Is it wrong to listen exclusively to vidoegame music since all modern music sucks?

Is it wrong to listen exclusively to vidoegame music since all modern music sucks?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Yes it is wrong
2. Not all modern music sucks
3. Why would you be forced to listen only to modern music

underage pls go

A lot of videogame music is modern though, so I don't see your point OP.

Start with some power metal or some shit there is guides on Sup Forums but some Sup Forums stuffs are indeed shit


Can you post what kind of OSTs do you listen to?

*pops open top 20 in google*
*plays top grossing kanye west song*
*squeaks my new sneakers*
*super man that hoooe*
*forgets who solja boy is in a year*
*bow down to taylor swift*
*claps hands*
*forgets who kanye west is*
*ironically listens to jazz music*

back in my day we had real classics like led zeppelin and kiss. kids these days with your biebers and rap and shit wouldn't know real music

The only "normal" music I listen to nowadays comes from things like Pandora and curated Spotify stuff and it suits me fine. I can't be bothered to "get into" bands/albums anymore, although I spent hours doing just that as an eternally-suffering teenager

Wannna 100% normie music for all tastes? download gta 5 radios


this is you

i don't understand this meme, beer tastes great unless its the absolute cheapest shit and even that is only aftertaste

I'm like you, OP. But I also listen to jazz and some old music like Queen, Simple Minds, Red Hot chilli Peppers, David Bowie, and so on.

Most people will shit at you for disliking modern music but fuck me what can I do if I really dislike it? I very rarely tolerate one or two modern songs but I still hate most of them. If I could choose I would choose to love all music but I have no control over that. I think such is the curse of having taste.

Yes it is if you consider all modern music sucks.
You need to broaden your horizons and not listen to what shit is on the radio, simple.

>Is it wrong to listen exclusively to vidoegame music?
>all modern music sucks

>drinking beer for the taste

what if i don't like drinking beer but prefer drinking other kinds of alcohol

>drinking for the sake of drinking

unless you're at a bar or party you should probably get a fucking hobby you loser

The comic is universally shat here on because of that. OP is being a whiny faggot saying that everything X is bad because he does not like it, just like in the comic

Excuse me but Corona Beer is supeior to any other chump change drink that exist

>exclusively listen to vidya/anime OSTs
>too lazy to look for modern music beyond radio trash

>is it wrong

Not really, depends on the music. It's not uncommon that much effort is put into a game's soundtrack. Often a live orchestra is recorded, real music, traditional chanting and singing. I love most of it.

I listen to some vidya soundtracks (meaning non-licenced music so vice city etc are out), 80s pop (including songs from vc and vcs) and vaporwave
not sure what that makes me but whatever

What prevents you from listening to older music, user?

I think video game music excels so much because its only goal is expressing a mood. It's not gonna be some eccentric indie music to go with some grainy video of a girl walking through some woods, that make you think at all of a girl walking through some woods. You get some cozy village music that makes you feel like you're in a cozy village, you get some very ambient, windy and crystally music for an icy area.

Vidya music tries to take you to places, and no one else does that.

How about...


although this is from the anime of the game

This. Too lazy to sort through all the shit. I'd rather just save stuff that I hear by chance, which means stuff from vidya, or anime, though there's bits from other stuff too like certain movies, and recommendations from various anons I've encountered over the years.

well at least i worked for it

>is it wrong to be a closed-minded fuck who won't even try new things
Try looking for shit that doesn't play in your local radio

its measured by its bitterness. Yes everyone is pretending. The wine tasters, the cheese connoisseurs, the beer hipsters, it's all bad and they're all pretending as a status thing.

I think this also plays into my preference for music. I don't really have a like for vocals most of the time. I mean if done right they can sound good, but in the end all I want is the sound. I don't take music by itself, which means I don't care for the lyrics. Often times the reason I listen to music is to achieve a certain mood while I'm doing something else, even if it's just relaxing in bed.

No, because making a stateman only implies you're completely ignorant of modern music. Much like your videogames you probably dont seek anything beyond the equivalent of AAA games. Then you complain that everything you listen to sucks.

i think wine tastes bad but i like bitter drinks. do you really think its impossible to enjoy bitter food or are you just joking?

vocals can work, but vocals are rarely put in for the musical value. It's lyrics and the singer's looks.

You're just describing ambient music. Ambient style music is mostly used for video games because it's not distracting and is supposed to be played in the background.

i bet you gamers only listen to metal

you cucks just plain have shit taste

I'm a degenerate so I'm really loving modern music, (tr)rap in particular.

how do you define bitter besides bad tasting. Or, what does taste bad for you.
boss music and action music.
ambient as in setting a mood. as in expressing a mood.

So since this thread is going no where, I'll use this opportunity to discuss kanye with Sup Forums

Just picked this up 180 gram vinyl

I only listen to black metal during winter.

>no one else does that

Listen to more music jesus christ

>vidya music is shi-

>tfw I only listen to idols and k-pop

>not blasting paysage d'hiver at noon in the summer during a heatwave

>and no one else does that
Dude come on now

we need examples

>listening to music
never got this meme

I just can't get into it during summer. I started listening to black metal 2 years ago and over those 2 winters I almost exclusively listened to black metal but my interest in it drops off completely as soon as the weather starts getting bright and warm.

Check out pic related
Ambient Dub techno is best techno

So are we just posting tracks now?

here's the thing though

modern music does suck, but so does modern video game music

witcher 3 is the only game music that gave me feels and stayed in my head with all the other good stuff

>all beer is bitter
wew lad
Confirmed underaged

I hope you listen to sportlov

>all beers are IPAs
Nigga it isn't the late 00's when the market was flooded with IPAs

I'm into old J-pop now. Stuff like Kikuchi Momoko. You know, the tracks they speed up/slow down, post on youtube and call vaporwave/future funk/whatever.

Before that I was into old disco music, and new wave. I basically listen according to whatever I'm feeling at that moment. If I wanna feel pumped up I get some power metal or something for example.

Top/favorite bands:

Fleetwood Mac
New Order

This year has a pretty good OST with Nier, Yakuza 0 and Persona 5

beer does suck

it's called stockholm syndrome

why is it pic related
which song
I said its measured by its bitterness. IBU's, beer ratings, bitterness is definitely tied to beer as a whole, especially "high end" stuff.

gravity rush 2 as well

Now that's what I call a shitpost

>which song

the whole album, listen to it all

>which song
Listen to the whole album. If you really want something that will take you somewhere then you'll enjoy Echospace.

Do you remember how when you were a toddler and you hated bitter greens?
It is just like that
Don't worry, by the time you start growing body hair you will probably enjoy the taste.
It is literally just a metric. It is tied into the hops content. There are also various other metrics, like sweetness and color for example.
They assign these metrics to quantify various aspects of the beer. Not to that 'x beer is more bitter than y therefore x beer is better than y beer '

and BotW

It's fine if you listen to vidya soundtracks only but don't pretend your opinion on music isn't shit

>all modern music sucks
The only people who say this are the dumb niggers who think this hasn't always been the case. Actually good music hardly ever even touches the top 20s.

what's the best vidya soundtrack and why is it AoE 1&2

Just look into the whole genre of ambient of you want music that makes you feel like you're somewhere else

You don't need visual stimulation to do that you know

>no one else does that
The Romantic period of music might disagree

take the time to make your own custom jojo's playlist. include any and every reference from places to minor characters

i did up to part 6 and thoroughly enjoy it

it took 8 minutes for it to even be music, no thanks.
where is it supposed to take me?
I've had a lot of trouble even trying to find a beer without hops. And certainly none my beer drinking friends recommend.
I dont, that's why I'm wondering why Sup Forums is always posted as an image. I just need a good example of non-vidya music that's supposed to take me somewhere.

i don't enjoy the taste of greens and i'm old

beer is what cool people drink to cut loose and failures drink to numb the pain

you're just a beer hipster with your fragrances and subtle notes, move to wine you'll fit in better

t. Indie loving nu-male

you are beyond saving, literal man-child

you are obsessed with visuals to believe that music "takes you somewhere"

>popular music sucks
Fixed, good modern music exists, if you only find nigger rap or disney teen star pop you're just searching on the wrong holes.
On topic, video game music is great, but i can't imagine listening only to it.

>where is it supposed to take me
Walking around Japan. Has ambient sounds of Tokyo(i think that's where they got the field recordings of the city) with mellow techno playing.

Yes. Do you listen to the Hotline Miami OST? That's modern music. Do you listen to the new Zelda soundtrack? Modern piano.

Modern music is all terri-

>beer sucks
>this entire $600 billion global market of beer sucks
You must be enlightened

anyone have a mega of nier ost?

>when you're such an alcoholic that poisonous fermented piss-tasting water is actually pleasant to your palate

you like bitter flavor so much then find so bitter ass music

music can't take you anywhere if you don't want to go in the first place, stick in the mud

Give us 10 examples of good modern music.

>The only people who say this are the dumb niggers who think this hasn't always been the case.
I like pop music from the 1920s through to the 1970s. Even some 80s and 90s pop is good. Modern music is feminist and/or nigger garbage made for teenage girls.

video game songs are modern music


This poster cannot get any more blatantly underage outside of literally saying literally saying
>"hey guys, I'm underage!"

>modern music sucks

Sup Forums is the worst board

You could not be more wrong.

Since this is basically a general music thread, is there any genre for the type of music stuff like old Sega CD games or something like Kirby & The Rainbow Curse's music?

The music's got kind of a synth-ish or electric feel to it.

This is some cool album artwork. I hope the music doesn't disappoint.

t. Nu-male

After what year?

I feel embarrassed for you if you listen to videogame music outside of videogames


is this the user that told me that album would take me somewhere?
must be way later in. Was static gibberish at the start.
that's why it wont go away, its too popular and people care about whats popular.
so it cant take me anywhere ever, or just because I dont want it to, which is it?

video game music IS modern music numbnuts