Other urls found in this thread:


>tracer with a little hat

Can't wait for the SFM

>They gave a red armband to the Aryan character

>mercy with hair down


No MERCY for the jews

>mercy is literally wearing a fucking nazi uniform

this wont end well i can guarantee

Didn't even notice the hat first time I saw it.

>origins edition

That's how the game is branded on PS4/XB1

and pc

wait what, i actually get something for purchasing this version?

>each skin will be 3000 and only around for two weeks

It's a event the skins will be available to everyone

Origins edition is just the name for the console edition. The screenshot in the OP was from an Xbone.

Those are some ugly fucking skins.
>'eeeeyyy, easter's coming, what are we making as skins?
>Let's just give them a blue uniform and some misc shit

So much of this looks shopped, but I can't really confirm or deny it, more like a gut feeling.

blizzard confirmed /ourguy/

Is the Crisis update going to be some pve horde mode type thing?


the worst skins yet. what a fucking terrible game director. all he cares about are lootbox sheckels. give us more maps, more heroes, you fucking cunt!

I've actually been practicing a bit as Torb. Is there a good chart of where to put down the turret on each map?

That looks so photoshopped.

>ANOTHER legendary skin for Tracer

Only leafs cuckolds and chicks play overwatch

She's the mascot, it makes sense


I am a Canadian and I don't play Overwatch. I'd rather talk about the London Knights and have some timbits with people.

isn't the whole plot of Overwatch that they used to be a team? Not surprising there's going to be a skin set where they all have uniforms. No idea why people are upset over this

>Still playing Ocerwatch
How high do you even have to be? They even pandered to the sjw by making the waifu mascot a dyke.

>They even pandered to the sjw by making the waifu mascot a dyke
So I guess that means they also pandered to straight people for all the straight characters?

Fuck off with your victim complex.

I need them to pander to me and make a virgin loser who lusts after traps character.

Its supposed to be a game about heroes and action. Pointing out shes a lesbian was caving into their demands that somebody be gay. Normal people dont care about sexual orientation and romance in super hero comic books.

If he only cared about lootbox shekels, he wouldn't make shitty skins.

Probably Rein/Mercy/Torb/Tracer attacking updated visuals Kings Row with horde defense waves at the garage, warehouse door, and bomb site.

The only way to find out about anyone's sexual orientation is by reading the comics which exist to be read by the people who want to know more about the characters they're playing as. Never does anything in these comics effect the normal game except for sometimes revealing future skins.
If you play overwatch because you like heroes and action you can still do that and easily ignore the comics.
Lots of people play overwatch for lots of different reason's, who knew?

Then why do you care?

Man those thins look boring as fuck.

I literally did not know she was a lesbian until people on Sup Forums started complaining about it. It's only in the comics.

Hero comics almost always have romance or some form of it. Again, fuck off with your victim complex.

there are people on Sup Forums right now that only play during these events to unlock skins, then stop playing.

He's gonna keep playing that card because three people have responded him

That all looks badly photoshoped.

>normal people don't care
Shooting yourself in the foot there buddo

Also you are autistic if this actually triggers you

>not having at least 10000 coins built up between each event

>Liberal Tracer killing omnics
Fucking hypocrites

I just got Overwatch a few weeks ago.
Will I be able to get those limited skins in the future?

This is me. I used to play comp as well but this newest season ruined it by requiring 7 games a week to keep your rank if you're not a shitter, it's not worth it anymore.

I just want another Junkrat skin.

Do lootbox shekels actually produce more than pocket change? Are there seriously anyone who buys them cept for the "UNBOXING 102 EPIC EVENT BOXES!!1" youtubers?

>Three of the characters who basically get a new skin for EVERY fucking event are getting more new skins

Holy fuck. New Ana akin when? New bastion skin when? Symmetra? Soldier?

out of curiosity why do you want to unlock these skins if you don't play?

idk, but there is this boy/woman youtube.com/watch?v=phshwc5pmYc


CS:GO produces 200 million a year from microtransactions, and GTA Online has generated half a billion.



whao slow your roll user...

Jesus fucking Christ Pharah's right hand is massive

>We want the Mega Man audience


Yes, when they arrive, which will be in the future from now, and you will be able to get them if you roll them!

seriously tho, idk if the same boxes will return. Jeff said something about the summer ones from last year returning, but this one doesn't appear to be a seasonal event. My advice would simply be to NEVER buy anything non-event related and rather let your coins stack


post more

I really want a Wonder Pharah now. Actuall Pharah would probably join The Wonderful 101 in a heart-beat.

Wooooow, could they rip off tf2 anymore, next we'll see reaper and widowmaker in red.

oh, shit
nice catch

>the Mega Man audience
Literally who?

What did we think of the comic?

>using the color blue means you are ripping off tf2

>Wonder Missile

Justice rains in the form of 100 people slamming into you at once.

>basic colors
>wow what a rip off!

>megaman tracer
>reinhardt with helmet off shitty reskin, any good taste rein player prefers helmet on.
>shitty biker torb reskin

The only half decent one is hair down nazi mercy. The Overwatch team needs to get whoever does the HoTS skins to do the new overwatch skins because the past few event skins were bad.

Even Capcom doesn't want the megaman audience anymore.

So I assume that the olympic skins are bi-yearly right (assuming that they become available during FIFA world cup)?

Assuming that these skins are dedicated to the easter event, Can I skip them without worrying about their later availability?

Don't be upset, I only wanted (you)'s

Ana and Bastion got a skin last event.

Symettra got one for Halloween

Soldier - NEVER EVER

As a toblerone main i am really happy that they will finally add a skin that doesn't look like torbjorn is going to a halloween party.

Also the other skins look pretty good aswell, but i doubt that these will be the only ones included in the patch.

>she deleted all the pharahxana stuff
what the FUCK is her problem!!!???

These costumes look like ass.

fuck off faggot the chinese new year event skins were ALL amazing

You're retarded.


>reskins are amazing

I fucking hate Chinese people, culture, and their complete taint of the western world. They ruined movies, now they're after our video games.

Fuck China.

>Jackie Chan
>ruined movies

what a faggot

> Six beautiful legendary made after the monkey king story along with a cool qi pao for mei and a reskin for it
> nice reskins for tracer/junkrat/bastion
> nice POTG screen for roady/mercy/tracer
> great spray
> nice emote
> nice voiceline
> shitty gamemode
fuck off faggot

>easter coming up
>they could have done something like this
>they didn't

Wonder if well get proto genji. Was hopeing wed get the Tracer outfit from the test room too. Also Blackwatch (or is it water?) McCree

>until people on Sup Forums started complaining about it.
>he literally lives in a cave
it was impossible to notice, even facebook spammed me with her shitty comic ignoring all my reports that its something I don't want to see

But they were great reskins. Running the tracer, junk and bastion ones

No Widowmaker valentines either.
I thought this was your waifu game Bliz, wtf

>posting on topic lewds with no nudity is a banable offense
fuck off hotpockets and reread the rules


AnaX76 OTP

look at the photo and Ana is clearly frustrated 76 has no interest in her. We all know the OTP and it isn't JackXAna

Superior game has valentines skins and better waifu's.

I just had the worst thought... What if Capcom revives Mega Man in character shooter form

All fake, not a single mention on Reddit.

More Mercy skins is always good.