What happened to Cuphead?

What happened to Cuphead?

too late, nobody cares

Too many people cried about it being just a boss rush, so they started making platforming levels

all the people who were old enough to remember the aesthetic died

It is still in development. Launch this year.

It was delayed because initially it was going to be a boss rush. Now they are making a full platform game with stages and everything.


So its just going to be another half assed platformed that you have to slog through to get to the bosses?

Pretty much
The same happened to limbo, took too long and past max hype

They forgot they had to make a game.

It will be another Scalebound because Xcucks don't play video games

Fuck you scorpio will rocket us back to the top and you'll eat your hat

Developer incompetence + Microshill holding a gun to their head since it's the only ray of beauty in their empty lineup.

This was a fucking retarded decision

The game would've been great as a boss rush. I've seen gameplay of the platforming and it looks half assed and the devs themselves said they have no idea what the fuck they're doing with a platformer, which is why it's taking so long.

and thing is, the game won't sell as well as it would have if it were released a year or so after the original announcement trailer. The hype is gone, cuphead is going into literal who tier now.

Yeah, the sad part is you saw those complaints here on Sup Forums too. Lots of

>2 hour game


Which is kinda sad, since most of my favorite games are really only a couple of hours long.

>the devs themselves said they have no idea what the fuck they're doing with a platformer



Sony faggots will be purged from existence upon the release of the scorpio

>cuphead will be at its 3rd E3 in a row since 2014

Has any game been at E3 this many times? I'm still hopeful about the game but the shift into a full on platformer and what seems like development hell aren't good signs.


The Last Guardian, maybe?

What was wrong with it being a boss rush god dammit, it's not like there's too much of them on the market for fuck sake

Man that ain't a good gameplay webm. Pretty artstyle but fuck that looked boring.

It's an xbone exclusive delayed because people bitched about it "just" being boss rush

It's simple, listen,

Originally it was meant to be a boss-rush mode only,
But then Microsoft said to the team
>Nigga that's lame
And they had to add normal levels and shit with enemies, gameplay etc.

And it got delayed

They keep on saying that they have only shown the game on the normal difficulty, but even then I'm worried about how almost all social media presence by them, is having to reassure people that there will be an easy mode because people keep asking.

That's the whole game though!

>It's an xbone exclusive
PC, son.

Nothing, just the people following this game went full retard, meanwhile another game Furi which is all boss rush is fucking fantastic.

That is pretty lame though, I wouldn't pay more than 5 bux for that. It's not exactly monster hunter

traditional 2d animation takes forever

It isn't traditional, that would imply each cell is 1 frame taken over long process animation. It just has loads of chromatic aberration to give off nostalgia filters

yeah, like 5 years for a small game!
That's why before 3D there were like seven games to play


>ITT some people are complaining that a game is getting actual levels instead of just offering what most other games consider a throwaway mode

Wow, this is kind of a new low for Sup Forums.

People tend to equate traditional with frame-by-frame (ie. not tweened or otherwise automated). Just words changing meaning because cell animation and other such things are a thing long gone.

I bet you haven't even played Alien Soldier. Even something like Gunstar Heroes is more about the bosses where the little segments between them are just a breather.

i read somewhere that the devs stated the focus is gonna be 70% bosses 30% regular levels.

That's what it says on their website.

The run and gunning looks bad, it just comes off as stiff.

That's what you said about the Bone S last year

Every single clip I've seen looks basic as fuck from a gameplay perspective. But people will pretend it's fun because the art style is cool.

I hope they prove me wrong.