Let's have another Zelda thread

Let's have another Zelda thread

I hope that hurt a lot

That's not Zelda

>pick me up waggies

Is it true over 60% of muricans are obese?

Closer to 80%. "Chubby" people (200-250lbs by amerispic standards) are not considered overweight.


I fucking hate the term chubby now.

Chubby now is just a miscellaneous term that doesn't mean shit. I've seen people call obese fucks "chubby" when they were clearly atleast over 90lbs a healthy weight.

Too many fucking pussies that are scared of being called fat, obese, space-takeruppers, etc. But "chubby" is considered a 'nice' term, so they use that so the wont instantly burst into treats at the mention of it.

My exgf was chubby, the real chubby, about 5-10lb over what would be a "perfect" weight. But she was fucking hot as fuck, and that tiny bit of extra meat was super sexy because it was in all the right places. REAL chubby can be a good thing, like it was for my ex, this new chubby is fucking bullshit.

This that what the average American looks like?

That piece of shit is still alive?

Obesity is only 20lbs overweight. So those numbers are high for almost no reason. It should be if you are 70lbs overweight then you should be considered obese.


link to the episode(s?)

been seeing this posted around a lot lately

>when mcdonalds is out of milkshakes

I'm fat as fuck (6' 220lbs) and don't even care.

Yeah let's just keep lowering our standards even more, it's unfair to have to be considered overweight if you REALLY are!

You're the reason America is shit.

>hinox getting lynel bow'd in the eye

Should have left him there to die.
>i'll come back in 40 minutes to see if you've made any progress. if the crows come for you, try not to put up too much of a fight. they're a noble bird and deserve our respect




I felt sorry for the landlord. You know he was probably thinking he was going to get sued.

The gravity

Arin really let himself go after Jontron left didn't he?

Whatever happened to "husky"?

I love watching fatties suffer

What happened to your ex and where can I find her

Husky is more for a man who is muscular but is also a little fat.

Too bad most people are just toothpicks or fat fucks nowadays, and the ones that do work out tend to just be very cut and muscular instead of fat/muscle.

I used to be all kinds of fat. Fat kid, obese teen, husky 20something, and now I'm just trying to get built.


There's an entire fucking general dedicated exclusively for that on /fit/.

I wish I knew. She left me. Haven't spoken to her in two years. Stop making me blog post faggot. Go find your own qt3.14 chubby.

It is true that after all the "diets" and other shit he just keeps getting fatter?

He didn't follow his diets when alone and was a super addict for pain meds. HE WAS A MESS

>google image search

I live in a post commie shithole and women here are either rail thin, obese from shitty cheap food or babushkas.

Get a good job. Learn to cook. Get yourself a cutie, and then keep feeding her food (and your cock) until she is preferred level of cute chubbiness.

That is your life goal now my friend.

>people that enable fat fucks like this to exist

literally just leave water in the house and they will lose weight

just stop eating nigga

you are not starving if you have stored energy on you (fat)


I'm 6' and 231 lbs

Is the whole point of my 600lbs life to mock fat people?

Chubby, to me, means maybe 10-30 lbs overweight, depending on your build.

A bit of a belly, some lovehandles, but overall, still fit enough to function normally. Gotta love seeing fat chicks abuse this word though. Legit chubby girls can be cute, but some of the girls I've seen label themselves as chubby are obese, the only label applicable to them at that point is something like landwhale or hamplanet.

>He didn't follow his diets when alone
>when alone
How? the fat fuck can't even walk


The body uses muscle energy first in starvation, then fats. You can harm your long term health by starving if you have a regular amount of muscle under your fat.

If you can force your body to use stored fat energy first through dieting, you could do it. But then you'd also be left with lots of excess skin, and other problems.

Basically, stop being lazy and going for the "easy" starvation route, just get fucking moving and get eating right.

if you're "over the weight" at fucking all you're a fatso that needs to be culled

>and that tiny bit of extra meat was super sexy because it was in all the right places. REAL chubby can be a good thing, like it was for my ex, this new chubby is fucking bullshit.
How user justifies his low standards: the post



God I hate fat people.

>when a fat bitch calls them self "full figured" or "curvy"
>only takes pictures of them selves are downward angles


that doesnt make any evolutionary sense

>body is low on glucose food energy
>lets burn off all muscle first and leave all the fat so its harder to go get more food

who's this qt3.14 and does she have any nude online

Imagine a freak show where all the freaks become such voluntarily. It's mocking people for their physical attributes with none of the guilt.

As a 5'7" manlet that hit 220 lbs and managed to get back down to 155, I recommend doing it slow. No more loose skin than the average guy. You gotta do like, maybe a pound a week at most, and use that cocoa butter, black people use that shit for a reason. It give your skin dat healthy glo, and it helps your skin heal.

why don't they just dump him in the middle of a starving african village and kill two birds with one stone?

Sup Forums - the fitya

>The body uses muscle energy first in starvation, then fats

Not entirely true, your body decides to burn fats if it needs muscle. If someone merely drops the calories via diet without exercise the body will consume muscle first as you simply don't need it.

>excess skin and other problems

better than heart disease and being so unhealthy you can't even do a pull up or even see your own dick


>tfw low on visible body fat but am a large and tall person, so i would be considered obese at my BMI

it shouldn't bother me but it does. i can shed off the fat but i can't shed the height and the width

he kept ordering pizzas

>It'll go straight to your thighs! Then you'll blow up!

what's the source on this


you wrote this long ass post just to say "i used to have a gf"

congrats you fucking autist, you accomplished something that is expected of you, you found a mate temporarily

Is he a big guy for us?

>that instant rage when seeing fat fucks that dont even try
>grocery cart full to the brim with junk food
>why am i so fat
>muh genetics

i think it is also my 600 pound life, the episode before the fatass in the op



it's so fucking cringey when anons feel the need to brag about having a gf on Sup Forums of all places.

like, I have a super hot girlfriend that sucks my dick every morning but why would I ever feel the need to let total strangers know about this?

Poor delivery guy


>snorlax uses earthquake

I'm not saying to lower standards, or at least I'm not trying to say it. What I mean is that the defining point for being obese shouldn't be just over 20 lbs. Hell at 20lbs overweight you can still do the exact same shit someone who isn't overweight. But then again you lanklets can't really do much either.

fucking right
>that first stink waft of the day when the door opens

Where does he get pizza money from


Lol stay mad faggot. I was contributing to the conversation about chubbiness, you just went full autismo, just kill yourself already.

If you work out while you fast/starve you can save some of the muscle, but it's pretty hard because you'll be so low energy. It's a very fine line to walk, and most people can't do it.

I was almost 300lb when I was 16. I decided to start biking atleast 1 hour per day for a year straight. And in all the time I always ate between 1500-2200 calories, always trying not to eat too many bad foods. I lost about 80lbs in 6mon and really fucked myself with loose skin. At the time I was happy to have lost so much weight and been healthy, but nowadays I regret it because I wish I had no loose skin and don't want/can't afford surgery to get it removed.

Post the song

Your only hope is to get bara swole now.

>falls on ass
>grabs arm

>that right leg

>I regret it because I wish I had no loose skin and don't want/can't afford surgery to get it removed.
I heard that becoming fat again, and then SLOWLY losing they weight might solve it as well.

It can't reach ass.

Never again dude. I've never been as much in shape as I am right now in my life. And I could, and want, to be even stronger/healthier.


Our food is retardedly unhealthy, but nothing will ever be done about it because it's cheaper to eat sugary shit, companies won't sacrifice their bottom line for healthier options, and lobbyists will pressure any legislature to run an honest industry. Granted, that's no excuse to be a fat fuck, but so many people are ingesting horrible food five times a day that is factually much worse for you than food used to be.

you can see his hand gets caught up in the metal bar


his elbow does not bend naturally, it actually does look like it hurts

someone add the screen zoom

Didn't Princess get fired? She's the nicest lady

I recall reading somewhere that once you reach these insane levels of obese, even really small falls can do a fuckload of damage

I don't know if there's any truth to that tho

It would be neat if the flesh tore

Is it worth 400

You are not fat at all at that height. Just get some muscle tone and you'll look great. But if you say you don't care, there's only so much you can do. Sad!

whoa are you me?
it really has been that long

I like the part where the doctor tells him he doesn't look human anymore

Their leg snaps if they keep other leg in air too long.




>tfw when I'm 5' 11" and only 140 lb
The trick is to just not eat at all and skip meals, it's very healthy.

The bigger you are the more force your fatass has on even small falls, so yeah, makes sense. That fat fuck Boogie broke a chair and the subsequent fall kept him from sitting for like two weeks and he had deep bruising all over his ass ffs.