Deal with it

Deal with it.


Funny how the N64 part contains most of the worthwhile games of the system while the PSX one only scratches the surface.

is there anything sadder than growing up with Nintendo past the SNES era?
you niggas missed out on the best era of games
swallow your ego and go emulate that shit

You just listed all the N64 library

Those games have aged like shit. Compressed sound,slowdown,muddy graphics,barren environments. PlayStation aged better because it had more 2d games which automatically age better.

That pic doesn't help your case at all

PS1 also had more games released on it, resulting in developers using the 3D in a much better-looking and natural way.
All N64 games are fucking barren, creepy-ass wastelands


>Compressed sound

Not as funny as you replying to your own thread because it was DOA shit tier bait.