In your opinion, what games made the biggest leaps in quality after post-release patches and updates?
In your opinion, what games made the biggest leaps in quality after post-release patches and updates?
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Matthew Jenkins
Diablo 3
Dark Souls 2
David Lewis
FF 14
Jacob Johnson
Rushed out AAA trash.
Camden Scott
What's he doing?
Alexander Lee
getting fit the easy way
just try it!!
Brayden Baker
it's a meme weight loss tip where you wrap your fat/stomach in plastic wrap to forcefully tighten it up and thus workout/burn fat, doesn't work
Lucas Ramirez
read the filename retard. this fat fuck wrapped his torso and molded himself a six pack.
Camden Campbell
I also enjoy taking that heavy-leanback pose to look at my abs in soft lighting
this is how people become narcissists
Eli Ortiz
I don't know about burning fat but that would actually help people with lazy guts pack their organs where they belong instead of letting them hang around.