Perhaps we now understand that not everything has to have an answer

>Perhaps we now understand that not everything has to have an answer.

This ending advances video games as a medium.

No, it doesn't, autist.

So. Game was $43 on GMG, but I missed the dank deal, now it's like $49.50.

But now that I've seen it for less, I don't want to pay $49 for it.

All I know is that I have to kill them all.

2B9S advances video games as a medium

We have to kill them all, user.

No it doesn't, It's a japanese game so NOBODY CARES AND IT DOESN'T MATTER

What is it like to be so easily impressed by anything that seems out of the norm?

Every last fucking one of those trash cans is going into the scrapheap.

It´s worth twice as much