Who /Yennifer/ here?
Who /Yennifer/ here?
Anyone who says otherwise is either a fag, gay or a homosexual.
i can respect shanifags, but trissfags need to GET OUT
Trump voters not welcome here.
Shit I still haven't finished that fucking game.
>Geralt in plate armor
Yen is best girl but you're still a retard.
I want to be with her, but.. that feeling when you crush every fiber of her soul by saying "magics gone"
Dis pear.. so delicious.
>cucks geralt
>a fucking hunchback
HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAAH. Take a look at the real patrician choice.
>literal healsut
>will go to frontlines to inhale smelly soldier cock all day
I've been reading The Last Wish. It's pretty mediocre. I'm reading in chronological order in preparation for a W1-3 playthrough. When does it get better?
When you realize the games are better written than the source material
How does a group of slavs make a better game than any American/Canadian/Japanese AAA studio?
>not picking Boris
Be honest. Did you even read the books?
I've read Sword of Destiny. I wasn't encouraged to read the rest.
What discouraged me the most was learning that Sapkowski is a pompous fuck.
Oh. So far a lot of the stuff from the games (that I remember, havent played in a couple years) are references to stuff in The Last Wish but overall it reads like fairy tales subverted by an edgy 14 year old.
I like the main series better and think some of the short stories weren't very well done but some of them are good, you didn't like The Lesser Evil?
I'm this user . I don't see how that would be shocking because geralt is a borderline gary stu self insert. I'm half way through the book and each story is about how everyone is wrong and Geralt is right and hes persecuted for being a good person while no one else cares about doing good.
>you didn't like The Lesser Evil?
I'm enjoying the book. I just find it mediocre relative to the other genre fiction I've read recently (Name of the Wind for example). The Lesser Evil is decent and probably the best written so far but my favorite story is the one with the Striga. I mainly don't like how they are structured like fairy tales more than stories.
I went with Yen, it just seemed like the right choice. Not asking Triss to stay in Novigrad did hurt though.
my yennigga
She looks like this black girl I used to have an huge crush on, minus the straight black hair.
Better yet, who /Ciri/ here?
The Daughteru is not for sexual.
Well, I stumbled upon an interview with him years ago were he denied the games had any influence in making his books successful, stated that the only true story was the one he told, and that he was actually "damaged" by the games, because some publishers in other countries marketed his books using the game art on the cover. Pretentious prick.
I like her, I really do. But as a friend. Nothing more
Why is she a total bitch?
She was an ugly child with a humpback.
if she's shapely she's shapley
But I'm not her father
The fuck is that glorious mane? DLC or mod? Is that the default beard?
>the games had any influence in making his books successful,
Wouldn't that be true given a specific context? Weren't the Witcher (or Hexen depending on what form of media you are talking about) very popular in Poland, but the games (specifically 2 and 3) are what got the books popular in the rest of the world? Also I think he is salty as fuck because he sold the rights to the game for a lump sum and hasn't seen a single zloty from the games.
*Teleports behinds you*
"Stand back"
pic related is best
>and that he was actually "damaged" by the games
He's "damaged" because he turned down a profit sharing deal with CDProjekt in favor of a one time upfront payment because he thought the game's wouldn't be successful.
>This is a guy with a background in business and economics.
What a retard.
He needed his vodka money for that week. Leave the guy alone.
Wrong. Vastly outclassed by the succubus flashing you her pussy before the fight with Imlerith.
yiff in hell furfaggot
>not being a sucker for women with horns.
What the hell is going on with the sudden flux of witcher threads? GO BACK TO YOUR CONTAINMENT BOARD at /vg/!!!!
Best waifu coming through you whore sons.
Those tiddies remind me I need to figure out how to get the threesome scene.
Only for Geralt.
Sorry. but If we are talking about secondary characters Her Enlightened Highness Duchess Anna Henrietta is above all else.
witcher 3 is the last great game to come out
people are going to be talking about it for years to come until that next rare great game comes
that might be another 10 years
Do you think Geralt enhances himself to fucc gud?
she is good but not that good
TW3 was the only true 10/10 modern RPG to come out.
>and here we see Duchess Anna "my sister who i barely know and never did anything for would never kill me" Henrietta moments before her sister kills her, how tragic
worst character
i didn't know i wanted this
Only insecure virgins that can't handle banter and need a submissive waifu don't like Yennefer.
Anybody else bothered how the game heavily leans you towards Yennefer?
You proved yourself wrong.
It has too or it's even less canon than it already is.
The sexy accent alone makes up for any other minor flaw anyone might find in her.
>Implying that anyone in his right mind would pick the shitty tragic ending over the best ending full of sisterly feels.
this tbqh
How does CDPR expect to choose a waifu when they never reveal their feet?
She's the spitting image of moot, and was a real cunt in w1. No thanks.
That isn't even banter. It's just regular married couple bickering. Further proof that Yen and Geralt are meant to end together, djinn spell or not.
Think again
Well there are the Playboy shoots. Feet aren't the focus but that's the closest you're likely to get.
The actual patrician choice even shanifags won't admit
djinn spell didn't bind their love though.
IRL Triss
IRL yennefer
Yennefer is basically Geralts mom lmao
The others arent much better though
nah, I disregarded Triss and Yen, and fucked all the other women.
>Yennefer is basically Geralts mom lmao
Well some wise guy once said that we all want to fuck our mother.
> royal blood line destined to bear magic super human babies.
> actual qt and not a hag with magic hallucinations
the ONLY choice is Ciri
What can I say? Triss is more fun.
The brown succubus in Novigrad you can't fuck. Forever will be cannot have. Eskel probably got some from her too. Fucker.
I certainly don't want to.
She needs to smile more.
She is bland as fuck and lacks any type of personality. Both in the books, where she acts like a spineless cunt until the very last moment, and in the game, where they wrote her character as generic lovey dovey fantasy romance no. 42623.
Who didn't more like it!
This, Geralt is above fucking human women and sorceresses. Satyr girls and forest spirits are the only thing that get him off these days
>spends half her screentime shitting on Geralt
>makes this face when you dump her
Best moment of the whole game
Are you sure you're not talking about Yen? Shes a cunt to you the entire game and expects you to bend over and be her errand boy.
Fuck you, I'm Geralt of mother fucking Rivia. I can get any pussy I want, any day I want, so why settle for someone who's not fun to be around?
someone has the picture of her winking? I think it was a gif even.
Why can't Triss and Yenn both just get up on it?
Yes, thanks user.
>left eye slightly winks too
love the details
my kurwas
Too bad you'll die horrifically before you actually stick it in her because the universe loves to cock block her.
Stand back, shitters, true patrician choice coming through