Bloodborne Old Hunter's worth $20 bucks?

Bloodborne Old Hunter's worth $20 bucks?

Will it be on a lower price soon or should i buy it now?

It's worth every penny desu senpai.

Also, DLCs don't usually go one sale for some reason, like ever.

Make up your own fucking mind.

Damn son, it's like a year old game at this point. Get it if it's interesting to you, skip it if not.

Kids these days

it's worth 50 bucks desu

Just asking if it's worth, if not i would save those sheckels to buy something later user.

Thanks desu!

It was on sale for like half it's price a few days back, user.

>year old game
BB came out literally two years ago.

Kind of steep desu.

It's the best part of the game

I bought it for 7 dollars it does go on sale, but it is worth the 20 as well

I got it for 10 euros because of the Playstation plus.

But it's worth 20 bucks, go for it. Probably one of the best dlc out there.

yeh it's like 1/3 of the main games length I'd say.
>tfw when you think the DLC is over
>OH, here is another huge area with 2 more bosses in it

Definitely worth it.
Bloodborne thread? I have a complaint.
>How to make a decent arcane build
>Step 1: beat the game
>have fun doing no damage at 50 Arcane and treating every enemy as a boss fight
God damn I wish this was on pc so I can unlock shit from the start

It's worth it. It turns Bloodborne from shit to good.


TOH usually never goes on sale. I think this past christmas it was $10, and that was the first time it was ever under $20 since it came out. They have you by the balls for that $20 if you already decided to get BB alone and didn't buy the digital deluxe edition (or International physical-copy deluxe edition) with TOH included. The game feels so incomplete without TOH

The options are either hard as fuck, have too much grinding, or happen way too late to care. Arcane is a huge waste of time.

I got the entire goty edition for 20 bucks.

20 bux for just the dlc seems like a ripoff.

>tfw you'll never see the fishing hamlet for the first time again

that's why you should go STR/ARC
you just level your STR up (alternating with VIT and - with increasing frequency - ARC) up to 25. At that much STR, just using physical weapons should be enough to let you get a powerful fire spear. You have to farm some fire gems again in Lower Pthumeru, and again probably in a depth 4 or 5 dungeon. Once you get past the second boss in ithyll and the final bosses in Lower Loran and Great Isz chalices, you can create a depth 4 cursed-and-defiled dungeon with all the rites, and from then on the game gives you permission to join other people's randomly generated "FRC" depth 5 dungeons, where all the best gems are.

You want to get cold abyssal gems from killing the Pthumerian Elder boss in cursed / FRC dungeons. Two of them plus a +27% elemental gem from the Merciless Watchers boss in an Isz dungeon is the ideal gem loadout for a converted weapon.

Then you still have that extra STR, which means you can get devatating split damage weps if you get the ATK UP gems from FRC Loran and Isz Amygdala bosses, and from the Pthumeru Ithyll gargoyle enemies. Wheel, moonlight sword, tonitrus and boom hammer all benefit a lot from the 25 STR and even more from the 50 ARC

Not worth the time to download it.