pick a viable late game hero
Fuck off holy shit do you not know this is EXACTLY the kind of shit that makes Lol such a terrible fucking game?
dota 2 is RTS
RTS is dead
D2 joins w3 in the dead games club eventually
This. Scaling is probably the only way valve can make the game fundamentally worse than it is now, outside of some drastic new mechanic or w/e.
>league is going down too
>overwatch still stable
>Destiny 2 and RDR 2 going to be the top games for the next 2 years
nothing is gonna change in terms of taste
Revert 7.00.
Kill yourself today
MOBAs are a meme
>get out, future man
No, why would I, my life got a lot better since.
How does total playtime decline? That's not possible
I play from time to time just for the custom game mode dota imba, and even that's kind of shit. Last time I played normal matches was last feb.
maybe they shouldn't have remade dota 2 in 7.0 for the worse
maybe they should keep peruvians on their own server or enforce language requirements
You guys just pretending to be retarded right?
>not a single post about why CSGO got increase playtime.
How can total playtime decline? Are people playign negative amounts of Dota 2?
I like watching dota 2 matches.
But honestly despise playing that crap.
I'm sure players would enjoy 1-2 people from their stack getting banned. Good idea user
kek, no wonder I got less russian in my game..
Those low life shitskin already moved to another game to suck steam autismbux.
I'm surprised no one is bemoaning the death of LoL or Overwatch despite both sharply declining in concurrent players as of last November.
does anyone care about lol?
No one care about those shit games, Sup Forums only care about the porn.
Dota 2 and hats are the reason Valve and Gaben became money loving jews who refuse to make good video games anymore. I hope dota 2 dies, it's a shitty game filled with russians anyway.
It'll probably get a surge of interest because they just released their first canon dyke hero for Progressive Points
dota is a shitskin containment exe and deserves to die.
t. d2g
>tfw only play bot games when i got my first invite key.
>Valve was so generous with hats back then I actually got Lina arcana from playing with bots.
>Sell all the keys and arcana and got $200 money worth from trading in just one month of playing
Can do the same anymore now because all hats dropped are locked to your own account
The respawn timer talents are bad because, essentially, you are admitting you are losing by taking them. The most important thing in Dota is to not die. By taking that talent, not only are you thinking about a scenario in which you are dying, but one where you can be up sooner and die again to give your opponent even more experience and gold.
Mobas have been the most popular genre on PC for 5+ years, it's time for a change, I'd say.
I'd be fine with going back to team shooters for a while.
Let it die
just imagine where all those russkis/peruvians go after doturd 2
Do you even read the thread?
nice reading comprehension
too bad its arena shooter son
>The most important thing in Dota is to not die
most important thing is to get trades and exchanges that are worth it for your team. sometimes player deaths are required to get good trades.