>Microsoft is promising will be the most powerful console ever made. >The key takeaways are that the Scorpio is indeed capable of native 4K on modern games and that it's handily more powerful than the PS4 Pro. >Digital Foundry had Microsoft show off a demonstration of the Forza engine running a challenging scenario and found that the Scorpio was more than up to the task of delivering at 4K and 60 frames per second.
Where were you when Xbox got serious? Are the console wars over? Did Xbox just save gaming?
>still no shipped specs posted This is going to be another Switch.
Ryder Wright
>make consoles >release new versions every 3-4 years but call them the same as the previous one so the dumb fucks don't realize the con job Spending 400+ dollars every few years with complete backwards compatibility? How does this differ from PC gaming?
Andrew Phillips
How does that sting feel?
Camden Cruz
Jose Kelly
>release powerful new console >call it the same generation so you don't lose your already dwindling install base >consequently, console's power can't be used for anything but additional visual fluff, as gameplay parity with the original machine is required >video games stagnate even more and for even longer than in a traditional generational cycle
thanks, consoles
Dominic Ward
The specs are nice but unless MS gets their shit together and gets some games out for it, it ain't going to help much.
Owen Harris
4K60FPS and no games... damn >cracks open a redbull and goes back to playing bloodborne
Liam Richardson
>Release an underpowered device every few years, hype it up before hand as "The most powerful console ever" while technically true it's going to run like shit and we're going to stretch the truth on performance as far as we can. >Rince and repeat