Yooka-Laylee thread
(keep it clean edition)
The game is almost out, so say what whether you think it will be good or not.
Yooka-Laylee thread
(keep it clean edition)
The game is almost out, so say what whether you think it will be good or not.
Other urls found in this thread:
And people say pirating is never justified
Played it at a con.
Somewhat disappointed, the atmosphere Banjo had isn't there.
Objectives are also a little too spread out, and getting the pages that don't have dialog attached doesn't feel rewarding at all.
pc leak when
>It didn't make me feel like I was 12 again
The post
You're not wrong, I just figured the game would have something to it besides nostalgia, given that it's made by the old devs as opposed to random fans.
I've played the Toybox demo a good amount and I don't have any issues with the camera, even in indoor areas. It's a pretty good camera as far as I have seen.
What kind of camera are game reviewers asking for?
>tfw everybody's shitting on it
>tfw I still want to play it after marathoning Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie
>tfw get my new PC on the 11th
First game I'm buying it YL
>First game I buy is nostalgia shit
I wanna play it but come on
I think it would make me too sad desu.
I'm going to pass and maybe return later. I love BK and BT too much to play a game that looks so uninspired.
The hero look empty and devoid of any charisma.
Banjo still the best.
>Sitting in Steam library for several days now
Truly suffering.
Wasn't it programmed for the 17? did I fucked up my calendar or is it coming before?
>by the old devs
that's where you're wrong, it may have the same programmers and coffee deliverers in general, but the people who made levels, wrote, directed, etc left years ago
Weird I don't understand how I fucked up, but ok
Just two more days then I guess
I am not ready
I'm still not sure what are all the worlds... So not sure
>Recently finished BoTW
>Currently playing Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
>Yooka-Laylee out in a couple days
>Numerous other titles that I haven't played yet
2017's already been a top-tier year for games
When does it come out for my NINTENDO SWITCH(tm)?
>(keep it clean edition)
This should be a bannable offense, like all other bait threads.
Learn the alt codes at least. Nobody knows. They just stated that they're working with Nintendo on it and they're probably the ones porting it.
Im playing it right now, ask me anything
Solid proof that you're telling the truth.
>(keep it clean edition)
This implies there's a dirty edition, somebody dump porn pls
I want the bat pussy, where is it?
>no porn
>no pol bullshit
Fuck off.
>shitty camera
Considering the game markets itself on nostalgia that's a valid point.
I'm hoping that the N64 Shader is good One of the best aspects of the Rare 3D Platformers was how it handled baked lighting in its environments. It made the colors so deep and rich and vibrant. They've done an okay job in masking the "Unity-ness" of it all, but it could have been better.
>Caring for have a good camera instead of dont give a fuck about a minor function
>It made the colors so deep and vibrant
Are you sure this wasn't just a product of playing on CRTs?
What else did you wanted me to comment? cool beans on getting it 2 days earlier.
So how much does it suck then?
Are you okay? I actually have no idea what you're saying.
Being on a CRT doesn't hurt, but nope. I played DK 64 on an emulator recently and still, I like the colors more than what I've been seeing from YL. Again, since they had limitations back then, they had to bake the lighting into their textures, meaning that they had the freedom to choose the tones and colors of those shadows more freely. I would have preferred a similar approach here, but with modern lighting methods. Here it just seems like they're depending too much on the built-in lighting engine too much, sucking all of the charm out of the colors and shadows.
No Jon;
No buy.
>A game doesn't meet one of it's major design goals
You're right. He has a valid point.
Can we all agree this is the ACTUAL reason it is getting low scores?
If the e-celeb fag would still be in, game would've got at least a 90
>chris sutherland, steve mayles, mark stevenson, steven hurst, kevin bayliss, andrew wilson, gary richards, grant kirkhope, david wise
>just programmers and coffee deliverers
Anybody know the time it activates on Steam today?
chill out Todd, it's just funny to see crap camera shots in 2020-3
You're thinking of Big Red Button and Sonic Boom. We're talking about something else, sweetie. Pay attention next time, okay?
Its pretty good, great gameplay and very good worlds design, also you have to love BK because is exactly the same thing
it's not getting low scores though
the average is just brought down by retarded trannies giving it 30/100 or something
Same time it says on the Store Page I assume.
Are you okay, Todd?
Well I hope it is so I can give them my banana bunch coins then.
Im not sure
Honestly looks quite fun, except the casino level which seems to be half finished
I have immense reservations about this game. If your entire game design and appeal lies in being a spiritual successor to a long dormant series, you are bound to fail. Even if it was perfect in every way, your game will fail, simply by virtue of not being the same game.
I find it offensive that Playtonic improved and added little to the formula they've established. Getting a carbon copy of Banjo Kazooie is lame- we have 20 years of game design progress, find a way to make the old new.
>even gamexplain, that tend to go easy on games, could barely be positive about it
You can't feel 12 again user
You can't
Noone can
They spent the entire review complaining about framrate drops which will be nonexistent for the PC players.
The 10 minutes we've seen of the Casino level consisted of someone exploring a tiny portion and going off in a side hallway with enemies and elevators. At least wait until it's released to shit on it.
The rest of the year will be shit but this has to be the most stacked 4 months in gaming history.
I felt 12 when I was replaying SMB3
And it was great
I just had to wait like 5 or 6 years to forget about it
>we have 20 years of game design progress
nah fuck off, old games play the best. innovating for the sake of innovating or dumbing down is shit
imagine if Capcom never moved on from RE1-3 and shat up the series or if Rayman remained Rayman and wasn't turned into a party minigame
it finnaly comes out so i will play it before Hat Girl game release
>inb4 ban the underaged
I am 31, but replayed it like 5 or 6 years ago.
A lizard and a bat
What Sonic erotica is that?
Yooka x Amy when?
Laylee x Sanic when?
How's the gameplay?
Level design and objectives?
overall fun factor?
I always forget about this game. It's odd because I actually remember it being a fun launch title for the 360
The glacier level's music is nice, reminds me of TickTock woods in the winter. Doubt they'll be a level as brilliant as that tho.
You're a retard, have a you
post some of the neg scores pls
Is the jungle minecart music changed?
I felt 12 again playing stardew valley though, and the LoZ 3DS remakes.
>TickTock Woods
Need more, though.
I just don't know who I am anymore
It's been a long time, anons
Never really liked rares games, even as a nintendo fanboy in the 90s. Perfect dark and GoldenEye were great but their platformers were meh.
They get props for booting the neo nazi, though
Well damn. Jungle Challenge is a great track.
>How's the gameplay?
Very fluid and funny, I have played like 7 hours and Im not tired about nothing at all, maybe the controls in some minigames are lame, but justo that
Level design and objectives?
Very funny and interesting, got a lot of things to do, also you can upgrade them after you found 5 pages
Depends of how you suck about puzzles and jumping like a mad through a lot of platforms
overall fun factor?
It will probably be good enough. It doesn't look like it has anywhere near the same charm and attention to detail that Banjo had, which is my favorite game. Yooka looks a little boring, but it will probably still be okay if you really like the original.
And fuck 'em for firing JonTron just because of his political opinions that don't have anything to do with the game.
How is the enemy variety?
How does the moveset compare to other 3D platformers?
How many interacttable NPCs are there compared to Banjo-Tooie?
>tfw semana santa
gonna marathon it
>tfw that's the week with more work for me
>backed the game
>got a physical version
>still hasn't arrived yet
when do I panic?
On April 11th
>You gonna get it a day or two late
I haven't gotten my physical shit yet either.
I understand what you're saying, but RE and Rahman are shit examples their latest entries are great.
>Rayman Legends was 50 years ago
>and Ubisoft is experiencing a hostile takeover
goodbye Rayman
I smell a 18 year old or less in this post
Trying to go in with no bias, thoughts? Don't give a shit about eceleb drama, just want more 3d platformer goodness. Would you guys say its closer to kazooie or tooie? I really preffer kazooie, hated how empty tooie felt.
They were great because they went back to what made them great with a new coat of paint. They didn't "innovate" in the slightest.
>hated how empty tooie felt
have I got bad news for you!
it's like tooie 1.5
I think he's talking about their discussion. Derrick, the most lenient of them, was straight up ragging on the game. I've never seen him be legitimately angry at a game aside from Mighty No 9.